Roof Corrosion Nightmare



VIP Member
Well after waiting 4 years my 2010 pride and joy went in for the repair 6 weeks ago.
The bodyshop who have been excellent stripped it down and said it was the worst front panel corrosion they'd seen, and that the roof itself below the seals was bad.
They refused to put the panel cover on given the condition of it when stripped down and sought permission from VW to do the replacement that was planned for it originally when reported in December 2013.
VW are refusing and telling the bodyshop to put a cover on it.

I'm absolutely appalled at VW. This was a once in a lifetime purchase for me and I don't want a patched up van that is basically rusted away beneath a panel.

I've emailed VW customer care and told them I do not accept their proposed repair and am awaiting a response. Has anyone else been in this situation and do you have any advice for me on how to proceed?
I have copies of 4 years worth of communication with VW telling them how bad the roof is.

Many thanks for any advice - am at my wit's end.

Sad to hear such poor treatment, they are on damage limitation at the moment. I think you have done the right thing in rejecting their proposal. Sorry I can't offer more advice. :( Good luck!
Keep all documentation and correspondence and be polite but firm. Do not shout or lose control but stick to your guns and refuse an inferior patch work repair. Polite and firm is best to convince VW to accept their error. If need be mention legal action and press but only as last resort. Good luck.
Thanks for the advice guys - just off the phone to VW customer care yet again. Appears they have lost all case details (I have every letter and email) and a new case manager will phone me within 48 hours....

You couldn't make this up.

Meanwhile quite enjoying the T6 Ocean courtesy Cali, new roof lights the highlight for me and I think I'll get to like the front blinds, don't have to build a tent every time. Front window blind magnets a bit weak bit at least take up less space.

Maybe they'll just let me keep this....

I'll keep working on polite but firm!
Also get as many pictures and film evidence of the corrosion in the stripped down state, may even pay to get a report from the body shop if they would do it for you.
Get some photographs of the work they don't want to carry out so you can properly shame them if need be and send them to VW customer care incase they are just working from a description.
Good Luck
Thanks, great advice. Just asked the body shop to send some through. Anyone else been in this position?

Thanks again


This is appalling.

Others have already given you all the advice that I could give but keep battling.
Really sorry to hear this Matt.
Volkswagen customer care is appalling. My van went in for 8 weeks last October and it was the threat of reporting the vehicle stolen that I actually got it back when I did.
Got the vehicle back with damaged bellows and marks on the roof paint work.
Tuesday I dropped the vehicle off again to have this corrected, but had a phone call late yesterday to say it still hasn’t been collected by the body shop.
Waiting for a call today, as I’m in two minds to collect my Cali back from the dealership as I may need it in 2 weeks for a trip to the alps.

I’m not to happy about the vehicle having to go back to Kent. I have asked why it can’t be sorted locally.

Had this rubbish aftercare not happened and roof corrosion not appeared on the T6, I probably would have bought another Cali.
But for now, I have lost confidence in the product and the company
If you are in the RAC, AA, CSMA etc you may be able to get some free legal advice.
Thanks all for your support and assistance. Where would we be without this forum? I emailed my case to Honest John at the Telegraph. Amazing service and got the reply below in an hour! He's also added my comments to the review of the Cali T5 on his website.
Latest situation is that VW customer care reviewing my case. I am holding out for a proper repair....

This hasn't come up before so it's an addition to the entry at: /
Because the problem is evidently a build fault, in my opinion Clegg v Olle Andersson (trading as Nordic Marine) House of Lords 2003 applies and you can either reject the vehicle entirely, forcing the dealer to buy it back at current market value, or you can demand a full correctional repair. To do this you need to get three quotations from professional bodyshops (preferably motorcaravan body shops). You then send these to the supplying dealer (with copies to VW Customer Care) and tell him that if he does not fix the problem with the modified roof section insulated against galvanic corrosion, you will take your case to the County Court. Send these with with a detailed account of your complaint by Post Office Special Delivery giving the dealer 14 days to agree or face court action, keep copies and staple to them the certificates of posting so they become matters of record. If these get you nowhere then you have to decide whether to restrict your claim solely to the roof panel, keeping it within the £10,000 Small Claims limit, or go to the full County Court seeking current market value for the van, which will be more than that making it a much more expensive case.
Some pictures of my 1970s Alfa Romeo, sorry 2010 VW Cali....

SDC13332.JPG SDC12941.JPG SDC13331.JPG SDC12940.JPG SDC13330.JPG SDC12939.JPG SDC12943.JPG SDC12938.JPG SDC12942.JPG
As you say, easily mistaken for a 70's Alfa! Fond memories!!
The extent of the damage is shocking. Did it become that bad due to waiting for VW to pull the finger out or was it that evident when first reported? If caught earlier the cost to VW would have saved them but seems they (VWCS) are incapable of customer service.
Stick to your guns, set a time limit for how long you care to eat VW's bull, then gather all relevant paperwork and go legal and public. Remember, this is the organisation that started the diesal scam by lying and it has cost them millions and gave rise to the extra cost governments levy again diseal vehicles. Head for the jugular and make the first bite count.
I would go and get assessments / quoted from reputable motoring organisations such rac and AA. You might have to pay for them but it is difficult for VW to then argue with this. Matched with corrosion warranty would have thought this is a no brainier. Great response from honest John although not sure about the motor caravan repair but as these are all going to be VW Oem parts required to do the repair. More of a car/van specialist in my opinion. There may be a t5 or Cali specialist on here that could do it but VW would dismiss that I’m sure.

Can’t believe the trouble your having though. Shocking. I hope it gets sorted quickly for you.
One of the worst we seen on here if i recall correct.
Are you located near the sea ?
Hi there

Thanks for all support. In the words of Hot started with a, err, bubble.
Then it grew over the four years of VWCC incompetence, lost referrals, b/s etc.

I'm sticking to my guns for a new panel. Their arrogance and disregard for the consumer is incredible.

See what they say on Wednesday.....



Ps: I live in Edinburgh, only a mile or so from the sea but above water, for now anyway.
Well after waiting 4 years my 2010 pride and joy went in for the repair 6 weeks ago.
The bodyshop who have been excellent stripped it down and said it was the worst front panel corrosion they'd seen, and that the roof itself below the seals was bad.
They refused to put the panel cover on given the condition of it when stripped down and sought permission from VW to do the replacement that was planned for it originally when reported in December 2013.
VW are refusing and telling the bodyshop to put a cover on it.

I'm absolutely appalled at VW. This was a once in a lifetime purchase for me and I don't want a patched up van that is basically rusted away beneath a panel.

I've emailed VW customer care and told them I do not accept their proposed repair and am awaiting a response. Has anyone else been in this situation and do you have any advice for me on how to proceed?
I have copies of 4 years worth of communication with VW telling them how bad the roof is.

Many thanks for any advice - am at my wit's end.

Hi Matt,

I can only sympathise, I've very similar experience.

First panel repaint at 2yrs, 2nd at 4. Then when it bubbled again waited for 4yrs to get the plastic panel at body shop in Kent. 1st attempt panel lifted off, 2nd attempt water pouring down A pillars. Finally a good job done by body shop in SW.

Much frustation over the years, only kept going by the fact the vehicle is otherwise excellent.

Good luck with your up hill task.

Thanks Moonshine

Just sent the following to VWCC:

Thank you for the phone call yesterday and the courteous manner with which you dealt with my concerns.
I hope you also got to speak to --------- yesterday. He sent me through the pictures below showing the appalling state my van roof is in.

I know you said you would be speaking with a senior manager about my case before you call me back on Weds 10th Jan. I wanted to let you know that I have sought legal advice on my position also and I quote it below, I felt you should have this for the meeting:
Because the problem is evidently a build fault, in my opinion Clegg v Olle Andersson (trading as Nordic Marine) House of Lords 2003 applies and you can either reject the vehicle entirely, forcing the dealer to buy it back at current market value, or you can demand a full correctional repair.

As this is a once in a lifetime purchase for me I am obviously wanting a full correctional repair ie a replacement panel fully insulated from the body to prevent the galvanic corrosion problem. This was the original repair promised to me in 2014, together with a replacement of the roof bellows if it was needed. A cover will simply hide the problem whilst the aluminium panel continues to degrade. In addition I was advised that a three year warranty would be provided on the repaired section. The body shop is unprepared to give this given the condition of the roof so to me there is no alternative route I can see or will be satisfied with.

I have been in contact with a consumer motoring section at a major national newspaper for advice on my situation. They are keen to take my case up and publicise the failings of VW customer care over the last 4 years, together with showing pictures of the state of the roof. I have held off this as it is not the type of person I am. However, after waiting for four years, having seen a few bubbles on my roof develop into the sorry state it is in now, and being treated like a second class citizen rather than a valued customer of a £50K plus camper van, I feel I will have no choice but to take that option if things are not quickly resolved to my satisfaction.

I should let you know that I saved 20 years to buy my dream camper van. I estimate that over the past four years since this problem was first found and acknowledged by VW I have spent over 100 hours telephoning, emailing, visiting dealerships and writing letters to VW (I have documentation of the whole sorry saga).

I sincerely hope that your phone call on wednesday will be to tell me that VW is going to finally do the decent and legally correct thing, and provide a full correctional repair to my camper van.

Yours faithfully

Keep you posted on their response....

All the best

Thanks Moonshine

Just sent the following to VWCC:

Thank you for the phone call yesterday and the courteous manner with which you dealt with my concerns.
I hope you also got to speak to --------- yesterday. He sent me through the pictures below showing the appalling state my van roof is in.

I know you said you would be speaking with a senior manager about my case before you call me back on Weds 10th Jan. I wanted to let you know that I have sought legal advice on my position also and I quote it below, I felt you should have this for the meeting:
Because the problem is evidently a build fault, in my opinion Clegg v Olle Andersson (trading as Nordic Marine) House of Lords 2003 applies and you can either reject the vehicle entirely, forcing the dealer to buy it back at current market value, or you can demand a full correctional repair.

As this is a once in a lifetime purchase for me I am obviously wanting a full correctional repair ie a replacement panel fully insulated from the body to prevent the galvanic corrosion problem. This was the original repair promised to me in 2014, together with a replacement of the roof bellows if it was needed. A cover will simply hide the problem whilst the aluminium panel continues to degrade. In addition I was advised that a three year warranty would be provided on the repaired section. The body shop is unprepared to give this given the condition of the roof so to me there is no alternative route I can see or will be satisfied with.

I have been in contact with a consumer motoring section at a major national newspaper for advice on my situation. They are keen to take my case up and publicise the failings of VW customer care over the last 4 years, together with showing pictures of the state of the roof. I have held off this as it is not the type of person I am. However, after waiting for four years, having seen a few bubbles on my roof develop into the sorry state it is in now, and being treated like a second class citizen rather than a valued customer of a £50K plus camper van, I feel I will have no choice but to take that option if things are not quickly resolved to my satisfaction.

I should let you know that I saved 20 years to buy my dream camper van. I estimate that over the past four years since this problem was first found and acknowledged by VW I have spent over 100 hours telephoning, emailing, visiting dealerships and writing letters to VW (I have documentation of the whole sorry saga).

I sincerely hope that your phone call on wednesday will be to tell me that VW is going to finally do the decent and legally correct thing, and provide a full correctional repair to my camper van.

Yours faithfully

Keep you posted on their response....

All the best

Matt, that is brilliant !
They cannot possibly continue with the same attitude after reading that
They cannot possibly continue with the same attitude after reading that
Wanna bet?! I see a sorry lost in the post excuse coming up fast...

Although I have all fingers and toes crossed that this does the trick.

VW California Club
