Water cap ‘teeth’ broken

Ross MacLeod

Ross MacLeod

T5 SE 180
Hi all - With the drinking water tank has anyone replaced the part that the water cap screws into? (Not the cap itself). If so, where from and what was involved?

(I think the previous owner has clumsily grappled with the lock in the past and has snapped/cracked 2 of the 3 teeth/gaps that enable the locking mechanism to work - apologies for the confusing description!)

That fitting was only a push for on our 2017 Ocean. On ours it fell off(!), so I glued it on with sikaflex. Try pulling the broken fitting gently- it may come off and then the part can be replaced.

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Thanks - good to know. I’ll give that a try, hopefully there’ll be some kind of serial number on it.
I replaced the whole plate a few years ago following the instructions posted above it cost £19.40 from local VW spares dept. You need the "neck" part No 7E7068351 and 4 No. Nuts N10669001. Let us know how you get on.
Added some photos Now I can see what am dealing with task seems clearer ... p.s Anyway to reduce size of photos upgrading or do I have to produe smaller image before loading ?
Ours was broken as well. So the cap didnt stay on very well. Was easy to loose. Vw replaced the entire thing (the black 'plastic' box that houses bothe the water and the ehu-unit). Cost 80 euros.
Added some photos Now I can see what am dealing with task seems clearer ... p.s Anyway to reduce size of photos upgrading or do I have to produe smaller image before loading ?
Don’t get too technical. The photos are fine and the website software adjusts them automatically.

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