Travelling to Europe for Christmas

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To be clear. I was the one who mentioned the AHC. I did not mention politics. Just that it took longer that I had hoped.
Now can we all please get back to the topic on the thread?
Thank you.
Edit @Amarillo and others. This was not a dig at @WelshGas but a general request to revert to original topic from @Newchester2022
Post 13.

I had made no comment prior to this inaccurate post. You can make as many digs as you like, inaccurate posts should be called out.
Post 13.

I had made no comment prior to this inaccurate post. You can make as many digs as you like, inaccurate posts should be called out.
I made no digs at all??? Just comments about dogs and AHC.
Oh great yet another useful informative thread turned into a bunfight over brexit.

Is there any chance of any thread on this board staying remotely on topic ie about vw californias & camping?
Oh great yet another useful informative thread turned into a bunfight over brexit.

Is there any chance of any thread on this board staying remotely on topic ie about vw californias & camping?
Well said. I’ve already apologised to the OP twice and asked @calikev and @Martin to help.
It is so sad and a disgrace that new members are faced with bickering that is off piste from the usual parties… (just my view).
I can't believe anyone voted for Brexit, and then supported Boris turning it into a hard Brexit, without realising this was an inevitable consequence.
I couldn’t give a stuff about what you believe, this forum is all about VW Californias and camping. Please take your discussions about politics elsewhere.
Well said. I’ve already apologised to the OP twice and asked @calikev and @Martin to help.
It is so sad and a disgrace that new members are faced with bickering that is off piste from the usual parties… (just my view).
If you wish me to stop calling out the lies, distortions and inaccurate information posted by those who will not accept a Democratic Referendum Decision, just because it didn’t go their way. Then fine, I’ll stop posting, on everything. Enjoy.
I couldn’t give a stuff about what you believe, this forum is all about VW Californias and camping. Please take your discussions about politics elsewhere.
I agree about that and you said to stop 2 posts above. So, hopefully we can now all stop and talk about French Aires at Christmas.
Well, heading somewhat back on topic, we’ve done three AHCs. No issue with getting it done. Takes about an hour. Got the last one last Tuesday. Vet looked at the dog’s microchip, looked at his paperwork, and then went in to the back for a while to type it up.There’s no physical examination of the dog at all. He gave me two copies of the AHC and advised that we travel with the rabies certificate. Suggest booking about a month before to make sure you get your slot, as you’ll probably be buying 4 contiguous fifteen minute slots with the practice’s ‘official veterinarian’.

£180. This was a new vet. The old one wanted £280 this time so we told them where to shove it and it’s cost them the vet’s bills of the dog’s lifetime. I believe there are vets at Folkestone and Portsmouth who have organised themselves to do this as a sideline and charge about £90. Couldn’t find anyone like that at Hull. It’s worth researching if you’re going cross Channel.

The AHC is inspected by the ferry/tunnel company at each end. No issues, they’ve seen a few now. Last year they were very unsure of themselves. About 24 hours before you leave, P&O email you a form to fill in and return, with about 10 questions on, all of which can be answered from the AHC and your own pet health record: dates, numbers etc. Neither borders nor customs (we were questioned by customs at Europoort this week, note that for other discussions on food products) were interested in the dog.

On return, between 24 and 120 hours before arrival in the UK, you need to get the dog wormed by a vet. Any vet will do, doesn’t have to be the ‘official’ veterinarian (the AHC does). We’ve done this twice at the same vets in the Netherlands. About €35 IIRC. Much cheaper if coming back by busier routes I think. This vet must add the worming to the AHC in the appropriate place and add their stamp. There’s enough room to add extra wormings if you are going to Norway, Finland and some others that require it like the UK does.

That’s our experience. Fine when you’ve done it, easier the second and third times than the first, as we, the vet and the ferry companies get used to it.

I am not chapter and verse on this bit, but if you have an address you can legitimately state inside the EU, then a pet passport will work both ways and is much cheaper. There is some suggestion that the rabies jab will have to be done inside the EU to make it valid, but I am not sure on that. I am going to explore these questions on our return with the Dutch vet. I think Dutch vets have been warned by the uber-Dutch vet to get a BSN number (like a citizen ID number - you can get one as a forriner at the district town hall) before giving a pet passport, to crack down on shady British pet passport shenanigans, But I forget where I read it, so it could just have been a Brexit fever dream. I’ll report back if I remember, but it’ll be mid-October, so my memory probably won’t let me.

I hope the above is helpful, based on our experience, which is perhaps more than most. However, unlike some on here, I have been wrong now and again, and am happy to stand corrected, but that’s our experience.
Well, heading somewhat back on topic, we’ve done three AHCs. No issue with getting it done. Takes about an hour. Got the last one last Tuesday. Vet looked at the dog’s microchip, looked at his paperwork, and then went in to the back for a while to type it up.There’s no physical examination of the dog at all. He gave me two copies of the AHC and advised that we travel with the rabies certificate. Suggest booking about a month before to make sure you get your slot, as you’ll probably be buying 4 contiguous fifteen minute slots with the practice’s ‘official veterinarian’.

£180. This was a new vet. The old one wanted £280 this time so we told them where to shove it and it’s cost them the vet’s bills of the dog’s lifetime. I believe there are vets at Folkestone and Portsmouth who have organised themselves to do this as a sideline and charge about £90. Couldn’t find anyone like that at Hull. It’s worth researching if you’re going cross Channel.

The AHC is inspected by the ferry/tunnel company at each end. No issues, they’ve seen a few now. Last year they were very unsure of themselves. About 24 hours before you leave, P&O email you a form to fill in and return, with about 10 questions on, all of which can be answered from the AHC and your own pet health record: dates, numbers etc. Neither borders nor customs (we were questioned by customs at Europoort this week, note that for other discussions on food products) were interested in the dog.

On return, between 24 and 120 hours before arrival in the UK, you need to get the dog wormed by a vet. Any vet will do, doesn’t have to be the ‘official’ veterinarian (the AHC does). We’ve done this twice at the same vets in the Netherlands. About €35 IIRC. Much cheaper if coming back by busier routes I think. This vet must add the worming to the AHC in the appropriate place and add their stamp. There’s enough room to add extra wormings if you are going to Norway, Finland and some others that require it like the UK does.

That’s our experience. Fine when you’ve done it, easier the second and third times than the first, as we, the vet and the ferry companies get used to it.

I am not chapter and verse on this bit, but if you have an address you can legitimately state inside the EU, then a pet passport will work both ways and is much cheaper. There is some suggestion that the rabies jab will have to be done inside the EU to make it valid, but I am not sure on that. I am going to explore these questions on our return with the Dutch vet. I think Dutch vets have been warned by the uber-Dutch vet to get a BSN number (like a citizen ID number - you can get one as a forriner at the district town hall) before giving a pet passport, to crack down on shady British pet passport shenanigans, But I forget where I read it, so it could just have been a Brexit fever dream. I’ll report back if I remember, but it’ll be mid-October, so my memory probably won’t let me.

I hope the above is helpful, based on our experience, which is perhaps more than most. However, unlike some on here, I have been wrong now and again, and am happy to stand corrected, but that’s our experience.
It’s a UBN number (Unique Bedrijfs Nummer). I posted about it on another thread. Required in NL before the vet can issue a pet passport. Not related to Brexit as also required for dutch owned dogs. The law was introduced December 2021.
Post 13.

I had made no comment prior to this inaccurate post. You can make as many digs as you like, inaccurate posts should be called out.
Post 13 was mine ... I'm sorry it upset you so much .. but there was a referendum, Brexit has happened and that's fine with me. I had to get dual nationality German/British to continue to live my life and it's going just fine thanks - it wasn't even that difficult.

I'm also sorry you think that my post was inaccurate - unfortunately it isn't. There are 2 sets of rules when it comes to entering and staying in EU countries. One set for members, and another set for non-members - very simple really. The UK voted to become a non-member, and now the UK gets non-member rules - just like the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia etc. It's not that hard, and it's not EU petty revenge for Brexit. There was never going to be a set of rules for EU members, a set of rules for non-EU members and another set of rules for the UK - it was simply not pragmatic or possible in the timescales - I'm really sorry you believed the UK politicians who told you otherwise, and you seem really upset for someone on the winning side of Brexit.

But on topic, if you want to bring a pet into the EU from the UK then the rules are here ...

Halfway down the page you can select the country you are coming from and the rules will be displayed. For the UK they are ...

Rabies vaccination​

Before your pet can travel, an authorised vet must vaccinate it against rabies. For the vaccination to be valid, your pet must be at least 12 weeks old and must have been microchipped before the vaccination is given. Your pet can travel, at the earliest, 21 days after the completion of the vaccination protocol. You should make sure that any further vaccinations are given before the validity period of the previous one has expired.

Rabies vaccination – exceptions for young dogs, cats, ferrets​

You can travel with your young pet (dog, cat, or ferret) to Austria, Czechia, Denmark, Switzerland if it less than 12 weeks old and has not been vaccinated against rabies, or if it is between 12 and 16 weeks old has been vaccinated but is not yet immune to rabies.
To be allowed to travel in these cases:
  • you must either have a declaration attached to your EU animal health certificate or passport (if travelling from Andorra, Switzerland, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Greenland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Vatican City State only) stating that it has had no contact from birth up until the time of travel with any wild animal species prone to rabies,
  • your pet must be accompanied by its mother from whose EU health certificate or passport (if travelling from Andorra, Switzerland, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Greenland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Vatican City State only) it is clear that she has had an anti-rabies vaccination before giving birth.


Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Norway, or Northern Ireland do not allow you to enter their territory with a young pet, which has not been vaccinated against rabies or has been vaccinated but is not yet fully immune.

Special rules for treating the tapeworm Echinococcus - dogs only​

If you are travelling with your dog to Finland, Ireland, Malta, Norway or Northern Ireland, you must have it treated against the tapeworm Echinococcus between 24 and 120 hours before travel. All details of the treatment must be entered in your pets passport or EU health certificate.


The anti-Echinococcus treatment is not required for dogs travelling directly between Finland, Ireland, Malta, Norway and Northern Ireland.

Entering the EU or Northern Ireland with your pet​

You can only enter the EU with your pet through a travellers point of entry in the EU country of destination, your pets documents and identity will be checked by the competent authorities. If your pet fails these compliance checks, it may be returned to the country of departure, be placed in quarantine until such time as it is complies with EU health rules or if neither of these options are possible, the animal may be euthanised.


If travelling from Northern Ireland to an EU country you are not required to use a travellers point of entry in the EU country of destination.

Travelling with other pets​

European pet passports are issued for dogs, cats and ferrets only. If you are travelling to another EU country with any other pets, such as birds, ornamental aquatic animals, reptiles, rodents or rabbits, check the national rules of the country you are planning to visit for information on the entry conditions.

The EU law relating to bringing pets into the EU from third countries is here and dates from 2013 ...



... it's a long read but has everything in it.
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... as it is not possible to edit posts, the first two lines of my previous post should be ignored. Sorry, I'd remove them if I could. :mute

Update: I became a VIP member to edit my post. The problematic lines are removed. :thumb
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If you want to discuss politics, please do so freely in the thread at the bottom of the forum called “the three cocks”.
Please please please, stop alienating new members with political arguments that do not answer the question being asked.
Thank you.
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