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wax the day after polish and after rain



VIP Member
North Hertfordshire
T6.1 Ocean 150
Sorry if it's a bit basic...
I've washed my car twice over the past 3 days, and gave it a good polish today and dusted off the residue. Then, we had a couple of heavy showers before I could apply what I call the 'wax' (because I live in the 1990s), but is now called 'extra gloss protection'.
It should be dry tomorrow. Would you go straight on with the wax? Or, would you wash it all down again? (It hasn't been driven).polish.jpgwax.jpg
I just used the same super resin polish as you. I haven't got the patience to go through it all again with the extra gloss protection. Used it in the past but never noticed any extra gloss improvement:)
I just used the same super resin polish as you. I haven't got the patience to go through it all again with the extra gloss protection. Used it in the past but never noticed any extra gloss improvement:)
I think that whereas the Polish strips back, the extra gloss protects, so it might be worthwhile doing this. Mind you, I may very well be wrong.
The polish shouldn't be a regular thing because you are potentially taking some of the surface off.

I've used the Extra Gloss protection but last time the Aqua wax which I found easier to apply.
I've been a fan of that super resin polish for many many years but now understand it does have quite a cutting action, so as suggested above, use infrequently and not on new vehicles.
We only use the super resin polish once a year (basically is a less abrasive version of trusty old ‘T-cut’) followed by a hard wax / elbow grease, then gloss coat.

+ Wash & aquawax every couple of months…I find a nice layer of dirt protects the paint nicely!