Where do you keep..........?



VIP Member
Where do you keep the safety net for the roofspace entrance and the insect screens for the sliding windows ?

I am just preparing for my first trip and I am trying to work out the best place to locate things.
Hi my safety net stays at home under the stairs I have teenagers :laugh2 the two fly screens live under the upstairs mattress :thumb
I keep the fly screens slid into in a plastic carrier bag taped on top of the rear parcel shelf, so just under the mattress there.
They are (fairly) accessible & take up no space.
2CV67 said:
I keep the fly screens slid into in a plastic carrier bag taped on top of the rear parcel shelf, so just under the mattress there.
They are (fairly) accessible & take up no space.

That seems like a plan !

Fly screens under the rear mattress on the 'shelf'

Safety net (or as we call it, the pillow catcher) stays fitted to the upstairs bed base. We detach it from the roof and flatten it out under the mattress as some of the solid bits can be tucked between slats so there is still a gap between roof and mattress when the roof is closed.
Calikev said:
Hi my safety net stays at home under the stairs I have teenagers :laugh2 the two fly screens live under the upstairs mattress :thumb

Ditto, our kids are 9 and 11 but no casualties yet!
Dibz said:
Fly screens under the rear mattress on the 'shelf'

We started like that, but every time we lifted the shelf, the screens slid forwards & could either need fishing out again or get damaged on lowering the shelf - hence the taped-on bag...
Safetey net stays at home , never ever used it and probally never will....
Fly screen (have only one sliding window above kitchen sink) stays in most of the time ,
I just slide it to the other side and close the window , it's stays a bit in place with those extended parts , my blinds are also closed most the time driving not to obsed my dog to much with al the movements outside while driving , she gets nervous.
If not in , i keep it in the drawer under the backseats, open drawer and just put it on top of whatevers allready in the drawer , mostley cans of food,sandwiches,rice,pasta,...when i make a stopover or park the Cali at my garage it's the first thing i put back in to ventilate the van !
Wherever you keep your fly screens, don't slide them down next to the rear bench. I just did on our beach and then made up he bed and snapped it. :sad
Never use the safety net. Fly screens on the bottom of the drawer under the rear bench, as I also keep my bedding in here so nothing rattles

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