Northern Lights Trip 2018 - a Skandinavian Adventure



Guest User
Hi, My wife Jackie and I are currently at the Denmark meet at Rømø and are heading North on an epic drive through Norway into the Artic Circle to meet up with two other Cali’s in the Lofoten Islands before traveling on to the most northern parts of Norway, Finland and Lapland to see the Northern Lights. We plan to be home by mid to end of October

Several people asked if we could share a link to our travels so here it is (If you click on the link and request to follow us you will be able to see updates as we progress further North)

In view of the reported dubious posts on this Forum can you please give your California Club name when requesting the link as we’re stuggling to Identify everyone before giving them access to Polar steps . Thanks .
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I’ve got you. Have a great time.

sounds amazing!!! Have a brilliant adaventure and share some photos of them lights!! :)
Hi, My wife Jackie and I am currently at the Denmark meet at Rømø and are heading North on an epic drive through Norway into the Artic Circle to meet up with two other Cali’s in the Lofoten Islands before traveling on to the most northern parts of Norway, Finland and Lapland to see the Northern Lights. We plan to be home by mid to end of October

Several people asked if we could share a link to our travels so here it is (If you click on the link and request to follow us you will be able to see updates as we progress further North)

Would love to go - Enjoy! Me looking foreward to follow you on the app.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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Hi, My wife Jackie and I am currently at the Denmark meet at Rømø and are heading North on an epic drive through Norway into the Artic Circle to meet up with two other Cali’s in the Lofoten Islands before traveling on to the most northern parts of Norway, Finland and Lapland to see the Northern Lights. We plan to be home by mid to end of October

Several people asked if we could share a link to our travels so here it is (If you click on the link and request to follow us you will be able to see updates as we progress further North)
What a great app to record your travels. I will enjoy following you on your trip.
I particularly liked the comments about the Forum meet where you all turned the same way over night. Sounds like great fun and lovely pictures, thank you
What a massive trailer, we always travel light and I can't imagine what you gave in there?!
Hi, Rob and Jacky, have a fantastic trip! Nice to have met you in Rømø at the start of your adventures.
Will follow you in the Polarsteps-app. Best Regards! Erwin&Marlene
I wish i had found the site before I left, its brillant. Great to meet you at the meet and I look forward to watching your progress. :)
Hi Rob, Hi Jackie
Hope all is going well - it looks like it is judging by your comments and photos. I would put comment on your polarsteps account but something seems to have gone wrong with mine - will try and fix. Fixed!!
EDIT: Well I thought it was fixed! But seemingly I can "like" but cant write comments.
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Hi, My wife Jackie and I are currently at the Denmark meet at Rømø and are heading North on an epic drive through Norway into the Artic Circle to meet up with two other Cali’s in the Lofoten Islands before traveling on to the most northern parts of Norway, Finland and Lapland to see the Northern Lights. We plan to be home by mid to end of October

Several people asked if we could share a link to our travels so here it is (If you click on the link and request to follow us you will be able to see updates as we progress further North)

In view of the reported dubious posts on this Forum can you please give your California Club name when requesting the link as we’re stuggling to Identify everyone before giving them access to Polar steps . Thanks .

I just hat a brief look at the website - super!!!!!
So glad you are all enjoying our travel log of Scandinavia or should I say blog on Polar Steps. It's a great app to use, so easy. It even creates trips for you of previous travels based on the locations your photos were taken. Spooky, Big Brothers is watching but so clever. It will even print a book of photos at the of your trip, at a price I am sure, but a lovely momento.
Hi Rob, Hi Jackie
Hope all is going well - it looks like it is judging by your comments and photos. I would put comment on your polarsteps account but something seems to have gone wrong with mine - will try and fix. Fixed!!
EDIT: Well I thought it was fixed! But seemingly I can "like" but cant write comments.
Hi Rick, Great to meet you in Denmark and thank you for all your advice on Norway. It was very helpful and we definitely understand now what you meant about the roads and the tunnels but are getting quite used to them!

Is Polar Steps working for you now?

We're currently at the Geiranger Fjord. I think you said you came here? Amazing drive over the plateau to get here. Big hugs xx
Hi I’ve requested to follow your trip - looks Fab
Greg Vickers
@Trebor , been following your blog and seen some places we also passed allong the way on our trip .
We only stayed about south as we had only three weeks , we only went as high as Trondheim so thats where you guys are about now ....
Keep 'm comming ...:thumb

For those who are intrested in seeing how we got allong , look at this topic from three years ago:

Oh and don't worry about the weather , we have about thesame here in Belgium the last few days , don't need to drive all the way up to get wind&rain ...:D
Hi Jackie and Rob. We’ve been reading your Polar Steps blog with interest, since we did the same trip in June / July this year, as part of our ‘round Europe’ trip. We were incredibly lucky with the weather - just two really wet days, one in Stavanger, and one in Lofoten. Please don’t lose heart - when the sun shines in Lofoten it is sublime. Not sure if you’re planning to go all the way up to Nordkapp, but if you get a weather window, it is an amazing trip. Returning, we visited Abisko National Park, which is one of the best places in the Arctic to see the northern lights - it’s on your way home - sort of!! Heather and Howard Marriage.
Hi Rob and Jackie. So delighted that you have seen such an amazing display of the Northern Lights. Your photos are stunning, and we’re really enjoying your blog. Hope the weather stays clear for Nordkapp! You may not believe that when we were there in early July, the temperature hit 28 degrees the day after we left, and there were forest fires near Alta. So very different from your experience!
Heather and Howard Marriage.
That Day 32 campsite in Alta looks familiar!

Your Day 34 blog makes me want to return to Norway. Epic indeed.
Hi Rob and Jackie. So delighted that you have seen such an amazing display of the Northern Lights. Your photos are stunning, and we’re really enjoying your blog. Hope the weather stays clear for Nordkapp! You may not believe that when we were there in early July, the temperature hit 28 degrees the day after we left, and there were forest fires near Alta. So very different from your experience!
Heather and Howard Marriage.
Thank you for your messages, they are very much appreciated. We are going to Hammerfest and Nordland and then onto Finland. So pleased you are enjoying our blog.
When you’re in Hammerfest - don’t forget to visit the ‘Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society’!!
Hi Rob and Jackie. Great that you’re now within spitting distance of Nordkapp. Your photos of Skarsvåg reminded us of when we were there in the summer, and as we sat having a drink, the King Crab fisherman was sat at the next table to us. He was an interesting character, and told us that he’d caught all his King Crab quota - so appeared to be sat in the bar, drinking away his profits!! I wonder if he was the same guy that caught your King Crabs?!!
Brilliant blog. I wish mine was as professional looking as yours.

Hi Tom
If you download Polar Steps it will make your trip up retrospectively with photos ! I think you can copy and paste your text and then you could even have a book or two printed of your trip .
@Trebor , been checking every day ....seems quite an adventure so far !

VW California Club
