Jumping the gun slightly here as it hasn't happened yet but the ferry and sites are booked.
Heading off to the west coast of Ireland in a couple of weeks with my 7 year old boy and can't wait.
My late dad used to take me over regularly as he was born there and we had great times over the years, memories that will be forever etched in my mind.
Well now it's my turn to lead the way and we'll be armed with mountain bikes and fishing rods. What more can a man ask for

One things for sure, it will go down as another amazing experience i'll have had with my lad, who, as with his older bro, will grow up far too quickly for my liking.
That first pint of Guinness will be enthusiastically dealt with by me, he'll have to make do with orange juice for now. I'm sure that will change in a few years time though.......