roof entrance retracting + rattles from bench



Blatnica, SVK
T6 Coast 102
Hi, yesterday i picked up t6 cali, first time owner now, I had multivan t5 for years though.

I have 4 problems so far I am unable to figure out what with them:

1.) sliding roof entrance is sliding out during ride, it doesnt lock itself in place, any advices?

2.) theres rattle sound from rear bench during ride, from small storage on left, hm

3.) right front mounting point of bed extension lost plastic cover, this one is scheduled for warranty repair next wednesday

4.) usb in central compartment seems to not to work with iphone, other one in passenger one works ok (charging phone, carplay)

Thanks much for any advice.
The problem with the front cover sliding back is an old T5 Cali issue, use some thin felt pads around the edge of the shutter and it will be fixed. Also a rattle from the back could be the chairs in the tailgate, use some straps around the tubes to stop the rattling together. I am not a T6 owner but it seems that many of the camper issues have followed through.
thanks guys, as for 1.) thats exatly what I though I will try
will try to put chair more together as well, thx
Number 2 sounds like your slide our table isn't properly secured back in place.

Slide it out and then slide it back in place but as you do so you also need to push the table in towards the fridge/stove unit in order for the table to lock onto the fixing.
If you examine the underside of the table whilst its out and the fixing on the side of the fridge facing the seats, you should be able to see how it should work.
Seems that it is a universal failure of some VW Dealerships to get the PDI correct and offer good service. ALL these problems should be corrected under the Warranty.
It seems the owner is expected to do the PDI and Quality checkup. All the dealer does is a wash and dry and remove the plastic seat covers. :headbang
Yep well at least some dealers. The ones we need to be naming and shaming leaving only the good ones standing.

Seems that it is a universal failure of some VW Dealerships to get the PDI correct and offer good service. ALL these problems should be corrected under the Warranty.
It seems the owner is expected to do the PDI and Quality checkup. All the dealer does is a wash and dry and remove the plastic seat covers. :headbang

Seems that it is a universal failure of some VW Dealerships to get the PDI correct and offer good service. ALL these problems should be corrected under the Warranty.
It seems the owner is expected to do the PDI and Quality checkup. All the dealer does is a wash and dry and remove the plastic seat covers. :headbang

Good dealer or bad dealer, in the first place the manufacturer should make a good product. Even in this version 6, there are some repeating failures / forumfillers. Having a T5 I know love makes blind, but there is something to improve at the VW qualitysystems. A good product starts with right building, not by warranty and not by the last check of a dealer. If a customer finds on his first day 4 things that are not right, a lot went wrong earlier. (I am not Japanese :mute).
Good dealer or bad dealer, in the first place the manufacturer should make a good product. Even in this version 6, there are some repeating failures / forumfillers. Having a T5 I know love makes blind, but there is something to improve at the VW qualitysystems. A good product starts with right building, not by warranty and not by the last check of a dealer. If a customer finds on his first day 4 things that are not right, a lot went wrong earlier. (I am not Japanese :mute).
Cannot disagree, but the Dealer is the contact between Manufacturer and Buyer and really is the final Quality Controller and should be doing a proper check and informing VW that their own Factory Quality Control is failing.It shouldn't be the Customer. I don't know what sort of Contract there is between VW and the Dealership but whatever it is it is not to the benefit of the Customer.
By Law you are buying the vehicle from the Dealership not VW. The Dealership is buying the vehicle from VW, so it is upto the Dealership to supply the goods as described on your Invoice and for everything to be in good working order.
I think the big problem is that the Dealerships, not all by any means, are Commercial orientated rather than Car/Leisure Vehicle.
good is it still just those 4 things

2.) rattle is confirmed now 100%, its small shelf under rear bench (left one), it resonates over small bumps (metal to metal sound)
I had an issue with the lumber support adjustment on the drivers seat.
It fell out and on closer inspection found it had been supper glued with a crack in the case of the wheel.
Took it back and after them ordering a new one they found the glue had affected the internal part. Now wait for a new base section. This can't be right in a brand new t6
mine issues are slowly getting fixed, car is still at dealership its 8 days so far,
funny is USB connector in central compartment, they state it was not included as an option, and that is the reason it doesnt work, wow -> so they put connector there and its not working in 47k EUR vehicle I am going to look at connector thats not working bcs i havent added 50eur option, i dont believe that they cant create part without connector ..
No. 2 could be missing rubber stops that go between the rear shelf and seats.
I have found a couple of conical rubber stops in the boot - i cannot see where they have come from. where exactly are the rubber dtops you mention located?

I have found a couple of conical rubber stops in the boot - i cannot see where they have come from. where exactly are the rubber dtops you mention located?


They exact from where @Loz is saying ....
They go in the rear metal shelf inbetween the rear seat.
If you "just" put them back in , most likely you will find them again on he floor within time .
There are numberes treads on this , one giving the intel how i solved it. and find...;)
The problem with the front cover sliding back is an old T5 Cali issue, use some thin felt pads around the edge of the shutter and it will be fixed. Also a rattle from the back could be the chairs in the tailgate, use some straps around the tubes to stop the rattling together. I am not a T6 owner but it seems that many of the camper issues have followed through.
Hi we have same problem with our new t6 with the
Hi, yesterday i picked up t6 cali, first time owner now, I had multivan t5 for years though.

I have 4 problems so far I am unable to figure out what with them:

1.) sliding roof entrance is sliding out during ride, it doesnt lock itself in place, any advices?

2.) theres rattle sound from rear bench during ride, from small storage on left, hm

3.) right front mounting point of bed extension lost plastic cover, this one is scheduled for warranty repair next wednesday

4.) usb in central compartment seems to not to work with iphone, other one in passenger one works ok (charging phone, carplay)

Thanks much for any advice.
Hi we have the same problem with the roof sliding back as we travel? It's annoying that something so simple could of been designed better especially with it being brand new! Let me know if you find a solution. Good luck
Hi we have same problem with our new t6 with the

Hi we have the same problem with the roof sliding back as we travel? It's annoying that something so simple could of been designed better especially with it being brand new! Let me know if you find a solution. Good luck
Self adhesive felt strips in the guides. 12mm wide available on eBay. If you look carefully there are some already fitted, at least they should be.
Hi, yesterday i picked up t6 cali, first time owner now, I had multivan t5 for years though.

I have 4 problems so far I am unable to figure out what with them:

1.) sliding roof entrance is sliding out during ride, it doesnt lock itself in place, any advices?

2.) theres rattle sound from rear bench during ride, from small storage on left, hm

3.) right front mounting point of bed extension lost plastic cover, this one is scheduled for warranty repair next wednesday

4.) usb in central compartment seems to not to work with iphone, other one in passenger one works ok (charging phone, carplay)

Thanks much for any advice.
as for number 3 : had the same issue but comes off again and again.. since not visible I keep it with te rubbers that go between extension and rear seats in a box with useless cali-parts.

VW California Club
