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Canvas roof replacement

Karen Harding

Karen Harding

Kaz & Dave
T5 SE 180 4Motion
Hi, I’ve searched for California canvas roof replacement Uk/Midlands and cant find anywhere to buy a replacement, either fitted or just the canvas.

My partner is away for the week and somehow locked himself out 3am this morning, engine running and heater on , the only way in was to cut a hole in the roof! I’ve not seen it yet but imagine it’s a large cut. Any suggestions thanks.
They are only available from vw
My partner is away for the week and somehow locked himself out 3am this morning,
I imagine he had locked the doors, exited through the sliding door which then locked behind him. You need to unlock the doors using the drivers door button to be sure. As calikev said, VW van centre for new canvas.
I imagine he had locked the doors, exited through the sliding door which then locked behind him. You need to unlock the doors using the drivers door button to be sure. As calikev said, VW van centre for new canvas.

Yes can’t believe he did it, we’ve owned the Cali for 6 years (although I’m usually there to remind him )

Thanks for the replies
Not cheap im afraid about £600 if i remember
In these awful circumstances, is it possible to pull the canvas rubber out of the channel? If I'd sneaked out of the side door at 3am I know what I'd be doing, and I wouldn't have a penknife with me!
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In these awful circumstances, is it possible to pull the canvas rubber out of the channel? If I'd sneaked out he side door at 3am I know what I'd be doing, and I wouldn't have a penknife with me!
Given that there have been a few posts from owners whose roof canvas had come adrift without being touched, I would think it worth a try.
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Easily done. Worth getting cheap key cut, put it in a magnetic key box and stash it at a place of your choosing, under your van above the plastic under shields. Won't start your van, as its not got a chip, won't stop your alarm going off if the alarm is set on the remote ... but if you're outside your van, and can see your keys and remote inside you're van, will negate all the unseemly bad language ...
Easily done. Worth getting cheap key cut, put it in a magnetic key box and stash it at a place of your choosing, under your van above the plastic under shields. Won't start your van, as its not got a chip, won't stop your alarm going off if the alarm is set on the remote ... but if you're outside your van, and can see your keys and remote inside you're van, will negate all the unseemly bad language ...
I've tried to get Timpsons to cut me a simple key, just the blade, no electronics. I've spelt out my needs and they insert my key into their machine and the answer comes back £70! And they say I will need to bring the van in so that they can check that the new key will open the doors and start it.
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Just had my canvas roof replaced under warranty. The dealer did an OK job but left me with some misgivings (I think it's OK but its not been tested in the rain yet!).
Out of curiosity is this a DIY job? Maybe for two people? Do instructions exist for removal and replacement?
Nick is the person to talk to, he replaced his a few years back
From what I've heard from fitters it is a pig of a job. Have to push rubber seal into metal channel with fingers, which is painful on fingers.

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There is a company in Cornwall, I think they are called Kernow Transporters.
They seem to retro-fit California roofs to panel vans. They are the main guys for this, so might be worth enquiring.
We use one of these with a spare key inside. Locked to the wheel, door handle or knob.

Is it tough enough to withstand an angle grinder? I’d be concerned that it could easily be removed and opened away from the van.

This is the box I mentioned on another thread.
A complete stranger opened it within 30 seconds. Lesson learned and it was straight in the bin...
This is the box I mentioned on another thread.
A complete stranger opened it within 30 seconds. Lesson learned and it was straight in the bin...
I think the problem with all security devices, whether for the house, car whatever is that we fail to appreciate that the thief is not bothered about the damage that they do gaining access. I was burgled once and despite metal windows with window locks, inner and outer front door they just smashed their way through the front doors. The repairs cost more than the value of what they stole. There’s not much a decent set of bolt cutters and angle grinder won’t tackle!
Agree AA.
I work in the fire and security industry and see £3-4K doors damaged to gain entry. Only for some pond scum to steal a USB drive and £20 cash.

Just to note. That box above. The stranger opened mine with no tools. I couldn’t believe it, if he hadn’t actually done it in front of my eyes.
I then changed the combination several times and he opened it every try...
That’s why I think they’re a bad idea.
I have a spare 3 window roof canvas. I had mine replaced after my 4yr old put a pencil through it! Do PM me if interested.
I have a spare 3 window roof canvas. I had mine replaced after my 4yr old put a pencil through it! Do PM me if interested.

Sorry, only just seen your reply. Do you still have this? How do I PM. Thanks

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