Good photo of tap microswitch please



Highlands, Scotland
Cali now sold
hi all. My switch needed cleaning and the springy bit fell off.. anyone got a photo of how it is assembled? even info on removal/exchange the switch would be awesome.. can u buy/remove just the switch? I see one photo on the forum but its blurred! I really dont wanna change the tap.. looks tricky too. removing the tap nut behind the bowl... no thanks!
hi all. My switch needed cleaning and the springy bit fell off.. anyone got a photo of how it is assembled? even info on removal/exchange the switch would be awesome.. can u buy/remove just the switch? I see one photo on the forum but its blurred! I really dont wanna change the tap.. looks tricky too. removing the tap nut behind the bowl... no thanks!

Check this forum thread. You might have to trawl through a few pages but there are some photos of the micro switch that I posted.

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Check this forum thread. You might have to trawl through a few pages but there are some photos of the micro switch that I posted.

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Posts #99 onwards.

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I trawled.. didnt see that one though! Thanks, that might help?
I've managed to clean ours a couple of times now and I have sausages for fingers. It's important that when you reassemble the tap that you squeeze it together with the handle in the 'open' position. Otherwise it can pop the microswitch apart giving you an overwhelming sense of deja vu. Good luck.
I am following this thread as have a non functioning tap prior to first trip of the year. I have followed the advice and found the switch, flicked off the springy bit by mistake and managed to refit it. Do I need to remove the switch to clean it, and which exact bits do I clean? (apologies for silly questions, currently stressed out trying to get sorted with two kids on hmschool hols driving me crazy!!)
I am following this thread as have a non functioning tap prior to first trip of the year. I have followed the advice and found the switch, flicked off the springy bit by mistake and managed to refit it. Do I need to remove the switch to clean it, and which exact bits do I clean? (apologies for silly questions, currently stressed out trying to get sorted with two kids on hmschool hols driving me crazy!!)


You need to lightly sand the contact that I’ve ringed in green.

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You need to lightly sand the contact that I’ve ringed in green.

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Thank you, I thought that was it. I have managed to get some sandpaper in between there and lightly sanded whilst the switch was in place. No success. Should I remove the switch to get a better result? Thanks
Thank you, I thought that was it. I have managed to get some sandpaper in between there and lightly sanded whilst the switch was in place. No success. Should I remove the switch to get a better result? Thanks

If you dare. As a thought - did you check the pump by shorting the connector for the tap. It’s under the sink.

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If you dare. As a thought - did you check the pump by shorting the connector for the tap. It’s under the sink.

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No I don't dare I think I have given it a good light sanding and it hasn't changed anything. Sorry, I consider myself practical and will have a go but have no idea how to do that! Have found the fuses finally and have identified the one I think but can't get to it to get it out. Thanks for your help.
No I don't dare I think I have given it a good light sanding and it hasn't changed anything. Sorry, I consider myself practical and will have a go but have no idea how to do that! Have found the fuses finally and have identified the one I think but can't get to it to get it out. Thanks for your help.

It’s a pretty simple check and it basically eliminates the possibility that it’s actual the pump. What model Westy do you have?

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It’s a pretty simple check and it basically eliminates the possibility that it’s actual the pump. What model Westy do you have?

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Thanks, its a T5 Cali SE 2.0 180 TDi, 15 plate
Thanks, its a T5 Cali SE 2.0 180 TDi, 15 plate

Okay. I’m coming at this from a T4 but the tap is identical in mine. I believe it may be a bit more fiddly to get at in the T5 but it should be in approximately the same place. So. Go under the sink to the back of the cupboard near the base of the tap and you’ll fine wires leading to the tap. There should be a plastic connector. Disconnect this and with a short length of wire short the non-tap end of the connector. Your water pump should spin up. If this doesn’t happen it maybe the fuse or the pump that needs closer attention. If the pump spins then it’s most likely the micro switch. Good luck.

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Okay. I’m coming at this from a T4 but the tap is identical in mine. I believe it may be a bit more fiddly to get at in the T5 but it should be in approximately the same place. So. Go under the sink to the back of the cupboard near the base of the tap and you’ll fine wires leading to the tap. There should be a plastic connector. Disconnect this and with a short length of wire short the non-tap end of the connector. Your water pump should spin up. If this doesn’t happen it maybe the fuse or the pump that needs closer attention. If the pump spins then it’s most likely the micro switch. Good luck.

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I can confirm that this method is worth trying. I wish I had known before a full day of finding fuses, opening tank, etc! :)
I used contact cleaning spray on the micro-switch, and also managed to get a corner of a piece of sandpaper onto the contact surfaces and just gave it two or three tiny rubs. Works great now. Of course, there is no reason the same problem should not occur again, so it´s good to have the methodology down...
Just a huge note of thanks to previous posters ... 60mins of effort, some expletives when I knocked the spring out, then the smug satisfaction of flowing water once again.... much appreciate this forum as always...


I've managed to clean ours a couple of times now and I have sausages for fingers. It's important that when you reassemble the tap that you squeeze it together with the handle in the 'open' position. Otherwise it can pop the microswitch apart giving you an overwhelming sense of deja vu. Good luck.
Would be very grateful if you could describe for me the process of cleaning the microswitch

VW California Club
