Calling All Solo Campers

Looks like some people are happier to send a PM on this, so free to send me a private message if you prefer.
I am a member of a few groups, namely VW Camper Chicks, Women with Campervans and also a Craft group which is predominantly women. The latter are nuts but great great fun!
Personally I don’t feel the need for a secure area but then this forum, and the whole group
has been incredibly friendly and I have never felt threatened or anything less than welcome.
If you do create a secure area then I would happily join in but would also like to keep participating in the main group as normal.
Have found the forums in this group very open and friendly. Very occasionally however the input from other solo women travellers is helpful. Belong to VW Chicks and Women with Campervans but sometimes find the fact that don’t drive an old T2/T25/T4 etc conversion/self build marks you out a little as not a ‘proper Vdubber’. Since don’t really do garlands etc and love my Cali would like to share thoughts with like minded Cali women.
I'm happy where I am but sometimes I do feel a little bit "isolated" on the forum, especially when all the new posts appear to be concentrated o n technical issues and things such as beefing up and lowering down suspensions etc. which is why I go quiet from time to time, as like now :)
Yeah, that's the other reason, van forums guys are heavily into mods and that's not happening to my van.
Yes I had thought for instance about organising a mini meet. Not sure about whether it would need to be solo women campers or just solo campers. Stayed on my own for the first time this summer in a variety of places and now with the dear daughter more interested in her friends it’s just me and the dog.
Do lots of solo camping and found vw camper chicks really helpful. Vw camper chicks gas a camper chicks solo arm which is small though. A meet would be interesting
I also do a lot of solo camping and would certainly be interested in a solo campers meet as it does become a bit lonely sometimes with just the pooch for company., as said above it does not necessarily need to be ladies only. I may even meet 'Mr Right' :embarrased

Bring it on!
Maybe at club meets those travelling ‘solo’ could be put together? Just an idea. I am happy wherever but that would give us an opportunity to get to know each other?
Well, not me personally !

We have been asked quite a few times about a club or a section on the forum for solo female campers to chat to each other.

I have been told there is a successful version in the USA called Sisters on the Fly so we were wondering if there was anything like this in the UK ?

Would anyone be interested in us creating something or maybe a special secure area on the forum?
Well, not me personally !

We have been asked quite a few times about a club or a section on the forum for solo female campers to chat to each other.

I have been told there is a successful version in the USA called Sisters on the Fly so we were wondering if there was anything like this in the UK ?

Would anyone be interested in us creating something or maybe a special secure area on the forum?

I also belong to vw camper chicks - very informative and supportive group. I travel alone with dog and think it wld be good to hear from other solo women campers for meeting up, tips and info etc.
Well, not me personally !

We have been asked quite a few times about a club or a section on the forum for solo female campers to chat to each other.

I have been told there is a successful version in the USA called Sisters on the Fly so we were wondering if there was anything like this in the UK ?

Would anyone be interested in us creating something or maybe a special secure area on the forum?

Is there a,ready one for solo male campers? If not then surly there would be one created as well!
I would also be interested in a meet up for solo campers, I dont think we need to have it as women only though, just solo campers in general?
I agree with the comments above that a solo campers section would be helpful. Personally I don’t agree with segregating for women as I find that discriminating (just my view and not wanting to start a discussion).
I’m always a solo traveller in Brandy, my 2013 Cali. I live in Ireland and travel in Brandy at least four months/year. I don’t get to meets often as I live in Ireland but think it would be interesting to chat with other women about some of our adventures. I’ll pass through England next April on my way to Croatia if all goes to plan
Interesting thought having meets for solo campers but I would think you would need to be careful that they didn't turn into some sort of dating group, or at least be treated as such by some.
Personally having spent many happy years with a bunch of bikers of all genders and ages I'd feel it very odd to be part of anything that was just for solos, or just for women.
I disagree, I have been to meets and really enjoyed myself on my own, I think it would also be nice with other solo campers, if someone found love then surely that is not a bad thing.
I was a ‘solo camper’ for 15 months solid over 23 countries every night, approx 80% wild camp.

I see no point in spitting the solo campers from the duo campers of whatever.....we are all travellers ......
I don't see it as splitting the group, I would still attend other meets. If you are the only singleton in a group of couples or families it can feel a bit awkward. So if there is a meet where you know everyone is on the same position its a good thing.

I don't think anyon is planning a breakaway group.
Camping in Alderstead Heath tonight as my dear daughter has her noisy friends staying and I need my beauty sleep. However got here 2 minutes late , i did phone and leave a message that I was stuck on the M25. But am in the late arrivals bit which is outside the campsite and as a lone woman that is scary. The site seems to have a lot of travellers on it. I have no problem with that they can join the Caravan Club as easily as I can. But there are groups of men hanging around the car park. I’d like to think the dog would protect me but he’s curled up on the cushion! Should have just slept on the drive instead!
I don't see it as splitting the group, I would still attend other meets. If you are the only singleton in a group of couples or families it can feel a bit awkward. So if there is a meet where you know everyone is on the same position its a good thing.

I don't think anyon is planning a breakaway group.
Know the feeling of being solo and surrounded by couples etc
I do feel out of it really, Solo meets sounds good to me
Know the feeling of being solo and surrounded by couples etc
I do feel out of it really, Solo meets sounds good to me

no no no, it makes no difference whatsoever, we ‘brits’ really need to drop these silly reservations.......

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