Wet patch

Paul Onions

Paul Onions

T5 SE 180
Hi All,

when loading up the van yesterday I noticed a wet patch of carpet between the front seats? The is no obvious signs of a leak ? I soaked it up with tissue but today it is still wet? Have any of you had this issue? All help or guidance welcome.


Hi All,

when loading up the van yesterday I noticed a wet patch of carpet between the front seats? The is no obvious signs of a leak ? I soaked it up with tissue but today it is still wet? Have any of you had this issue? All help or guidance welcome.


There have been quite a few posts on the subject, possibly blocked roof drain. Worth a search.
Could be a few things cause that .
Blocked roof drains , or a waterleak in the rear somewhere ...
Watertanks (both) , sliding window above kitchen sink , doorseals ,...
All water that gets under the double floor collects between the seats while driving , lowest point .
Roofdrains blocked you should have wet footwels in front also.

VW California Club
