Warning Light - Aftermarket Headlights - Low Voltage - T5.1



T5 SE 140
Hi All

Looking for some help.

I've purchased a 2015 T5.1 California.
The headlights are an aftermarket upgrade (sorry I don't know the difference between LED and Halogens).
All of the bulbs and lights are working as they should, all over the vehicle.
When the sidelights are on, as soon as an indicator is used, the warning light appears on the dash.
When the main beams are on, no warning light.

I've taken the van into a VW main dealer and they agree that it's due to the low voltage of the new lights, however, they would not resolve the issue.

Is there anything that can be done to prevent the warning light?
I've been driving the Cali for a year now and it's starting to proper annoy me.

can you / they not replace with standard bulbs?
Will have a look at the units now - I think they are possibly an LED upgrade - will also post pics
The Side Lights - are an LED Band - under the main lights - which must be driving the low voltage and the kicking the sensor into action

Those look like the Transporter HQ units…the folk that run the business are usually really helpful so might be worth reaching out.
Thanks for that - would make sense, I purchased from Leicestershire.
Will give them a shout.
Hi All

Looking for some help.

I've purchased a 2015 T5.1 California.
The headlights are an aftermarket upgrade (sorry I don't know the difference between LED and Halogens).
All of the bulbs and lights are working as they should, all over the vehicle.
When the sidelights are on, as soon as an indicator is used, the warning light appears on the dash.
When the main beams are on, no warning light.

I've taken the van into a VW main dealer and they agree that it's due to the low voltage of the new lights, however, they would not resolve the issue.

Is there anything that can be done to prevent the warning light?
I've been driving the Cali for a year now and it's starting to proper annoy me.

They have not been wired correctly. The warning light should not appear. Email Transporter HQ and they will be able to help with a wiring diagram (or you might find it on their website).

Ours were fitted by Bognor Motors and we have never had a warning light even when fitted with LED bulbs. Your lights look the same as ours.
Alas NOT the Transporter HQ headlights - I've found a couple of YouTube videos and the indicator sequence is that of "another brand" - might explain why the issue is not widespread.

Back to google to try and work out who the "other brand" is
Fair enough, but I think there have been at least 3 versions of the THQ ones…v3 onwards have the sequential indicator.
Could there be references printed on the back?
I'll have a good grub around over the weekend.
The lights are the same sequential lights as Transport HQ Version 3 but the indicator looks more like the Vanstyle versions (also sold on other sites).

Standard bulbs in the main beam and high beam so that's not the problem.

Has to be the wiring issue as mentioned earlier - everything online states that there shouldn't be any problems once the lights are fitted.

Appreciate all of the comments/suggestions
I'll have a good grub around over the weekend.
The lights are the same sequential lights as Transport HQ Version 3 but the indicator looks more like the Vanstyle versions (also sold on other sites).

Standard bulbs in the main beam and high beam so that's not the problem.

Has to be the wiring issue as mentioned earlier - everything online states that there shouldn't be any problems once the lights are fitted.

Appreciate all of the comments/suggestions
If I’ve understood this correctly,
No problem using indicators on their own?
When you say you get a dash warning using indicators with sidelights, what do you mean by sidelights?
DRLs should come on with Ignition On and stay on as long as Ignition is On.
Sidelights should be different, also known as Parking Lights, and should work independently of Ignition On. In fact if the Indicator stalk is left On and Ignition Off then the front and rear sidelights that side should be On for parking purposes.

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