If you intend to do a lot of heavy towing with your Cali,(in particular vehicles on trailers etc) I would recommend you fit a rear suspension upgrade kit to your vehicle.
The Busfest T5 California 4Motion has just had its suspension upgraded by fitting Pedders Springs & Dampers to its rear end.
The 4motion T5 (especially the California) has always had a saggy arse end mainly due to the extra weight of the 4motion system and all the other stuff which has been/is put into the vehicle, I believe It should have been given upgraded springs/suspension from the very beginning as part of its Cali build up in the factory.
Even unloaded the 4motion Cali's were near their unladen weight limit (that is why they cannot have the 5th seat option (unless you pull a few strings

) & why there are no spare wheels when you have the nice big alloys - like on this one - it would never fit underneath without having to jack up the back of the van!).
Loaded up it sits even lower & towing it just does not look (or feel!) right. We do a lot of towing with this van & there was not a lot of clearance & it was also a bit "lively" when using a vehicle trailer & transporting one of our "real" Syncro's :smile
SO, it was time for a suspension upgrade. We have already had a PEDDERS kit fitted to our T5 Promo van & that gave instant improvement so it was time to give the Cali the same treatment & the end result is very pleasing. The ride is vastly improved when heavily loaded or towing. In fact while it was up on the lift having the conversion done (which takes just over 1 hour to do) there was evidence that the suspension has been right on its limit and hitting its bump stops. Now the Suspension sits nicely in mid range & the ride height + rear is now 4.5cm higher
BUT, I might just now have to use leveling chocs now to get my bed & kettle level! - now I wonder if that was the reason the Cali boffins + VW decided to leave the suspension alone in the first place
The Cali has just completed a 2500 mile road trip around Europe to the BERLIN BUS VW FESTIVAL & back all in 8 days!. The trip was absolutely brilliant with the new springs (The Cali has done the trip twice previously).
The van is now a joy to drive in all conditions. It does not roll or feel spongy & rear passenger comfort has not been comprimised. AND amazingly I can say that since fitting the kit there is one less dead bunny on the road. Went right over one stood up in middle of road, that extra 4.5cm lift at the back meant that his head stayed on. (not sure if it made it past the car behind though!

Anybody interested can get more info here;
info@pedders.co.uk http://www.pedders.co.uk
or (as it happens) there is going to be a complete report on the Pedders Suspension upgrade to the Cali in the next (September?) issue of VW Bus T4 T5