Rust on bodywork caused by the front door.



T5 SE 174
Has anyone else got this rust spot, it´s been caused by my passenger door. ( LHD )
Either whilst closing it or it flexes whilst on the move. I remember someone asking
me years ago if i had that rust spot, as it was a common one.
I´ve noticed that the new T6´s have a small black rubber stopper at the bottom corner
of the doors now.rust.jpg
Is that where your sliding door shuts? If so your door has dropped slightly on the handle end just touching your sill when closing.
We have had the same on our 2008 model. We had it repaired, and they put the stops on, which weren't there originally. They explained to us that stops were only standard on the commercial vans for our model year. Not the people carriers such as Multivan and (thus) Cali. Probably they expected commercial vans to open/close the doors more often... ???
They also re-aligned the door in its hinges.
@WelshGas be aware of that parts site, it is now (didn't in the past) throw up a warning by my virus guard which is AVG.

@WelshGas be aware of that parts site, it is now (didn't in the past) throw up a warning by my virus guard which is AVG.

Too True. That’s why I have only Macs and iPads and everything is behind a router with its own system.
We have had the same on our 2008 model. We had it repaired, and they put the stops on, which weren't there originally. They explained to us that stops were only standard on the commercial vans for our model year. Not the people carriers such as Multivan and (thus) Cali. Probably they expected commercial vans to open/close the doors more often... ???
They also re-aligned the door in its hinges.
Hi, New to this forum. Joined as I have the exact same rust spots and was wondering if vw sorted under warranty?
It’s with vw at the moment who are reviewing as part of the 12 year perforation warranty and was wondering if anyone had successfully claimed.
@WelshGas be aware of that parts site, it is now (didn't in the past) throw up a warning by my virus guard which is AVG.

That site seems to have been cleaned up now.

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