Cali or an F type



T6 Ocean 199 4 motion
Hi all please dont hate me or think I’m pretensious.

I’ve worked hard - saved my money & I’m in my early fifties and have a decision to make.

Having survived a painful corporate re structure just before Xmas I’m now looking to order my last daily driver before I retire ( so next 4 years or so).
Although completely different vehicles a fully loaded Cali an an f type are almost same price.

So here goes - just looking for honest practical comments suggestions ect

Cali pros
I’ve had a t2 so love the brand and vans (but it was a 3rd vehicle) we have a dog who we adore (kids are all grown up) we like camping and travelling and really want to explore Uk. I’ve test driven the Cali and specced in on the configurator a 100 times.

I do 20k miles business a year - Park a lot in city centres or multi stories height restriction is the main worry as well as 4-5 hours three times a week driving behind the wheel.

For the F type
Pros Same cost to buy. Looks sound and drives amazing.

Can’t really take dog and there is no storage in the cabriolet what so ever.

Thanks in advance and this is a guenuine dilemma for me - do I get the f type now and a Cali later when I retire? Or do I just go the Cali now and live with parking restrictions ect.
A bit of a conundrum.

As you will presumably be using the Cali much more as a business vehicle and less as a leisure one, I think this is the wrong vehicle for you at this time. 20k business miles is a lot of miles. I commuted in mine before I retired, but only for 2 years and my commute was about 5 miles a day.

Parking the Cali in towns, is not difficult, just a bit awkward, in that on the road it needs a bit more length to park tidily. Multi-stories can be an issue because, if you are in a queue at the entrance and find that the height barrier is just a bit worryingly low, you then have to get out of the queue. Having said that the Cali is 1.9mtrs high with standard gait and can be 3cms lower with VW lowering springs fitted. There are not many multi-stories that will then cause you a problem. Getting round some of the corners and into a space may be an issue though.

The F type is a lovely car and will bring you pleasure. Much easier to park and a great drive. The Cali does not drive like a Jag. The down side is carrying the dog which you won't be doing while working I guess?

Here is a thought.
Buy the Jag and pick up a cheaper used Cali for the weekend which you trade-in in 4 years time?

Buy the Jag. It’s what you really want.
Who would think pretentious or want to hate you?
He he,,,
Seriously, well done! A dilemma for me is wiskey with how much water.
Parking never been an issue for us, 2m barriers pretty usual in car parks but beware the dangling light fittings or hanging wires etc. Daily driver for us with no concerns, rather nice being higher up. It is amazing how much you can get into them, I cannot imagine going back to an ordinary car now. I know your F pace type is a bit special but where do you put the dog and how do you make tea and eat fish and chips in the Jag? I had an Elise many years ago now and whilst a blast it was so impractical in every way apart from track days and general posing! Very happy to be driving a camper now but if you would like my opinion,........... Buy the Jag, then realise the Cali was a better bet in the first place. HTH. No offence, just me musing. Best wishes!
The cali is a very relaxed long distance cruiser, I'm guessing the 20k business miles and 4 to 5 hrs are going to be mostly motorways or major roads which are fine for a Cali. Spec a decent entertainment system and you will find journeys are less stressful. F type territory is twisty, elevation changing and empty roads.
Its the city centre parking that is likely to be the decider. Mainly tight multi story. Probably find the higher driving position of a California will make the city driving easier than a low slung F type. Both vehicles about the same length Im guessing, Cali likely to be wider to fit in some spaces.
If you made a wrong decision and needed to change after a year then which would be worst for depreciation?
Last thoughts, a friend of mine has an F type (agree it does drive and sound fantastic) but Ive only ever seen him using it once as every time we meet its because we want to be doing something (running, cycling etc) and his wife car (Evoke) is more practical.
Having sold a similarly priced 18 month old AMG Mercedes to buy the Cali, I’ll tell you that the depreciation on cars like that is absolutely eye watering, whereas it is well documented that the Cali is the least depreciating vehicle.

Also, the novelty of the AMG wore off very quickly, whereas the the Cali brings a smile to my face every time along with great adventures and new friends. I'm just about to drive it 300 miles and am really looking forward to it as it a joy to drive (we have the 204ps (now 199).
A personal conundrum it certainly is.....

I was 50 last year & from my perspective it was 'mid life crisis' time which could have gone one of two ways.....

Sports car or VW Bus

It was pointed out to me (by a very dear friend) what a t@*t I'd look in a Sports Car trying to rediscover my lost I'd always been the kind of BBQ, beach shorts, flip flops & sunglasses kinda guy.... so in the end my choice was quite straightforward.

Retiring at 55 with the the time to explore even more of the continent, the Bus just made so much more sense..... plus Mrs H is onboard with the whole idea as well, so a win & a place as they say :)

All that said, good luck with your choice & enjoy the fruits of your labour, you've earned it :happy
A while back I did around 60k miles a year. Bought one of the first Audi A5’s in the country, had the big engine, 0-60mph was 5 secs and sporty suspension. BAD decision!!

Loved that car, but doing any sort of mileage in it just knackered my back. It was too hard, too cramped, too low.

Brilliant at the weekends, but not good as a car for commuting. I loved it far more than it loved me.

Changed it for a Discovery and that was a true partnership.

I’d say the Cali meets far more of your needs than the F Type. If you need a speed fix, than maybe hire a nice 2 seater for a weekend.
We bought a 6 Series convertible back in 2008 and lost an eye watering sum in the short time we owned it. The car was very one dimensional and the one and only time we took our dog in it he hated every moment. In the end it was used purely for commuting too and from work. So we replaced it.

For this very reason we currently have four vehicles. We have the Cali, a V8 Discovery 3, a JCW and PHEV.

The Mini and PHEV are our respective work vehicles. The Disco is an everyday vehicle, short journeys, snow, mud, dogs (x2 or sometimes x3) vehicle, not to worry about car. It owes me nothing at 14years old.

The Mini is a bit of fun and a great car but its doesn't feel right so it may get changed.
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There are commercial tax benefits with a van/calif as well if you can get it through your business?
As liaoyang points out depreciation on the F Type would be eye watering but I guess you're not buying it with future resale value? I bought an AMG ML Merc in 2007 for £55k. It's worth £6k now tops. It was bought to be a workhorse and is great for the dogs, horse, mud, taking crap to the tip etc. Point is, it was bought to serve a purpose.

Like pjm-84 we are fortunate enough to have several vehicles. Each serves a purpose. The ML is a work horse, the Exige for thrashing about, Mk1 Escort RS2000 for Sunday drives, 1966 VW splittie SO42 for short, close camps and the Cali for longer trips. I have an R1 powered 1966 Mini that's mental but that's another story.

Of the Cali or F Type which ticks the most boxes? I'd be inclined to get the F Type then hire a Cali when you feel the urge to go camping. At ~£1k per week though costs could soon mount up
The correct answer to this conundrum is: both. I have the van, Claire has her Subaru BRZ. We both have Panigales. But since we also have a six month old chocolate lab, guess which gets used most?
Loving the mk1 RS2000 and the AMG (The sound). Nearly bought a Mk1 BDA in my youth but was unable to obtain insurance. Beautiful car.

The Ducati is also itch I need to scratch. Sadly an Panigale is too small for me.
Loving the mk1 RS2000 and the AMG (The sound). Nearly bought a Mk1 BDA in my youth but was unable to obtain insurance. Beautiful car.

The Ducati is also itch I need to scratch. Sadly an Panigale is too small for me.
Multi Strada might be an option?
Loving the mk1 RS2000 and the AMG (The sound). Nearly bought a Mk1 BDA in my youth but was unable to obtain insurance. Beautiful car.

The Ducati is also itch I need to scratch. Sadly an Panigale is too small for me.

... Had you bought the BDA it would be worth circa £60k now. Mk 1 Escort prices have gone bananas! I'm about to finish a Mk1 Escort Apache from Jeff Uren's stable. It's the last I know of still running. It's a V6 Essex :)

I sold my Duke 748s in 2004. Biggest mistake I made. I loved that bike :(
My daily driver is supposed to be a Boxster S but in reality it is the Cali that gets used for trips to the shops etc and the Boxster is only used for fun.

As well as being much more useful, the Cali is also fun, in a different way; it complements many hobbies such as cycling, fishing, photography etc.

Much as I love it, if I had to sell one it would be the Boxster.

Go for the Cali, if you’re using it for business it will be your mobile office and dining room. :thumb
Lots of folk with interesting car stables.

Im where you intend to be in 4 yrs time. I would say get the cali and buy an older F type or some such then sell it once your bored and fed up with the hopeless speed limits and traffic. Truth is high performance cars are very frustrating to own these days.
I currently run a cali, x3 35d, shogun swb, Boxster S, 60,s mini cooper rep, BMW R nine t and a project boat tail alfa.
The x3 was supposed to replace the shogun but the other half will trash it and the shogun owes me nowt. I shouldnt have bought the X3 and the depreciation means I cant face letting it go yet. I should really have just the Cali and X3 as that was the now failed plan !

The cooper and nine t are keepers.
Why have one when you could have both (not at the same time). If you were to buy the cali now & say use for two years, make the best of it in that time. Sell after that & buy the 2 year old jag. In theory you’ll have saved yourself cash!
Hi everyone thanks for your thought provoking comments they have given me much to think about.
It’s Either a Cali that compliments my leisure pursuits but is a compromise for work or a f type that compliments work but does nothing for my leisure pursuits.
I really need to make a decision by end of January- so will keep you all posted.

Really appreciate all the nice folks on the forum and your input- thank you :cheers
Get the California. Better residuals, more comfortable, quieter and not forgetting more useful for everyday stuff. Like collecting bulky furniture, tip runs and people moving and tea and bacon at the beach etc etc ;)

What else is in the garage...?

We have the Cali as our daily driver and a little secondhand Porsche Cayman we bought when it was 3 years old as our second car and fun stuff. The Porsche is now 8 years old and has never had a major fault. It’s great fun too. You can pick them up secondhand (10 years old) for small change these days.

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Well, if I could afford an F-type, I'd buy an i-Pace, but that's a separate discussion... :)

I agree with the comments above... If you buy a Cali and, after two years, decide you made the wrong decision and want to swap, that will be a much less expensive mistake than the other way around!

VW California Club
