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VW California Calendar Possibility



Bourton on the Water
T6 Ocean 150
Whilst you are all away on holiday this summer it would be great if you could get some good photo's of your Cali with a nice background or maybe next to a landmark as we are looking at the possibility of producing a calendar later in the year if there is enough interest.

It could look something like this ...



So get snapping ...
Great idea!! I was wandering through the gallery and i noticed that the pics revolve and change every time i looked. Amazing. There are some stunning shots that would make a great calender. The one in the snow with the door open.... great and the one a Spanish beach super. We have some very talented people in the club. Put me down definitely for a calender for starters.
How about a charitable donation for each one sold? Would members, and perhaps non-owners, be more likely to buy if this were the case?
Not a bad idea .. Maybe a club meet chit chat in Norfolk :)
Great idea.

I too love the one of the cali in the snow, night and door open inc lights. Great shot :clap
When I went through our photos I realised how few van-plus-landmark shots I'd collected in two and a half years. I'm sure there are some serious photographers here with great kit, and I don't think any of mine would make a final cut, but feel free to take a look and use any in whole or in part - or just to take a look at where we've been. I have higher resolution versions. The link should work even if you don't have a Facebook account, as the album is flagged as public: ... bfc44228ec

Hey Chris ...they are all fantastic!! any one would be great on the calendar. Thanks for sharing and facebook works well Malc
I took this last night. Playing with a flashgun under the influence of some local Bitter...

Its light from a flashgun Martin, it was a 30 second exposure - I moved to fast to be seen in the resulting image but flashed a few times(!) to light the van up.

Here is this afternoons efforts - again partially influenced by the local bitter (after we cycled the Dalegarth to Ravenglass cycle track - it isn't just all about the beer, honest...) its all a question of perspective. I find this a really useful tool when trying to decide where to park up !! (kidding... but now that I think about it...)

It is all about the 'escape' that the Cali offers



Location Location Location :)
Here is another couple from our last trip


Thanks Graham, we might have to do a 15 month calendar at this rate... keep them coming though.
Hi, Martin.

it's a Canon EOS 7D.

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