Vikky - 6 weeks on


Ant Clerici

VIP Member
T5 SE 180
1) Biffa lorry decided to crack the windscreen by dropping debris onto the road :( but fixed ;) awaiting Biffa to reimburse our £excess :rage

2) Not slept "upstairs" yet
  • How waterproof / windproof is the top bed? We've been ultra cautious and kept the roof down when weather forecast said it would be windy.
3) Been waved to - thanks guys

4) Love electric hook up and Remoska meals
5) Love the (beer/wine cooler) fridge
6) Not put up the Brandrup awning yet.....
7) Used it as a "van" full of scrap metal from the garage

Overall 10/10 :thumb:bananadance
Niceone, but for the scrap metal i wold go for an other verhicle ...i have a spare Renault Kangoo to load my dirty stuff in:cool:
Upstairs bed without a topper can be porous if you rub against it, otherwise ok. Can be breezy. I sleep downstairs 95% of the time but then I am mostly solo.

The lid is very robust in winds, I've survived 80 kph plus.

The wine cooler is excellent and capacious enough to be shared with beer.

Excellent choice of name. Albert is impressed :kiss
Good job it was the windscreen and not the bonnet or radiator. As Jen says the roof is very robust, but it can be a bit alarming listening to the wind and feeling the van moving around :D

Cali owner's don't seem to wave in these parts .....
Got my first wave 2 days ago, on my second jaunt out. I wonder do motorcyclists still lift a finger / give a nod?
Got my first wave 2 days ago, on my second jaunt out. I wonder do motorcyclists still lift a finger / give a nod?
Yes they do but I get confused, I wave to Calistoga on my bike and nod to Bikerati in my Cali :D
We have slept upstairs since we got our van in March without a topper as I can't decide which one to buy. A couple of the nights were both windy and wet and very cold!! (Scotland in March)
No dampness at all - I touched the side of the canvas then rubbed it to see what would happen still remained dry inside and bedding was completely dry. Having slept upstairs in these conditions without any problems and feeling very warm I now wonder if a topper is necessary. The only point it was slightly cool was when the wind was coming in the roof vents at first, but heated up upstairs very quickly. I thought vents were going to be a problem but actually keep the air fresh and absolutely no condensation in the morning so doing the job I guess.
I got a hearty wave on my way home the day I took delivery...I felt I'd 'arrived' but not had one since so now play games when on long journeys: if I wave heartily how many can I coax into returning a wave...keeps ME amused anyway as I giggle along the way! Simple things!
1) Biffa lorry decided to crack the windscreen by dropping debris onto the road :( but fixed ;) awaiting Biffa to reimburse our £excess :rage

2) Not slept "upstairs" yet
  • How waterproof / windproof is the top bed? We've been ultra cautious and kept the roof down when weather forecast said it would be windy.
3) Been waved to - thanks guys

4) Love electric hook up and Remoska meals
5) Love the (beer/wine cooler) fridge
6) Not put up the Brandrup awning yet.....
7) Used it as a "van" full of scrap metal from the garage

Overall 10/10 :thumb:bananadance


We were travelling home on the M6 from a funeral when a wagon came on in front of us via the the slip road. I saw a stone fall off the wagon and head towards us. It made an almighty bang so much so my wife nearly jumped out of her skin. Dreaded getting home to check the damage only to find no damage at all to bodywork or windscreen !!!

It was about six weeks later I found a small stone embedded in the radiator. So so lucky no damage to the front grill and no leaks from the radiator. Just the shape of the stone in the radiator fins!


VW California Club
