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Stolen VW California 4Motion

Thus a decoy key that trips the vehicle alarm. It would take a brave crook who would rummage through a house or rip off a householder's fingernails to find the real key with a vehicle alarm sounding on the drive outside.

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Or better still it sets off both the van and the house panic alarm...
Thus a decoy key that trips the vehicle alarm. It would take a brave crook who would rummage through a house or rip off a householder's fingernails to find the real key with a vehicle alarm sounding on the drive outside.

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I like the idea but a lot of the scum really don’t care. What happens when they come back again demanding the real keys or else. Many have no problem in upping the ante until they get what they want.
I like the idea but a lot of the scum really don’t care. What happens when they come back again demanding the real keys or else. Many have no problem in upping the ante until they get what they want.
Has our country sunk that low? The politicians and press, in association with the legal system, make excuses that no other country would tolerate.There is no place in a civilised society for violence.

Hope all goes well and your insurer is prompt in settling.
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Errrr.... is this a re-enactment of how the BNP started or did I miss something?
Not at all. Just commenting on the theft and mention by some on burglary and violence to steal keys/ vehicle. Sad we have to suffer thefts and violence. Mainly home grown.
A nice product would be a fake key to hang by the front door. As soon as the fob is pressed the vehicle alarm sounds.

I wonder if I could get a slot on Dragon's Den to bid for £10,000,000 for a 0.1% stake in my idea?

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I think it would work better, if the dummy key delivered 10000volt electric surge to immobilise thief...!!!
Thanks everyone. Most of our camping stuff was in there but the main thing is that none of us were hurt. We think the van was an added bonus for them as they also took my husbands BMW, another BMW within the village and attempted to take another BMW on the same estate. I think they would have searched for the keys and got them no matter what. The tracker was ripped out of the BMW so they knew what they were doing.
Here is hoping your insurer pays out quick. This was obviously well organised and planned so vehicles may be stripped out or abroad by now.
It is so unfair that you work hard and some thieving gits can take with little chance of being caught and punished. Feel for you.
We have vans stolen on a regular basis. Its important to spend all week scouring the streets around where you live, 2-3 mile diameter. They will abandon it for 24-48 hours to make sure it is not trackered. If they see it still in same place after a couple of days they will then take it and it will be gone forever.
The police will say it was not stolen, it was given away because you did not secure the keys.
I don't see how having keys inside your house and being burgled is giving it away.
Its a tough line to walk, secure the keys and then risk them coming to ask where they are?
Oh and if you get trackers the dash is the last place I would put them. The Cali makes it easy to take the end caps off the dash and have a look inside.
Thanks everyone. Most of our camping stuff was in there but the main thing is that none of us were hurt. We think the van was an added bonus for them as they also took my husbands BMW, another BMW within the village and attempted to take another BMW on the same estate. I think they would have searched for the keys and got them no matter what. The tracker was ripped out of the BMW so they knew what they were doing.

Firstly, so sorry to read this :( So sad.

I agree with you that the main thing is no one was hurt. The vehicle is insured, it can be replaced, we have no idea what lengths they would have gone to had they not been able to find the keys.

It must be such a hard thing to live with, I hope you can somehow soon start to put it behind you.
Firstly, so sorry to read this :( So sad.

I agree with you that the main thing is no one was hurt. The vehicle is insured, it can be replaced, we have no idea what lengths they would have gone to had they not been able to find the keys.

It must be such a hard thing to live with, I hope you can somehow soon start to put it behind you.
It’s hard but we will get over it. It doesn’t help that we’d only had the van 3 months so the camping was still new to us. However it hasn’t put us off
It’s hard but we will get over it. It doesn’t help that we’d only had the van 3 months so the camping was still new to us. However it hasn’t put us off

It is great to hear that the scumbags haven’t put you off!
Good luck with everything with the insurer, hope they play fair. I’m guessing if it hasn’t turned up by now it’s in a container on a boat somewhere. Probably for the best to start again with a new van, so pleased the lowlife haven’t put you off.
The sense of violation after having something valuable nicked is one of the most unpleasant things I can think of ever happening to me. As has been said, the most important is that everyone is ok, the bus can be replaced. Maybe time to start thinking about what you would've added on it so the next Cali will be even better than the one that is missing!

I've only had one vehicle stolen, knock on wood. I motorcycled in miserable weather on a worn out tire (young and stupid, lol) from Geneva to Amsterdam for a visit. Got up in the morning and the bike was gone. As the bike was second hand but only a couple of months old, the insurance mob refunded me the full purchase price I paid. They even bought my flight home with excess baggage for all my gear on top of it. Needless to say, I'm still with the same insurance 15 years later. When (if??,** Important News: New Vehicle Registrations on Hold) the new Cali shows up, the keys will be hanging right inside the front door along with numerous other valuables, documented, they may help themselves to. I want this bozo out of my house long before I see him so not to risk me being the one going to jail for his character flaws. It's unfortunate, but it's why we pay insurance.
I don't see how having keys inside your house and being burgled is giving it away.
Its a tough line to walk, secure the keys and then risk them coming to ask where they are?

My wife refuses to take our vehicle keys upstairs. A friend of ours who live in Coventry had 3 men trying to kick down his front door to obtain the keys to his Audi S3 at 10pm.
My wife says she would rather let them have the vehicle and claim on the insurance.
Myself, I would rather go down fighting

It’s a topic we have agreed to dis-agree on. Let’s hope it never happens.
The last time someone broke into my works vehicle, I was chasing them up the road, completely starkers.
They never returned ;)
My wife refuses to take our vehicle keys upstairs. A friend of ours who live in Coventry had 3 men trying to kick down his front door to obtain the keys to his Audi S3 at 10pm.
My wife says she would rather let them have the vehicle and claim on the insurance.
Myself, I would rather go down fighting

It’s a topic we have agreed to dis-agree on. Let’s hope it never happens.
The last time someone broke into my works vehicle, I was chasing them up the road, completely starkers.
They never returned ;)

Ha ha ha on a lighter note it made me chuckle the last bit,

but yep that’s probably the sensible thing to do put them where they can find them so there in n out with nobody hurt.
a bloke will blow up where a woman uses her brain..but act first think later sometimes is the way it goes not too sure about running up the street starkers though lol.
Your neighbors must know you now soooo well!:) do they call you peewee or big boy ;)
I would have to reach past my Beretta to get my Cali keys. Just sayin'.
That’s why I keep the baseball bat upstairs, if they make up they get what they deserve and it's self defence, keep it downstairs and you risk going outside with it and you are in sh1t.

VW California Club
