Wanted... Encouragement from happy Cali Owners



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Hi all, we've been browsing the forum since spring when we first considered returning to the more adventurous camping lifestyle we experienced with years of holidaying in a tent, before buying a caravan about 5 years ago.
Initially we loved the look of the Cali and it's compact size and it offers lots for the money but admit to being tempted by strong competition. After visiting the NEC last month we put the caravan up for sale but know that it could well be Spring before we find a buyer so will spend many more winter hours browsing on here.
The thing is... we both read the forum as individual members and recognise the fabulous support it gives to those looking for advice but this tends to give the impression that everyone with a Cali has thousands of pounds worth of warranty repairs and it's scary to think of what the costs would be when the warranty expires. :help
Please could those of you, and there must be many, who have had only minor issues or even none help us to get happy ownership to the forefront by telling us your stories of satisfaction.
We know blistering roofs and knocking steering are being dealt with but repeated control panel failures and noisy bench seats needing replaced aren't inspiring, so come on please, convince us a Cali can be all it's meant to be. :D
I totally understand your thoughts I was seriously considering trading mine in for a newer one
last year. I must be a lucky one as I have had none of the problems recently mentioned ie roof corrosion, steering knocks, control panel failure. Cant help thinking better the devil you know
having said that I know something will go wrong now its out of warranty, I will deal with it when it arises . I have no regrets at all and still love driving and using my cali :thumb not to mention the friends I have met on the way. Forums always have more negative posts than positive dont let it put you off
I have just posted two posts about issues with my Cali. I have also had a breakdown which resulted in the bus having to be piggy-backed for repair. However, I LOVE MY BUS !!. There is nothing on the market that comes anywhere close to the design perfection of the California.
it took us nearly a year to decide after looking at numerous alternatives , we hired one for the week and that made up our mind.The build quality and the low depreciation were also really big factors.

only one small warrant issue within the first week a sensor failed which was changed quickly and since then no more issues

also the pillock of a salesamn who handed the vehicle over to us caught the bellows in the roof mechanism but wasnt following simple rules in correct lowering and following these there has been no further problems with the roof

no regrets at all

dave and lisa
Hi, thank you for these encouraging posts. I've read some fabulous stories of eventful trips in older vw campers and understand the affinity owners feel for even ageing, unreliable buses. 'The Long and Whining Road' being a good example of fab experiences outweighing the mechanical problems by miles. And it's good to hear that you can still feel like that when a newer one breaks down too.
There are so many terrific opportunities here on our doorstep, beautiful islands and country scenery just waiting to be explored and the Cali seems such a perfect vehicle to do it in.
We recently viewed the Cali in Edinburgh and were delighted with the service we got from David Miller who I've seen recommended on here. On a second visit he spent time showing us how to safely lower the roof bellows, I think we'd be in safe hands with him and it is reassuring to read of the excellent warranty service which most owners receive when required.
You have found probably the best and busiest Cali forum on the web, and if everyone reports one problem then it looks very bad.

As much as people moan about VW they do appear to get things sorted.

We have had a couple of niggles but nothing major.

My other car is a BMW 520d and if you believed the forums and watchdog you would think the engine only lasted 1000 miles...

We love our van it was very expensive, but we have had some great trips in the 1st year and it holds its value well.

If they were rubbish no one would want one :)

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19 months of ownership (from new), 23k miles, daily driver (my only vehicle) - and still smile every time I get into it. It's very comfortable to drive (350 miles took 7 hours joy to drive on Friday (Leicester > London > Bury) and I was still reasonably fresh at the end of it, despite trying to get out of London at 17:00 on a Friday - no cramping or discomfort).
I'm not (yet) suffering from the 3 main issues that are being reported (bubbling paint, steering knock, broken control panel) - and this forum has made me check for then quite frequently!
I have had the leisure battery charger replaced under warranty, but it's a complicated piece on machinery so although I'd rather not have had the problem, I'm not overly concerned by this particular issue.
As others have said, forums tend to magnify the problems that people have by virtue of everyone who experiencing the issue adding their name to the list, while the silent majority is just that - silent.
Maybe the various polls about the various common issues should contain an 'I'm alright Jack' option, similar to the 'None of the above' debate that is a current hot topic in the news wrt voting ballot papers?
My advice is - go for it! Enjoy it!
When you pull away, if you happen to be on a slope, you'll see a waterfall cascade down the windscreen - so it doesn't surprise me the roof blisters - it's a water trap.

That's a design fault.

I think the nature of forums is that people come onto them with a problem, and people are often not objective, so if 4 people come on and say, my table catch fell off the door, it tends to become a 'problem' - it doesn't matter that the vast majority of owners have no issues, people can believe what they read.

This leads some members to label the vehicles as poor in build quality and a kind of mass panic ensues.

The Cali - both the full fat and the Beach can be fragile vehicles and it seems anything on them that does go wrong can be expensive and it's questionable how much control VW can really build into parts that are by nature fragile.

There are issues and the ongoing threads highlights, just are there are issues with any vehicle - but they don't effect everyone - I've got bubbling paint but the steering doesn't knock.

The other issue is the dealer set up - which for most UK buyers is hit and miss. There is an understandable expectation after spending 50k or thereabouts on a vehicle. There are excellent dealers but there are also awful dealers. Part of the problem is culture and VW's approach to the Cali and if you like the Caravelle - in Germany they are sold as high end 'cars' and they are treated as such. I do think there needs to be a change in culture and more education for a lot of dealers.

That said, SMG are always outstanding and Carrs in Exeter have also impressed me. But perhaps, you're not going get the service you expect.

Every 'car' forum will have moans - if you read them you'd probably never buy a car at all.

I do think it is a bit silly that people read the opinion of a few and treat it as the fact of many.

My Beach is an everyday vehicle and it's fine.

I could if people wanted to come on here every day and say, yep, drove to work today, drove around for work, come home, no problems….

But that would be very boring lol

It's worth remembering that most of the Calis completion do not have a dedicated forum so you will never hear their problems. It's also worth mentioning that mechanically the conversions will have the same issues. At least you can take it back to one place for all issues and not have to deal with 3rd part suppliers. The Cali was made a designed by a global manufacturer and not a man in an industrial unit and if you get one it will be one of thousands not a few hundred at best. This means the failure rate should be less but we cannot compare faults on the Cali to a Bilbo etc.as they are not the same . However bellows nip is a problem on other roofs its just the Cali SE has a double scissor.
Obviously we have all spent lots of money on our vehicles so we are biased and there are some great conversations out there. It comes down to what works for you in the end . With a good haggling head on, initial cost can make some of the completion look expensive.

Enjoy your search as its a really exciting time.
We are just back from our 3rd weekend away on the trot. Nearly 3 years old, a little under 20,000 miles (holiday machine only!) and we think 223 nights away. We've had no trouble. The roof is showing signs of the dreaded rot, but that'll be dealt with. No complaints here! (other than that the weather warnings seem to have been following us around for the last few weeks :crazy )
We have had a couple of things that needed sorting and we are waiting for the roof corrosion to be done.
However the van has been amazing and taken us to some stunning places. The ability to be away when the weather is not great is a huge advantage over canvas. Park up, spin the seats, kettle on.
This view from the van on Mull helps sum things up.

I have had our Cali for 14 months now (it was pre-registered in June 2012 and 99 miles on the clock after my test drive) Had short listed several van and rang up about
them. The van we bought was not our first choice, due to the fact it was automatic and white. However the sales person helpful and not pushy unlike some of the other dealerships I contacted. We had looked at other VW t5 but did not like them, long term I wondered how the cupboards would stand up over the years. Plus like the idea of if any thing needs fixing on the Cali it is all in on place.

I had never driven an automatic before but now love it and am happy with the Candy White.

Our van is our only car so it is our daily drive have now clocked up 16000 miles.

Issues --

We stayed at a Travel Lodge in Monmouth last November pre-booked prior
to buying a camper -- right +~:{ hole car park over run buy rats which resulted in wiring damage - not covered by VW so over ÂŁ200 to replace damaged wires.

Last month air bag warning light came on - 1/2 hour to sort which was a loose wire under drivers seat think I may have pushed too much under the seat.

Roof rot - none seen - our van is parked down a slope so water runs off
Control knob I am sure a replacement knob will be available in the near future

My advise-

Find dealer(s) to service your van you are happy with, travel for that if you need to
read forum for advise
We are careful in the use of the Cali double check putting roof up and down and follow instructions to the letter.

I always use non- supermarket diesel

Enjoy ---- should have done it years ago. :hello
We've had ours nearly two years; it's had a new steering column and the roof done plus an entire new rear diff. It's now sat in the driveway, hardly used. But it's given us the best holidays of our lives, it's depreciating veeeeery slowly (better than leaving cash in the bank unlike most ÂŁ50k cars!) and we love it.

They really are brilliant; get one!!
Dear All,

I am also currently assessing whether to purchase a California and I find the forum invaluable.

If you comprehensively read the various posts I believe it gives a very balanced view to the pros and cons of California ownership.

People shouldn't take criticism of the California personally as some people's experiences will be negative whilst others love the California; the key is reading many of the posts and gaining an informed opinion.

As a prospective buyer I do want to know of any generic problems, I do want to see poor dealerships "named and shamed" as it will influence what dealership I potentially purchase from.

Please continue to be as honest and objective as possible.

The fact that people have highlighted their issues has been a big contributory factor to VW recognising and accepting there are generic issues affecting the California or T5 and addressing them.


Thank you everyone for being honest about your Cali experiences.
I have had a 2009 Cali for 2 years now and done about 15000 miles. No real problems except the roof issue mentioned elsewhere many times and us covered by VW. Some tips, too keep the weight down the internal camper van parts are not as robust as the van itself. You just have to careful.
- don't yank the blinds down.
- if the roller cupboard doors are stuck, check what's in the way
- don't push the small table with the leg down. The leg will drag align the floor causing stress on joint at the table
- when closing roof, take care that bellows are folding inwards especially in high winds. Check roof before driving off
- if you want a giant fry up, then cook it outside.
- use seat covers... Back and front
- use a mattress protector

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This has been a brilliant thread and I thank the OP for raising it.

I have just committed to ÂŁ54k to pick a cali up in January and after two months on this forum I would be forgiven for wondering just what bag of loose spanners it was that I had paid for.

However what comes through is three things.

There is no such thing as a perfect, bomb-proof vehicle. What you get is a complex compromise designed to deliver maximum enjoyment and efficiency at the obvious cost of complexity introduces complications.

Common sense overrides the handbook and the marketing hype at all times.

The Cali is a totally brilliant, well thought out vehicle that delivers in spades providing that you put a little bit in of being careful, considerate and understanding of looking after what can be a vehicle with vulnerable issues.

I for one am looking forward to a brilliantly enjoyable and rewarding investment that might give me a little bit of hassle every now and then.
I have had lots of happy memories with Betty Custard - in years to come we will talk about he adventures we had.

That's priceless really - I've also got to go to Cali meets and see a grown man wear lounge pants.

There experiences are rich and varied.

I did think recently that hills here in devon were a pain in the a**e for poor Betty Custard - 115bhp is plenty but VW seem to have hidden much of it away with crazy long gearing. Frustrating because now she is seriously nippy when up to speed.

This doesn't go well with Devon's hilly nature and I was thinking, I could trade in for a 140 but Betty is so unique and such a part of the family now, we'll put up with it lol.

James said:
I have had lots of happy memories with Betty Custard - in years to come we will talk about he adventures we had.

That's priceless really - I've also got to go to Cali meets and see a grown man wear lounge pants.

There experiences are rich and varied.

I did think recently that hills here in devon were a pain in the a**e for poor Betty Custard - 115bhp is plenty but VW seem to have hidden much of it away with crazy long gearing. Frustrating because now she is seriously nippy when up to speed.

This doesn't go well with Devon's hilly nature and I was thinking, I could trade in for a 140 but Betty is so unique and such a part of the family now, we'll put up with it lol.


I live in the Peak District which is much hillier than Devon and never had a problem even with the old 84psi transporter. You don't need to be going like the clappers around the twisties, 140 is great for motorways but for narrow country lanes it really isnt necessary, unless you fancy hedge bottoms.

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I think that the dealers can make all the difference. I'm in the motor trade myself and have seen all sorts of scenario's-good & bad.
As James mentioned,in other countries the California is held in higher regard than in the UK. With that and the price of the Cali in mind it does not seem quite right that such a vehicle is sold from a "van" centre although the roots of the Cali cannot be denied.
I have mixed feelings on that subject.

I bought a California from a VW dealership,collected it on the 4th of October and returned it on the 9th with some severe roof problems. I did experience initial resistance but dealer considered all the problems and decided to offer me a full refund which I didn't want. We struck a deal on a new one that arrives later this week-so excited!
They have been very good and wanted me to be a satisfied customer (hence the good deal) which I now am. Just a shame about my first brief California experience.
The dealer I use is JCT 600 Van Centre in Sheffield so give them a call.
They do seem care when customers have issues.

rodd said:
James said:
I have had lots of happy memories with Betty Custard - in years to come we will talk about he adventures we had.

That's priceless really - I've also got to go to Cali meets and see a grown man wear lounge pants.

There experiences are rich and varied.

I did think recently that hills here in devon were a pain in the a**e for poor Betty Custard - 115bhp is plenty but VW seem to have hidden much of it away with crazy long gearing. Frustrating because now she is seriously nippy when up to speed.

This doesn't go well with Devon's hilly nature and I was thinking, I could trade in for a 140 but Betty is so unique and such a part of the family now, we'll put up with it lol.


I live in the Peak District which is much hillier than Devon and never had a problem even with the old 84psi transporter. You don't need to be going like the clappers around the twisties, 140 is great for motorways but for narrow country lanes it really isnt necessary, unless you fancy hedge bottoms.

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It's the gearing rather than the power - I drove a 85bhp Transport down from Yorksshire fully laden, back to Essex a few years ago, that's enough power.

The gearing is quite long, what the van would probably benefit from is 6 rather than 5 speeds. The power is there, it sits or can sit at 90 on the motorway, no problem.

I am a slower drive by nature lol - 65 enough for me - taps into the slightly bette mpg as well lol


VW California Club
