Water pump not working T6.1 Ocean

T6.1 Ocean 150
The water pump on my 3 week old T6.1 Ocean has stopped working, at least there's no water coming out of the tap and doesn't appear to be the previous 'wirring' noise ! Tank is full and tap is on above the gas tank. Has been working OK, going to France on Sunday and dealer can't get me in tomorrow, not happy. Any ideas ???
What tap above the gas tank? on a T5.1 theres a drain valve there, have you just drained your tank?
Does anyone know where the fuse is for the water pump on the new T6.1 Ocean ? My water tap has suddenly stopped working after 3 weeks....... I'm supposed to be going to France on Sunday and ***** dealer doesn't want to know/can't fit me in before then. Great, pay over £60k for a campervan with no running water...... I said I would ring VW Assistance but he said they would only attend to 'get your vehicle back on the road' !! I paid all that money for a campervan not a car, so I would have thought they would attend for any issue ??
Does anyone know where the fuse is for the water pump on the new T6.1 Ocean ? My water tap has suddenly stopped working after 3 weeks....... I'm supposed to be going to France on Sunday and ***** dealer doesn't want to know/can't fit me in before then. Great, pay over £60k for a campervan with no running water...... I said I would ring VW Assistance but he said they would only attend to 'get your vehicle back on the road' !! I paid all that money for a campervan not a car, so I would have thought they would attend for any issue ??
Not the best customer service. Hope you get it resolved.
Is it a fuse, or is it the switch in the tap, or the waterpump?
There are other post regarding water pump problems which may help. Search the forum for:
Kitchen tap/water pump not working
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Right - it's working again now..... it had run out of water whilst using the shower. I subsequently filled up the tank but the water tap did not then work. However I just tried the shower and it came on and then so did the watertap !!! It seems if you run out of water whilst using the shower, you need to fill up and start the shower again before the watertap will work !!!!!!!
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Glad you’re sorted.
That’s probably caused by an airlock in the line.

Right - it's working again now..... it had run out of water whilst using the shower. I subsequently filled up the tank but the water tap did not then work. However I just tried the shower and it came on and then so did the watertap !!! It seems if you run out of water whilst using the shower, you need to fill up and start the shower again before the watertap will work !!!!!!!

It may be a fail safe as you don’t want to be running the tap and subsequent pump on empty.
When you drain the tank for the winter to get all the water out you open the tap but pull the fuse to stop it running the pump.

Now is the time to bottom out all the fuses. @Loz did it for the T6 which was a lifesaver for many.

The T6.1 Ocean has a protection against too long running the pump dry. The problem is that the delay of about 1s is too short if there is an air bubble in the pump. My Dutch dealer is aware of the issue and I was not the first one with this problem. They are waiting for a firmware update.
Right - it's working again now..... it had run out of water whilst using the shower. I subsequently filled up the tank but the water tap did not then work. However I just tried the shower and it came on and then so did the watertap !!! It seems if you run out of water whilst using the shower, you need to fill up and start the shower again before the watertap will work !!!!!!!
The T6.1 Ocean has a protection against too long running the pump dry. The problem is that the delay of about 1s is too short if there is an air bubble in the pump. My Dutch dealer is aware of the issue and I was not the first one with this problem. They are waiting for a firmware update.
Another solution to a problem no one had. Modern electronics, just because you can doesnt mean you should. Yet I bet the switch hasnt had a much needed relay added.
The T6.1 Ocean has a protection against too long running the pump dry. The problem is that the delay of about 1s is too short if there is an air bubble in the pump. My Dutch dealer is aware of the issue and I was not the first one with this problem. They are waiting for a firmware update.
Hi vw_camper, I have that exact problem! Do you have any further info or is it something I can reset myself? Don't want a time consuming trip back to dealer if I can avoid it.
Hi vw_camper, I have that exact problem! Do you have any further info or is it something I can reset myself? Don't want a time consuming trip back to dealer if I can avoid it.
Sounds like it was just a case of ensuring the fresh water tank is full, run the shower to prime the pump, if you have one until water flows, then the sink tap. Don’t see why it shouldn’t work the other way round. Sounds to me the pump just needed priming again, I.e purging air out of it..

since the shower is lower and closer to the pump it should purge sooner than the sink tap.
Yeah, no shower on my van so not that unfortunately. It’s defo an airlock somewhere but not sure of any other way of purging it really as the tap will only run for one second before it cuts out.
The T6.1 Ocean has a protection against too long running the pump dry. The problem is that the delay of about 1s is too short if there is an air bubble in the pump. My Dutch dealer is aware of the issue and I was not the first one with this problem. They are waiting for a firmware update.
Dear sir,
We are out now in with our VW Cali Ocean with this exact problem but we do not find how to solve it. Please, could help us to solve it?
Thanks from Spain.
Dear sir,
We are out now in with our VW Cali Ocean with this exact problem but we do not find how to solve it. Please, could help us to solve it?
Thanks from Spain.
Solved it!
Take out the two 5Amp fuses under the driver seat to reset the water pump and run the shower to drain. Whilst shower water runs, open sink tap and purge air bubbles until water runs again here.
Now works.
No shower on mine so that doesn’t work for me. If anyone else has solved it let me know. I just fill the kettle in one second bursts as I can’t be arsed trailing back to dealer to get it sorted. It can wait until I drop it in for a service
Hello everybody,

I'm here with yet another waterpump problem, Vw Cali t6.1.
just over a year old, suddenly the water pump stopped working.

When i open the tap the water flows and than suddenly stops, with a warning on the control panel.
Saying waterpump error, go visit workshop, when I click ok, i can retry , again water flows for a random period (short) and than again same error.

Just before i encountered this issue, i had the cali at the dealer to fix the fridge, the lid kept popping open. As I understood they had to remove the entire fridge to replace the locking mechanism.

But because the pump was making weird sounds, my first guess was the waterpump.

So yesterday i replaced the pump myself because it's a cheap fix and didn't wanna take it to the dealer. And what do you guess? Indeed that didn't solve the issue.
I also checked the switch at the tap, by short cutting it, so the pump engages.
Same issue after a second or so.

I also checked for an air lock, the first time the water sputters, and the moment it starts flowing , the error occurs. So i blew some air through the water tap untill i could here bubbles coming from the watertank. Followed by sucking water from the water tap until it reached the tap. I than closed the tap, hooked up the power to the pump again. But still no progress.

Also tried locating the fuse for the waterpump, but never succeeded in finding it, undid all the fuses from below the seat, but it still kept pumping. Is the fuse maybe located in the dash?

My only guess now is that by removing the fridge at the dealer, they might have 'touched' something (wire?) and that it's an electrical problem?

I also wonder how does the control unit detect that their might be an issue with the pump?
Does it measure the amp's or something like that? Or is there a flow meter somewhere?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Leo, thanks for thorough description- did you work out anything further on it? We’ve just had a similar problem but haven’t yet done as full a diagnosis. We’ll let you know if anything comes of it. Our service is due shortly so will get the dealer to look at it if we don’t solve in advance of that.
Hi Leo, thanks for thorough description- did you work out anything further on it? We’ve just had a similar problem but haven’t yet done as full a diagnosis. We’ll let you know if anything comes of it. Our service is due shortly so will get the dealer to look at it if we don’t solve in advance of that.


Early August we went for a trip to Germany, so I could test it some more.
The water keeps flowing when i open the tap about 25%/30% when I open it gradually more, to let more water come through , it'll stop with the infamous error.

After I click 'ok' on the control panel, i can restart taking water at slow setting.

So somehow it has something todo with how much amps(?) the pump is taking?

Anyone experienced something similar?

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