used T5 cali prices.....



T5 SE 140
hi everyone

i am looking to buy one at some point in hopefully near future. Been watching prices on the T5 version and there is a vast difference in year/mileage and price. i.e. ones very close in year and spec but mileage way higher but price more than lower mileage?

I know the old adage that it's only worth what someone is prepared to pay but i have seen the same vans 'for sale' for months and months and this is peak season and they are still not sold.....this says to me over priced but owners don't seem to spot that. Clearly don't need to sell ( nice position to be in) but when you use Parkers guide on prices some are so over priced its beyond rude. I know the cali keeps a good second hand value, part of the attraction of them as not cheap to start with, but unrealistic prices surely just makes the market stagnate?

each to there own but coming from a frustrated newbie as i am not prepared/ able to finance one when it's so over 'book price' as insurance won't pay out if crashed etc and then lost loads of money. Do people realise the risk they run if stolen/ written off and over priced that they only get 'book price' from insurance? unless agreed value but that tends to be the older vans i think not the T5 model..............what do you think? would be nice to know if i'm not the only one little frustrated or is everyone happy to have extra vans on their drive as can't sell older one?

i'll keep looking and watching and mine will come up one day.................
You might as well throw the Parkers guide away when it comes to a Cali, as you say it's worth what someone is willing to pay for it. The good news is that it will still keep it's value well if you buy one but don't expect to find a very cheap one without there being a major issue with it. Good luck.
Also the amount of extras fitted can reflect on the price. I know of two "vans" (one used by us) that are currently being sold by a dealer. The 140 manual with an extra 1000miles is priced higher than the 180 dsg.

(On paper the 180 DSG is £4000 more expensive)
larrylamb do you know of anyones experience if been unlucky to have a crash and lose the van- written off to have lost a heap of cash as 'book value' lower than demand value as it were? thats my real worry as i drive fine it the other tw*ts on the road that i see and the more miles you do the odds are gonna happen sadly :(
larrylamb do you know of anyones experience if been unlucky to have a crash and lose the van- written off to have lost a heap of cash as 'book value' lower than demand value as it were? thats my real worry as i drive fine it the other tw*ts on the road that i see and the more miles you do the odds are gonna happen sadly :(
Thats what GAP insurance is for.
Yes there's GAP insurance plus lots of specialist insurers who deal with Calis. As has been stated it's hard to have a fixed price for each model of Cali due to the amount of extras you can have. The insurer would maybe come up with a similar spec replacement if you had a write-off?
larrylamb do you know of anyones experience if been unlucky to have a crash and lose the van- written off to have lost a heap of cash as 'book value' lower than demand value as it were? thats my real worry as i drive fine it the other tw*ts on the road that i see and the more miles you do the odds are gonna happen sadly :(

If it worries you that much, I'm surprised you ever leave the house!
As above, you need to totally ignore Parkers and Glass's as the Cali is very unique in terms of pricing and I notice this website/club actually seems to dictate the UK second market price.

Just go and buy one, you will lose less than £2-3k per year with average mileage
If the unfortunate ever happened
And the insurer was to offer you a considerable amount less than you give then print a number of for sale advertisements off to prove it can't be replaced for the amount there offering you.

Now with the t6 Cali definitely on the map with dates in place any nearly new t5s the dealers have left once the t6's arrive on there for court
There'll be deals to be had on the last of those t5 models , which will force the prices of the used down the prices( they won't fall out of bed) so to speak but they will definitely come down once the new model shows its face so be patient
We sold ours on here last weekend to a lovely couple, I have just checked Parkers and the price we sold it for was £12,000 more than the Parkers price for the year, mileage and spec. I personally cant see there being much change in the T5 prices even once the T6 arrives as a lot of people will be holding off to get discounts further down the line, also anyone sensible will wait until any teething problems are sorted with this new very complex engine.
I have looked into GAP insurance more and only available for 5 years from new and van has to be purchased from Vat registered seller so trade basically so moysvdub1 i think your train of thought with showing proof of value from others only way to go.....congratulation Ady77 on a good sell :)
as ever supply and demand, will have to wait and see what reaction to T6 and time of year they finally arrive as if 'off season' that will help buyers as surely better deals to be had but always the flip side!

snowy55 this was purely a thread to ask opinions - really :( do you invest in things that don't stack up? its a nice position to be in to not care about risks and measure them! when i get one this is a big investment for me so asking others about experiences is what i understand forums to be about? i thought the old adage if nothing nice to say- say nothing............didn't need to join thread!
The Parkers Guide is just that a guide.
Dealers will NOT be discounting New T5 Californias because they are in short supply and there will be no T6's for at least 8 to 12 months if not longer.
More likely to find a T6 Conversion than a T6 California.
A T5 California is worth what the buyer is prepared to pay.
If an owner puts too high a price on his vehicle, then all he has to do is wait in the present market and may have to reduce if and when the T6 starts arriving. He may not really want to sell and may just be testing the water so to speak.
Insurance companies, in the case of a right off vehicle, well the companies I deal with, are obliged to replace like with like or a cash equivalent. I have had 3 right offs in the last 40 + years, none of them my fault and I've always ended up with a far better deal then any of the Guides indicate.
there will be no T6's for at least 8 to 12 months if not longer.

Not sure if you realise but VW announced that you will be able to order a T6 Cali this Monday, 3rd August. Delivered by end of this year
I'm not holding my breath, and the price will be?
There will obviously be some people that will want to be first in the order book but the big problems are:

No Discounts so means your residuals will be bad
New engine WILL have problems and recalls in the first year

I am waiting until next October to order mine so I should be able to get 10% discounts and all the niggles will be sorted.
In the VW scene you can throw price guides right out the window.
I used to be into Splitscreens and probably owned about 8 of them over the years. I sold my last one circa 4 years ago and could not believe the price I achieved. Looking at the same model and condition now - it's probably £10k higher today (madness really!)
Bay windows - these are now up in the £18-30k mark
Even T4 Westfalia California's (I had a few of these too) also make strong money. There is one on Autotrader today at £16.5K (if it was a builders van of the same age would probably only be £1000 worth).

Personally I think it is great that the residuals are so strong, and I believe the T5 Cali's will become the splitscreen's of the future!
I'll repeat a comment here I made on another thread.
A similar debate would have been had if the forum existed in 09/10 when the facelift was due.
Now, 5 years on, there is a nice premium of the first 5.1's over the last 5.0's. So, even if you miss out on a discount on an early T6, your resale will (based on past performance) be several thousand better than the last 5.1's.

This isn't meant to be encourage people to jump either way, just drawing parallels with the last similar change.
Looking at the details the new 150ps is halfway between the "old" 140 & 180 in terms of o-62, top speed etc comes with 17" wheels as standard & 3 zone aircon with on paper a 10mpg advantage over the old 180.

that to me would suggest that even if they were registered on the same day & same mileage a 150 will be worth more in the future than a 140 and I would have thought a 180 would only be worth fractionally more than a 150.

VW California Club
