Windows came down on their own?



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T6 Ocean 150
Got a 2018 California Ocean. This morning I came to the van and both passenger and drivers windows where open!!! I locked the van last night and both keys where in a place that the unlock button could not have been pressed down to automatically bringing them down. I’m a little worried now for security and weather reasons. Has anyone ever had this happen to them?

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Got a 2018 California Ocean. This morning I came to the van and both passenger and drivers windows where open!!! I locked the van last night and both keys where in a place that the unlock button could not have been pressed down to automatically bringing them down. I’m a little worried now for security and weather reasons. Has anyone ever had this happen to them?
Yes - but almost certainly due to a long press of the unlock button.

When lounging about in the van I have frequently locked myself in with an inadvertent press off the lock button with the keys in my pocket. First I have know about it is the car alarm going off.

A fault causing a spontaneous lowing of the window is unlikely.
Happened to me twice due to inadvertently 'long pressing' the lock button on the key fob. Once in my driveway where the windows were open all night & once when left in a public car park - lucky on both occasions to have no rain or theft. I have since disabled this function using a Carista OBD.
I've only had this happen whilst the keys were in my pocket too, if you are certain a long press wasnt possible then may be worth a check at the dealers. However they may have just got a long press whilst in your pocket when you went into the house.
Did it with my Caddy, its when you walk away from it with keys in your pocket.
Thanks for all your replies. I am pretty sure that it wasn’t the long press on the keys. The reason for this being my keys stationary position prevented this. I have only had the Cali a week, so still looking and checking on it through the window before bed. So I know that the windows where shut between leaving it and taking the keys out of my pocket.

Now I’m checking it every hour and scared to park anywhere for a length of time. I’ll monitor it and if it happens again then it’s back to dealer.

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Although the button press in the pocket is the most likely.
Check the key barrel switches are okay by using the blade to lock,unlock and open, close by holding the key over like a long press on the fob.
I had that on a 911 usually when it was raining and/or parked somewhere dodgy. After the garage replaced the battery, some of the loom, the ECU and various other bits which had got wet, the fault was eventually traced to a rectifier diode in the alternator. My bank manager and the garage owner were on first name terms by the end of it!
Got a 2018 California Ocean. This morning I came to the van and both passenger and drivers windows where open!!! I locked the van last night and both keys where in a place that the unlock button could not have been pressed down to automatically bringing them down. I’m a little worried now for security and weather reasons. Has anyone ever had this happen to them?

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I’ve had this happen a few times, even when there was no chance of keys being pressed in a pocket. Find it rather worrying as it’s happened when it’s been in a car park.
Did it still happen since the first time? Otherwise it's almost sure that for some reason the button was pressed. If the windows open while you're 200% sure the keys weren't in your pocket then it might be something else.

Happened to me with my BMW 3 (with sunroof open while it rained :) and once or twice with my Cali. Always with the keys in my pocket.
Did it still happen since the first time? Otherwise it's almost sure that for some reason the button was pressed. If the windows open while you're 200% sure the keys weren't in your pocket then it might be something else.

Happened to me with my BMW 3 (with sunroof open while it rained :) and once or twice with my Cali. Always with the keys in my pocket.

Mine has happened when keys not in my pocket on several occasions. Not sure why keys should open windows anyway. Surely keys only lock/unlock doors?
'Comfort closing' (or opening) is a feature that I always disable on my vehicles. There have been times when I have squashes mu keys when they are in my pocket in the house and found the windows open hence I disable it with VCDS.
Unfortunately I believe this may also disable automatic mirror folding on some models.
Anyone in or around Shropshire who wants this change doing please feel free to give me a call, no charge on such simple operations.

Hi all. Thanks once again for all your replies. Since the first occurrence, it has not happened again. I’m still monitoring it, but really do appreciate the info. I did however get water falling on the window controls from having the window slightly open in the rain. I quickly dried it up, but wondering if this may have caused it. I am now looking and searching this forum, for some wind deflectors to stop it happening again.

Regarding the comfort windows, I think they may cause more harm than they can be useful. So may well look into turning this off.

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Happened on my Yeti a couple of times. I put it down to incorrect operation of key fob, but was never really sure. I’m sure all these gadgets and software functions need a big reset button on the dash board as we are basically being controlled by a computer. Looked what happened to the new Boeing aircraft!!
Happened couple times to me, meant to get this daft 'feature' disabled. Also saw it on a fairly new Audi parked in the middle of Scottish Highlands as owners were away up a hill by the looks of it!
One reason would be to close a window you left open when parking, saves opening up and having to switch on the ignition.
One reason would be to close a window you left open when parking, saves opening up and having to switch on the ignition.

I had an old Mondeo which had this feature which I'd use in this way, especially in the summer. Juggling numerous kids in and out of the house and then looking out the window to find I'd left the windows open was always a bit of a faceplam moment, until i stumbled across the feature. I'm looking forward to having it back on the cali!

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