Buying a 4motion



Looking to buy
I am looking to buy a T5 California SE 4motion or maybe a T6 California Ocean 4motion ?

What are the pros and cons apart from the emissions and cost of road tax ?
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Buying a Ocean and what is for sale.

After looking around for a long time I have noticed something strange to me I have asked VW sales people and they do not seem to know or not want to tell me does anyone know why that there are only a few about 6 2016 Californias about for sale on a web site

And loads of 2017 Californias for sale about 57 ish on that site

The only thing that I can think of is due to the high road tax on the 2017

Any ideas ?
It will cost you more to buy and use more fuel.

But you are less likely to get stuck in a muddy field and it will handle a little better. Also less likely to lose traction when you need to exit a side road in a hurry!

Having had both, the two wheel drive one is fine but when I change ours it will preferably be a 4motion again. The way things are with supplies at the moment we’d be lucky to get anything!
It will cost you more to buy and use more fuel.

But you are less likely to get stuck in a muddy field and it will handle a little better. Also less likely to lose traction when you need to exit a side road in a hurry!

Having had both, the two wheel drive one is fine but when I change ours it will preferably be a 4motion again. The way things are with supplies at the moment we’d be lucky to get anything!

Hi I have also owned both 2 and 4motion, I will be buying a 4motion but the question is weather to buy a T5 or T6 I did try to do it as 2 separate threads but the powers that be put them together.
Is there any chance a mod could separate the 2 questions please x ;):help
Hi I have also owned both 2 and 4motion, I will be buying a 4motion but the question is weather to buy a T5 or T6 I did try to do it as 2 separate threads but the powers that be put them together.
I guess the one to go for (assuming it is within budget) would be the T6 then, if you can find one at the right spec and price.

Re your other observation about 2016/2017 campers, maybe the dealers have stocked up on demos. I don't think many genuine private buyers would sell their vans on so quickly.
I guess the one to go for (assuming it is within budget) would be the T6 then, if you can find one at the right spec and price.

Re your other observation about 2016/2017 campers, maybe the dealers have stocked up on demos. I don't think many genuine private buyers would sell their vans on so quickly.

It is a demo that I am thinking of going for
I guess the one to go for (assuming it is within budget) would be the T6 then, if you can find one at the right spec and price.

Re your other observation about 2016/2017 campers, maybe the dealers have stocked up on demos. I don't think many genuine private buyers would sell their vans on so quickly.

I think that you could be right as they will be wanting to get rid of all the demo vans now as they are going all petrol and no more 4motions not this year anyway
Many of the 17 plates in dealers are ex vw management vehicles (KT (and KX?).... reg numbers show VW Mgt). They have recently been released hence the 'flood' of them. I suspect a similar spike is seen every 6 months.
Many of the 17 plates in dealers are ex vw management vehicles (KT (and KX?).... reg numbers show VW Mgt). They have recently been released hence the 'flood' of them. I suspect a similar spike is seen every 6 months.

Hi I think that you are right the one I was going to get last week was a KW and that was a ex demo.

I unfortunately just missed out on one a 4motion not happy about that. As I spoke to them last Wednesday agreed a price and asked if they could throw in a set of seat covers the salesman said he would see what he could do and said for me to call him back the next day. When I called him he said no covers would be available for the same for the same price so I asked him to get me a price for them and I would be down the next day to get the van he said when, I said in the afternoon. Half an hour later he calls me to say that the van had been sold I was gutted. I was not asked to leave a deposit he said someone else just did. I have never dealt with trade before it has not been a good experience for me.
It seems unbelievable as the van was for sale for 3 months and they did say that it was going to another trader the end of the week.
So I called back and spoke to another sales man and he did not know who I was and he said it was available, when I questioned him about it he then went away and then came back and said that it was sold I did not believe that I asked him when it was going to he said Friday but the other sales man before told me Saturday the manager then came on the phone and talked to me asking if I had been offered to put down a deposit I told him that I had not he said he would talk the the sales man and get back to me, he did but said that I can not have the van as someone put down a deposit and that is the way it works.
He did say that he would try to find me another one but was not sure if he could as there are not many 4motions around.
I then asked a friend of mine to phone up the next day supposedly the day of the sale and he spoke to one of the sales men I spoke to and he said that it was available not good.
I am not happy with the situation.
I am not happy with the situation
I don’t blame you. Unfortunately we are just punters to dealers like that.

Suggest you post up your experience on the dealer reviews section. I hope it’s no one near me!
I don’t blame you. Unfortunately we are just punters to dealers like that.

Suggest you post up your experience on the dealer reviews section. I hope it’s no one near me!

I phoned them back today and asked for a call back but no reply as they were all busy ( yeah right )
So I am going to call back again tomorrow and see if they do the same then if they do I will write about it to name and shame the dealership and name the people involved including the manager.
Hi Motacyclist how have you found your 180 engine I have heard and read that they can use a lot of oil ?
I wouldn´t like to sell you a car.
Maybe the dealer picked up the same vibe.
no offence.
I wouldn´t like to sell you a car.
Maybe the dealer picked up the same vibe.
no offence.

Why do you say that ?

I also think that you should put yourself in my shoes, how would you feel after saying to someone that you are going to get a van of them the next day and they agree then half an hour later tell you it has just been sold well they took a deposit on it.

But I must admit that I am not the best at writing emails or text here is a reply that I got sent just yesterday :embarrased

Sorry that email is very confusing? What is it you mean?

But my contact with the dealership was on the phone no mistakes for me there as I am much better talking than texting
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Hi Motacyclist how have you found your 180 engine I have heard and read that they can use a lot of oil ?
Ours has never used any between services, I think maybe it was a problem with the earlier ones?
Ok thanks

I think that I was told the ones between 2010 and 2012
I'm now at 64,000 miles in just over 3 yrs. Annual service at around 20,000 miles with the Oil Service data showing at least another 6,000 miles. Have used 1 L of oil in Year 1, 2 and 3 as top up. I do some long distance travelling and rarely do less than 50 miles/trip.
Ok thanks

I think that I was told the ones between 2010 and 2012
You need to do some more research on that. There are separate threads on the subject, which will also link you to a Facebook group.
I'm now at 64,000 miles in just over 3 yrs. Annual service at around 20,000 miles with the Oil Service data showing at least another 6,000 miles. Have used 1 L of oil in Year 1, 2 and 3 as top up. I do some long distance travelling and rarely do less than 50 miles/trip.

Hi WG do you mean in 3 years you used 1L or 1 per year

At the moment I have got a t5 2.5 tdi 4motion kombi never put any oil in it for 3 years as a top up just oil changes.
But I have got another car what uses about 1L every 1000 miles or so if driven quite hard but it is a performance car and it is normal for them to do that.
You need to do some more research on that. There are separate threads on the subject, which will also link you to a Facebook group.

Ok thanks but I do not do facebook
Hi WG do you mean in 3 years you used 1L or 1 per year

At the moment I have got a t5 2.5 tdi 4motion kombi never put any oil in it for 3 years as a top up just oil changes.
But I have got another car what uses about 1L every 1000 miles or so if driven quite hard but it is a performance car and it is normal for them to do that.
1L/20,000 miles.
I know of NO modern engine that does not use some oil on a high speed long run. When the engine is upto temperature some oil vaporises and that is one of the reasons you have Crank Case ventilation where the Crank Case is ventilated into the Intake manifold in some way so any oil vapour will be extracted and burnt. This is normal. Obviously if you do 10,000 miles/year and have an oil change annually it would appear you use no oil. If you do short low speed runs you won't register any oil use. It really depends on your usage. When touring I tend to like to get to my ultimate destination quickly so 400 miles at 70-80 mph on continental autoroutes is not uncommon. That warms the engine up properly. I've also never noticed a DPF Regen during my ownership.
My RX8 used to use 1L/1000 miles and only had a 2.5L capacity so this consumption is more than acceptable.
The issue (when it occurs) is not to do with the cost of the oil, it's that is that they go from 'full oil' to 'oil warning light' in the time it takes to use a tank of fuel. Apart from that being intolerable, that consumed oil is finding its way into the emissions control equipment which gunk up and bring on warning lights / bring you to a stop. If this happens to your engine out of warranty, it's a £7k bill.

I know of two effected 4x4 180's that their owners have chosen to part ex into dealers without declaring the problem. One is still for sale at an 'attractive' price, so be aware and do understand 'egr suffixes' before buying one.

I don't want to open up the debate again, but couldn't leave it there.
1L/20,000 miles.
I know of NO modern engine that does not use some oil on a high speed long run. When the engine is upto temperature some oil vaporises and that is one of the reasons you have Crank Case ventilation where the Crank Case is ventilated into the Intake manifold in some way so any oil vapour will be extracted and burnt. This is normal. Obviously if you do 10,000 miles/year and have an oil change annually it would appear you use no oil. If you do short low speed runs you won't register any oil use. It really depends on your usage. When touring I tend to like to get to my ultimate destination quickly so 400 miles at 70-80 mph on continental autoroutes is not uncommon. That warms the engine up properly. I've also never noticed a DPF Regen during my ownership.
My RX8 used to use 1L/1000 miles and only had a 2.5L capacity so this consumption is more than acceptable.

Ok thanks WG you do know your stuff :thumb
The issue (when it occurs) is not to do with the cost of the oil, it's that is that they go from 'full oil' to 'oil warning light' in the time it takes to use a tank of fuel. Apart from that being intolerable, that consumed oil is finding its way into the emissions control equipment which gunk up and bring on warning lights / bring you to a stop. If this happens to your engine out of warranty, it's a £7k bill.

I know of two effected 4x4 180's that their owners have chosen to part ex into dealers without declaring the problem. One is still for sale at an 'attractive' price, so be aware and do understand 'egr suffixes' before buying one.

I don't want to open up the debate again, but couldn't leave it there.

Ok thanks 2into1 you do too thanks
That would be scary if that happened £7k
Well what a difference a day makes (as the old tune says it was made even before I was born :D)
What a great tune

Anyway I have had a call from the manager this morning and he has said that he has found me another California and said he is 90% sure I will get it.
I have put a deposit on it so I am very very happy at the moment just waiting for the call to say that it is 100 % mine.

Hopefully 3rd time lucky.

Then when that happens I will go into detail about it I could not wish for better :thumb

VW California Club
