New VW California - Climbing the roof


João Valente

Looking to buy
Hey everyone!

After using this forum to decide the type of van to buy I can finally say I'm the proud owner of a bamboo green/ white T6 Coast.

Now the post-delivery questions start coming up. The first one is: do you guys climb to the roof of your VW California? I wanted to clean the roof the other day and although I didn't end up standing on top of it the question remained.

Obligatory van photo attached.

Best Regards

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I wouldn’t stand on mine. I use a platform A-frame ladder and a long brush and hose.

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Same here we use a platform and a long brush and hose, I would never stand on the roof after all it is only aluminium.
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Definitely not stand on the roof. Long stepladder and long power hose.
Thank you for your answers. I won't be standing in the roof anytime soon :)

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I use our newly local washing place
(you even can use the portalwashing) where they have an extra slot for mh, vans and caravans with a kind of balcony (on the left side of pic 1) to reach the roof (pictures are from car helbling):
By the way: Coast looks great, Manual roof and all the other stuff from a Ocean?
If you haven't got a ladder to hand, you can always stand on top of the tyres and get most of the roof (well I can at 1.78m height).
If you haven't got a ladder to hand, you can always stand on top of the tyres and get most of the roof (well I can at 1.78m height).

I’ll second that I hop up on each wheel and can reach the whole roof to clean it, I’m 5,11
I take a stepladder to the carwash and a long handed wash brush that telescopes in and out. I get some odd looks but it gets the job done!
If you haven't got a ladder to hand, you can always stand on top of the tyres and get most of the roof (well I can at 1.78m height).
Handy for cleaning the the windscreen too.
All sounds like hard work I find this approach works well.....

Good evening,

I must admit I won't wash the roof every time (too much work). But latest every 3rd time I give it a wash.

To reach the roof I get a step ladder and a broom. Using this I can clean the roof quite well. What I can't do is to try it and to wax it.

As mentioned above the step ladder is handy to clean the windscreen too.

NO, NO, NO, Louis are you actually on the Cali roof?
Stepladder, sponge or brush and long arm only.
Max load for the roof is 50 kg. So like all the others say … we have a modified 2m telescopic latter. For cleaning the roof, getting easy access to the roof box or getting into trees when on a site (setting up a hammock, TRX or other stuff) :)
Max load for the roof is 50 kg. So like all the others say … we have a modified 2m telescopic latter. For cleaning the roof, getting easy access to the roof box or getting into trees when on a site (setting up a hammock, TRX or other stuff) :)
Also, that 50kg limit should be distributed through roof bars and not concentrated in one small area. So I would definitely not climb on the roof.
NO, NO, NO, Louis are you actually on the Cali roof?
Stepladder, sponge or brush and long arm only.
I agree not really sensible to climb on the roof but my daughter weighs around 30kg and by keeping to the edges the roof seemed fine. Also well within the weight limit of the bike rack which worked remarkably well as a ladder to get up there in the first place.
2686C3B2-5A33-4C23-8DBD-2D50C1FC9B98.jpeg B8F9D185-C4C7-422C-B182-4FAA43E1A3DF.jpeg Decided not to clean roof. Just as dust only gets to certain thickness of cover, algae only gives thin coverage and can give a new green blue two-tone!

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