Trying again



Lifetime VIP Member
T6 Coast 150
So we picked up Ruby yesterday - a cherry red Ocean, and I thought I'd better out myself here, having lurked since September when we ordered her.
Thanks for all the regular posters who provide helpful (if sometimes conflicting!) advice, good to hear all sides and then we'll try to make up our minds.
We had an Autosleeper a few years ago, but sold it because we weren't using it for a variety of reasons. Circumstances have now changed, and after chatting to several Cali owners we decided to take the plunge and try again.
So we're off to the seaside next week :)
Need photos of your pride and joy.:thumb
Welcome allong !
Hi There your cali sounds great cherry red is a great colour enjoy your new van
Welcome here!

Is it the same red as so called Salsa Red? Mhm, I need some pictures please
Happy camping! Sounds like you‘re not knew to the outdoor living
Enjoy your California!
Happy camping
Carry a big bottle of water
Turn fridge on night before trip
If your a lump like me buy an air matress for downstairs 1200 wide
Dont forget corkscrew
Try and fine a van buddy to travel with, more fun
If poss take a bluetooth speaker so your not reliant on the van radio which turns itself off every 20 mins
Have all your tea making stuff ready to hand and not at yhe back of the cupboard or drawer

All simple stuff but make a diffrence.
So we picked up Ruby yesterday - a cherry red Ocean, and I thought I'd better out myself here, having lurked since September when we ordered her.
Thanks for all the regular posters who provide helpful (if sometimes conflicting!) advice, good to hear all sides and then we'll try to make up our minds.
We had an Autosleeper a few years ago, but sold it because we weren't using it for a variety of reasons. Circumstances have now changed, and after chatting to several Cali owners we decided to take the plunge and try again.
So we're off to the seaside next week :)
Welcome; great colour but I prefer to keep a lower profile!

You're in for a treat.
Thanks for all the welcomes - still getting to grips with all the bits and bobs - hoping to take it out for a proper day out next week, then there'll be a photo :)
What with one thing and another it took us a bit of time to have our first trip out, but we've managed it at last. We had a day out at the coast, Filey Brigg (anyone stayed at the site?). The trip gave us practice with driving country lanes too. IMG_2791.JPG
Brilliant. Nothing like the first morning waking up in your new Cali. Makes a great day van as well of course. Had our out yesterday for a day trip. Every trip becomes a little adventure.:happy

VW California Club
