Under bench draw


Pablo Navarro

T5 SE 174
The draw under the bench is not opening when I release the handle. Managed to open it by lifting the seat. Noticed the catch nearer to the sliding door is not moving down enough to release. How can you adjust it?
I don't know if you can adjust it but when I lift my catch it's sometimes still locked in place, then you lift a bit harder and it moves up a little bit more, releasing the seat. My wife finds it difficult to move, its funny watching though. We haven't had the Cali very long, so still on a steep learning curve.
The draw under the bench is not opening when I release the handle. Managed to open it by lifting the seat. Noticed the catch nearer to the sliding door is not moving down enough to release. How can you adjust it?
My under seat draw is the same. The catch nearest the door doesn't come down far enough to clear the catch. This happened a while ago and a garage man cured it for a while by taking a wrench to the catch and bending it down. It's as if the rod from the handle end to the door end gradually twists with the pressure of use.
It was always a problem for us until OH attached cord to other end of lever near door. Even force applied to both catches when opening. easy now! Will try to attach pics.

Pic with drawer shut


VW California Club
