What's insurance like on a Cali?


Gone, but not forgotten!
VIP Member
T6 Ocean 150 4Motion
Being a bit blasé about insurance but hoping it's not some niche vehicle with comedy insurance!

It's replacing a LR Defender 110XS - which can be pricey to insure as they get pinched a lot. We were paying about £350 for me and wife named, "safe" postcode, me IAM driver, no points on either license, full NCB.
Hi Matt,

We use Comfort and I pay just under £250 per year for full time use including unlimited trips to Europe ... Bargain compared to our previous car.
Brilliant -they look like the company to go for!
I would suggest ringing Comfort rather than trying to get quote on line as it does not specify VW California & folk have had strange quotes which have then been rectified over the phone.
My "quote" was based on on-line form. It was for a rough idea but I did get a call back later. Will let you know what it finally is.
I pay £230 with comfort likewise I looked online it was a bit vague I rang next morning told the what vehicle it was
And hey presto. Cheaper than my ford fiesta.
Sub £300 on-line quote and that included satnav kit cover.

Not bad!

Will call them near the time! We get a week free from VW which gives us some breathing space.
I was driving a Ford ranger and it was valued at £11.500 and was insured with Tesco insurance. When i changed over to the Cali this week I still had 6 months left to run on the policy so i called to tell them I was swapping to a £46k California and they are refunding £236 to me. . What a result

I remember paying £700+ TPFT on a £900 Golf... Ouch!
Comfort came in at £270 for me and the good lady fully comp. Downside (or is it an upside) our lad can't drive it till he is 25!!

VW California Club
