Yes, you have to have a watchful eye on the heating and water system of the Grand California.
All camper vans with a water system have the Truma Frost Control installed. At about 3 degree Truma Frost Control valve opens which drains all the water. That is normal. To avoid this is obviously keep the heating running to avoid temperature in the van under 3 degree.
The spanner in the works comes from Volkswagen. An unknown amount of Grand Californias suffer from unperiodial switching off the heating. That happens with gas or diesel Truma heaters (connected to the EHU or not). If the connection between the Truma Control Unit and the VW Camper Unit is disconnected the problem is gone.
In your case it seems that the Truma Frost Control opened the valve. As mentioned above this is normal. Just close the valve again (there are many explanations here and online of how to do this) and fill up water again.
The Volkswagen heater issue is annoying during the cold months of the year, but there is no solution for it.
Best of luck.