Windscreen heater duct - uneven?



T5 Beach 4Motion

When demisting the screen using the 'MAX Windscreen' setting on the aircon, the passenger side (right side as it's a LHD) clears a lot more quickly than the drivers side (left). Literally minutes quicker.

I can feel less air pressure from the ducts just below the windscreen on the left side.

Anyone else noticed this or have a thought as to what it could be?

I'm out in the Cali in the morning ,so I'll have a check for you ....:)
Don't know if it's related, but we had a problem with a cable that controls the link from the heater direction control to the opening of the vents. The symptoms we had were that the face vents were very weak. We also noticed that the control was very stiff. Fixed with a replacement cable, which gave us much better flow and removed the stiffness
Mine does seme to be the same both sides and all doing what it should ...
Thanks, I'll book it in to be looked at...

FYI, ChrisandPenney52, thanks for response, but this is with a 'Climatronic' so there is no hard link between the controls and the vents.
stew said:
Thanks, I'll book it in to be looked at...

FYI, ChrisandPenney52, thanks for response, but this is with a 'Climatronic' so there is no hard link between the controls and the vents.

OK thanks for the update - didn't twig that. Good luck tracking it down.
Just a thought ... Have any tissues etc slid down the dash to block the vents ? We have a tissue that escaped down there and it's impossible to get out !
I had an occasion to check it on frozen windshield (frozen from inside, after sleeping in the car with minus 6 outside, plus 20 inside), and I confirm that left side is getting unfrozen much quicker. I think the Germans made it on purpose for the driver side, so in your it is right side, mine left side.

VW California Club
