Sorry I never updated this but I finally converted it to manual at the end of the summer.
I know some love these doors and and if they work reliably for you and continue to do so you're a lucky customer!
In my experience and many others it seems and IMHO

it is a truly terrible, unreliable, annoying, slow, noisy, inflexible, inconvenient, money eating, power consuming, panel gouging, shonky designed, plastic infested, gremlin prone, cable stretching, poorly designed option from hell.
So, back to manual:
I finally was able to do this at the end of a long summer trip and after five weeks of using the electric door manually I wish I had done it before but that's the benefit of hindsight.
Just to recap this vehicle was a 2008 and in it's lifetime and by previous owners it had the following:
First warranty claim (for the door) was at 2 years old for intermittent non shutting.
Next was at SMG Cowford at 4 years old (new motor and other parts) with a bill for £800
Next door issue was at 5 years old (no cost details).
Last was at 8 years old (track, coil, springs etc + labour). = £842.
Also the door had (they run very close) scraped the panel behind meaning a large bodywork bill.
In our ownership this was the reason we had to go manual as during one of it's jolty, banging hissy fits during the trip it had again gouged the panel meaning more expensive bodywork - obviously it had to be fixed or converted to manual or it would just knacker another freshly repaired and painted panel.
So disclaimer - do this at your own risk, it's one way only but can be reinstated with a new cable set if you really wanted to.
As everyone knows you can use the door in 'manual' mode but as you have to push against the tension of the cable/pulleys/motor it is very stiff.
In short the easiest thing is to remove or cut the cable, simple as that.
First remove the long cover panel over the main upper door track - a Torx screw at the front on the C pillar (you'll need a right angle tool) and the other behind the OS rear light cluster.
The panel is held on with trim buttons too - prise off carefully as it is thin and flexible and easy to crease. You'll need to carefully manipulate it off at the C pillar end.
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