Products used to clean exterior of your Cali?



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T6 Beach 150
Dear Cali Gurus,

My question is, what methods and products do you use to clean your Calis exterior to that new shine?

I was in halfords today and there are SO many new car cleaning products with prices from £2 to £50. I do like Autoglym products but its getting expensive when there not on offer so be nice to hear what methods/ products work best and there pros and cons?
Snowfoam, auto detergent (currently using BMW supplied) and water. All applied via a pressure washer.

There's nowt sophisticated about cleaning cars in the chateau Jo'n'Jen household, except Jo's, being a Beemer, doesn't get cleaned that often :D
Snow foam x 2 hand wash with shampoo and a good mitt rinse off then a few times a year I use a paint sealer like Autoglym gloss finish. Depending on how new your Cali is it shouldn’t need polishing.
Jet washer, they any good. Never used in any vehicle. Heard they can cause problems due to rubber seals not being designed for that kind of pressure/power from what should only ever be intense rain pressure?
A chore I really hate .....
But as I wont let anyone else near it and hate half efforts here is my regime.

Meguires Gold Class 'wash and wax'
Meguires 'quick wax'
Meguires 'Detailing clay'
Meguires 'wash mitt'
Glass cleaner (what ever halfords happen to have).
Micro fibre cloths.
Polishing cloth.

Day 1... usually Friday evening after work you see.
1/2 a cap of 'wash and wax' in bucket 1 fill with water.
Hose down 1 wheel and blast under arches.
Attack rims with various wheel brushes soaked in bucket 1 and the best of the bunch is a set of 'wheel woollies'.
Rinse rim with hose as you go.
Rinse brushes as you go into bucket 2.
Repeat for each remaining wheel.
Total time 8 to 10 minutes per wheel.
The worst bit is trying to get all round the front rims due to the brake calliper size so I often roll the cali forward by half a wheel and have 2 bites at it.

Day 2...
Get wiper blades off the screens.
1&1/2 capfuls of wash and wax in bucket 1 fill with water.
Hose down Cali.
Starting with the roof and working down, use a soaked mitt from bucket 1 over the entire body and glass a section at a time rinsing as you go and turning and rinsing the wash mitt in bucket 2 before each top up from bucket 1.
30 minutes
Allow to dry and clean glass with cleaner and microfibre cloths.
20 minutes

If I didn't get away without streaks from water (I live in a hard water area) I detail clay any stubborn blood, tar, gizzards then re-wax panel by panel with quick wax and polishing cloth. This is usually the same day as the wash because of the dusty atmosphere but could be day 3.
In nearly 9 months of ownership I have done the part wash 5 times, including wax on 3 occasions and applied dressing to tyres once.
1hour/ 1.5 hours depending on clayng.
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Bilt Hamber products are they best - not cheap but they go a long way.

Snow foam, rinse, wash using their detergent using the two bucket method, rinse and dry using microfibre car drying towel. Wax regularly.

I like the Autoglym interior shampoo for any marks on the seats.
Having showed old golfs historically, I’ve used a few different products over the years. I went through the auto Glym phase, then meguires, and have ultimately settled on three types.
1. Swissvax
2. Chemical guys
3. G technique.

All are very good products, and they all differ from what they can offer, if you know what I mean.
I use to shop for bits, usually delivered the next day.

The main problem over the years is dragging dirt onto the paintwork, especially with darker coloured cars. It shows up a treat.

Take care to pre prep properly, soak, jet wash, snow foam, jet wash again before washing. Then the double bucket etc etc. Covered above.
I use some Meguire’s shampoo, a nice wool wash mit and employ the 2 bucket technique, for the wheels I use bilberry wheel cleaner and maybe a bit of rim wax if I can be bothered I then give the whole thing a good dry.

It take me an hour and a half tops and I do it once a month.
I use some Meguire’s shampoo, a nice wool wash mit and employ the 2 bucket technique, for the wheels I use bilberry wheel cleaner and maybe a bit of rim wax if I can be bothered I then give the whole thing a good dry.

It take me an hour and a half tops and I do it once a month.
Got to ask, whats the 2 bucket technoque?
A chore I really hate .....
But as I wont let anyone else near it and hate half efforts here is my regime.

Meguires Gold Class 'wash and wax'
Meguires 'quick wax'
Meguires 'Detailing clay'
Meguires 'wash mitt'
Glass cleaner (what ever halfords happen to have).
Micro fibre cloths.
Polishing cloth.

Day 1... usually Friday evening after work you see.
1/2 a cap of 'wash and wax' in bucket 1 fill with water.
Hose down 1 wheel and blast under arches.
Attack rims with various wheel brushes soaked in bucket 1 and the best of the bunch is a set of 'wheel wollies'.
Rinse rim with hose as you go.
Rinse brushes as you go into bucket 2.
Repeat for each remaining wheel.
Total time 8 to 10 minutes per wheel.
The worst bit is trying to get all round the front rims due to the brake calliper size so I often roll the cali forward by half a wheel and have 2 bites at it.

Day 2...
Get wiper blades off the screens.
1&1/2 capfuls of wash and wax in bucket 1 fill with water.
Hose down Cali.
Starting with the roof and working down, use a soaked mitt from bucket 1 over the entire body and glass a section at a time rinsing as you go and turning and rinsing the wash mitt in bucket 2 before each top up from bucket 1.
30 minutes
Clean glass with microfibre cloths.
20 minutes

If I didn't get away without streaks from water (I live in a hard water area) I detail clay any stubborn blood, tar, gizzards and wax panel by panel with quick wax and polishing cloth. This is usually the same day as the wash because of the dusty atmosphere but could be day 3.
In nearly 9 months of ownership I have done this 5 times, wax on 3 occasions applied dressing to tyres once.
1hour/ 1.5 hours depending on clayng.
Amazing!! Thank you for all them tips, you might not enjoy it but thats one thorough cleaning job!!!!
If you use it more often then you don’t have to wash it so often.:pinkbanana
Don’t use it - never wash it.

Sorry wrong thread..........

Guess what I am drinking tonight ?
Well i often rely on a good downpour. I use mine often and wash ever 3 months or so.
Are there any disadvantages to not cleaning more often?
Pantene Pro Vitamin V5 shampoo ... was all I had on campsite apart from Fairy Liquid. Cali ended up as shiny as Ellie Goulding’s hair though, without any conditioner.
I use snowfoam, jetwash, Autobrite shampoo in a large wheelie bucket with a grit guard at the bottom towel dry etc.

However, I have found a new(to me) hydrophobic product that is sprayed on after cleaning and instantly washed off with the jet wash and after a few months since applying is still working amazingly.
If you know me you know I am hugely sceptical of advertising and any claims made on products like this but I have to say it really works.
It comes with a warning, that it must not be allowed to run and dry and must be washed off and towel dried immediately as it forms a coating and any runs that dry will need to be polished off so it is serious stuff and you are advised to only apply one panel at a time.

When it rains now, the Cali is cleaner after the rain for the first time, and when I jet wash it the dirt flies off and the water spray is obviously not sticking to the paint as it looks like the water effect you see after a freshly waxed car..

Its called Supersonic Sprints take a look at the video, it really does behave like it does in the video.

Also, whilst away in Norway, I found this and had to buy it, only the best for our Cali :)

PS. I have no association with Autobrite Direct other than being a very satisfied customer.

VW California Club
