This has been discussed before and is a real bugbear of mine. Below is a phot of £1428 worth of broken tables, There has been much discussion about if you can buy the broken plastic plate, also some excellent ideas about how to fix. The purpose of this post is to ask if anybody has anything definitive, how to fix, where to buy? Otherwise these will joing the pile of other plastic broken Cali bits, mainly cupboard doors and plastic chair base surrounds etc

This has been discussed before and is a real bugbear of mine. Below is a phot of £1428 worth of broken tables, There has been much discussion about if you can buy the broken plastic plate, also some excellent ideas about how to fix. The purpose of this post is to ask if anybody has anything definitive, how to fix, where to buy? Otherwise these will joing the pile of other plastic broken Cali bits, mainly cupboard doors and plastic chair base surrounds etc