Van Names

Aidy P

Aidy P

Don't play that 'What If?' game, you'll never win!
T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
One week to go until our new van is built and it has already been named by my youngest daughter as Nemo (for a blue Ocean it seems rather appropriate). This got me thinking about vans and names. Is anyone against naming vans (& why?) We see it as a bit of fun in our family. My eldest named the T2 after her favourite womble. If you have named your van, what is it and how did you choose its gender? With two girls I insisted ours had to be a boy!
Gino. Gino DaCampavan. Just a bit of fun for a fun vehicle.
I think Nemo is a great name, especially for an Ocean, as you say!

I have Ariadne (as in Oliver) and my SatNav is Snufkin (the nomadic friend of the Moomins). I think all Calis should have a name - most of us grow very attached to them after all.

Maud and Ariadne

Happy New Year!
We were told his registration ended in ZBE so Zebedee was a good choice and engendered a sixties hippy vibe. It turned out not to be the case but the name stuck!

He was a he always....just him and the dog as the honorary males in the household!
ROLEX (based on number plate).
Stanley. As he will go on many big and high adventures like Sean Stanley Leary.
Epona - after the ancient Celtic and Romano-British horse goddess. We have name transfers on each side and the Uffington white horse symbol on each side, front and rear (all from Hippy Motors who do some great stickers!)
It would be great to see some photos of Epona's stickers, GeoffB! :)
It would be great to see some photos of Epona's stickers, GeoffB! :)

We keep stickers off the bodywork, windows and bumpers only. All here apart from front, which has flowers on the bumper and the White Horse on the windscreen.

Bumper sticker on rear says "powered by mead" and the LHS window one says "not all who wander are lost" - not easy to read them here.

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Epona - after the ancient Celtic and Romano-British horse goddess. We have name transfers on each side and the Uffington white horse symbol on each side, front and rear (all from Hippy Motors who do some great stickers!)

I like the name! It reminds me of our English Student's Book with a story about a girl, Merlin, King Arthur and Epona - the horse of the king!

VW California Club
