Insurance for Serbia, Bosnia and maybe Ukraine?



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T5 Beach

We're planning to work our way east moving through Germany (Bamberg, Dresden), then maybe southern Poland before starting to work our way down the Carpathians from Slovakia through to Transylvania.

One issue is that the best roads (on the map) and part of the trip would take us through Ukraine. How do you get cover for Ukraine? We can miss this bit out but it might be interesting to follow the full mountain chain.

On the return we plan to cut west across to Croatia and then back through Italy which means going through Serbia and Bosnia. Again what do you do about insurance.

Some of the earlier threads on here mention Adrian Flux but then there were some negatives about them. Some posts say the insurance at the border is only 3rd party some seam to say it's comprehensive.

So has anyone got any recent experience of getting insurance for either Serbia, Bosnia or the Ukraine. Was it a hassle, what did it cost etc.?

Any help appreciated.
Hi I am just looking through the forum for a similar answer to the question you have posed. Did you get a reply? Thx Michael M
Did you get a reply?
In a word Michael - NO.

But we do need to get this sorted. Things changed last year, as they do and we decided we were probably too late to head off on the planned trip to Transylvania. So we did Brittany, the west coast of France and into northern Spain and the back through the middle of the Pyrenees.

The Transylvania plan is back on for this year though, tunnel across, Frankfurt to meet friends, then Bamburg (smoked beer), Dresden, the Saxony Alps, then along the northern parts of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. I think we'll keep south of the Ukraine, then along the northern parts of Romania before heading south towards Brasov. From there a bit of a meander hiking in the national parks. Then West to the Danube, through Montenegro to the coast and then up through Croatia and back through the Dolomites.

When are you planning to go? We'll probably leave early May and aim to be back mid to late June.

I'd be interested to know if you find out anything about insurance, I'll let you know what we finally sort out.
Hi there

Sorry for slow response. Your trip sounds great. We plan to head off mid-May - route is far from sorted, but we could hit some of the same places. Our plan is to take 2-4 months travelling. I've visited Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro and Croatia (and also Slovenia, a must) in the last 5 years and they were all fabulous places - although I was not travelling by campervan.

On the insurance front I tried my current insurers (Admiral), Comfort and Safeguard but without success. I have a friend at Lloyd's of London and I'm going to ask does he know who might offer cover. I fear that with Erdogan losing his grip on power in Turkey there could be a period of political instability there which will only make it more difficult to get insurance.

I believe that you can buy basic minimum (Third party) insurance at the border but I haven't yet checked this. I'll keep you posted on anything I find out.

You will need a Green Card for those countries (maybe EU ones as well soon) but this only gives the minimum Insurance cover legally required in that country. ie not necessarily full comprehensive cover that your package may have when in UK.

I'm sure that most people assume that full cover is given on their current EU wide policies but the small print needs checking as this can again be the minimum legal cover. Fully Comp UK but basic Third Party in a particular EU Country.
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Just been on the phone to my insurer Safeguard about getting a Green card in view of the Brexit confusion and asked about your areas of cover but conclusion was that it's best to call yourself and they will advise. 0800 072 8730

They are issuing me with a Green Card for the duration of my policy which is perfect as I do multiple trips to France during the year. No extra costs mentioned.
Thanks. I will speak to Admiral. I need to wait til policy renews in May to ask for green card but also understand that it comes free. I assumed same cover as in UK but I will certainly check!
So finally got round to getting serious about insurance now the departure date is a couple of weeks away!!

We are insured with Camping and Motorhome (Devitt?) underwritten by AXA.

Plan is still - France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and back...

So checking off the countries on the 'Where are you covered' section of the blurb with the policy, only Slovenia and Montenegro aren't there. But hold on a minute isn't Slovenia in the EU? Well Google seems to think it is. Obviously C&MC have other ideas.... One plus in this is that Serbia is on the list although not in the EU - maybe they have mixed up Serbia and Slovenia???

Anyway, on phoning them I didn't get a proper answer to why there is a typo on the blurb but they are investigating Montenegro for us - although that was 24 hours ago! Obviously we can do what other people say and get the 3rd party cover on the border although I'd prefer to get it as part of the C&MC cover.

They are sending a green card even though they insisted we didn't need one - I explained about Maggie May was still trying to get us Brexited while we'd be away but they didn't seem to worry about that. They did however demand a charge of ÂŁ15 for the green Card which is obviously daylight robbery but we'd feel safer with one that without.
So finally got round to getting serious about insurance now the departure date is a couple of weeks away!!

We are insured with Camping and Motorhome (Devitt?) underwritten by AXA.

Plan is still - France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and back...

So checking off the countries on the 'Where are you covered' section of the blurb with the policy, only Slovenia and Montenegro aren't there. But hold on a minute isn't Slovenia in the EU? Well Google seems to think it is. Obviously C&MC have other ideas.... One plus in this is that Serbia is on the list although not in the EU - maybe they have mixed up Serbia and Slovenia???

Anyway, on phoning them I didn't get a proper answer to why there is a typo on the blurb but they are investigating Montenegro for us - although that was 24 hours ago! Obviously we can do what other people say and get the 3rd party cover on the border although I'd prefer to get it as part of the C&MC cover.

They are sending a green card even though they insisted we didn't need one - I explained about Maggie May was still trying to get us Brexited while we'd be away but they didn't seem to worry about that. They did however demand a charge of ÂŁ15 for the green Card which is obviously daylight robbery but we'd feel safer with one that without.
Different countries have different Insurance Regulations and the fact that a country is in the EU doesn't necessarily mean your UK Insurance is valid there. Similarly with regards to the International Driving Permit. Different EU countries require different Permits.
Different countries have different Insurance Regulations and the fact that a country is in the EU doesn't necessarily mean your UK Insurance is valid there.
Contrary to this if you look at -> it says that it is....

To quote 'EU citizens can insure their car in any EU country, as the insurance will be valid throughout the Union, no matter where the accident takes place.'
Last time I was in that part of the world I took a bunch of armoured vehicles for insurance ;)
So it was you that left the roads in such a state!! :)
Haha I’m not admitting anything. You have some amazing places on your itinerary. Good luck and happy travels.
OK So the green card turned up today.

As I expected ALL EU countries are covered - there is no 'different countries have different regulations' ....

On top of all the EU countries (and Switzerland and Andorra) with Caravan and Motorhome we are covered for Montenegro, Moldova, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Macedonia and Belarus (which we'll give a miss on this trip!).

So basically we're covered for all of the trip without having to take out any further insurance.

Although I'm sure some wise a**e will come along before long and say that it only covers the compulsory insurance for that country - they'll be too late though because I've already done it!
OK So the green card turned up today.

As I expected ALL EU countries are covered - there is no 'different countries have different regulations' ....

On top of all the EU countries (and Switzerland and Andorra) with Caravan and Motorhome we are covered for Montenegro, Moldova, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Macedonia and Belarus (which we'll give a miss on this trip!).

So basically we're covered for all of the trip without having to take out any further insurance.

Although I'm sure some wise a**e will come along before long and say that it only covers the compulsory insurance for that country - they'll be too late though because I've already done it!
Done what?
I don't suppose you asked about Turkey?
Did you get the same comprehensive cover? Anything different e.g. excess?
All the Green Card shows is that you have the Minimum 3rd Party Insurance Cover required in the country you are visiting so that any 3rd Party Claims are covered.
Insurance claims for your vehicle and Personal Injury claims for you and your passengers should remain unchanged.

The Green Card.

Screenshot 2019-04-26 at 14.35.55.jpg
Screenshot 2019-04-26 at 14.36.16.jpg
We have relatives in Ukraine and considered driving there last year. Glad we didn't as the roads are awful, the driving is terrible and most folks don't bother with insurance so if you are involved in an accident then it could be a nightmare. The country now has a comedian (literally) as a president.. Having said that, nice place, Kiev is lovely and we found everyone friendly.
We travelled through Slovenia / Serbia / Croatia / Montenegro / Albania / Macedonia and Kosovo last year - i didnt bother asking for a green card as i was expecting to buy insurance on the border as required - we did this at Montenegro Macedonia Kosovo and Albania - between ÂŁ25 - 50 euros each time. But if we had a Green Card to flash the authorities would have let us through without buying the extra cover - apart from Albania i suspect. As WG has indicated, once you leave the EU (according to your insurers version of EU) your cover is third party only - its all part of the adventure, but take a green card it will save you a few bob.
So just back from our trip and had no problems at the borders. We were only asked for the car papers a couple of times.

The funniest was crossing from Romania into Serbia. An eerily empty border crossing - we were the only vehicle passing through at the time.

As the Romanian border guard was passing the passports back he indicated over the border and said 'You do know that's Serbia over there don't you!'

At Serbian customs all they were interested in was whether we were carrying any weapons....
So just back from our trip and had no problems at the borders. We were only asked for the car papers a couple of times.

The funniest was crossing from Romania into Serbia. An eerily empty border crossing - we were the only vehicle passing through at the time.

As the Romanian border guard was passing the passports back he indicated over the border and said 'You do know that's Serbia over there don't you!'

At Serbian customs all they were interested in was whether we were carrying any weapons....
Sounds like a real adventure. Good for you!
All the Green Card shows is that you have the Minimum 3rd Party Insurance Cover required in the country you are visiting so that any 3rd Party Claims are covered.
Insurance claims for your vehicle and Personal Injury claims for you and your passengers should remain unchanged.

The Green Card.

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View attachment 44081
So annoying. We drive to Montenegro each year but our Green Card, issued via Direct Line, crosses out MN and Serbia! Who do you insure with? Luckily, Brother-in-law works for an insurance company in MNE so we prearrange insurance now through him. Direct Line were by far the cheapest VW Beach insurance as we live in SE London and on road parking. Some companies wouldn't insure us!
So annoying. We drive to Montenegro each year but our Green Card, issued via Direct Line, crosses out MN and Serbia! Who do you insure with? Luckily, Brother-in-law works for an insurance company in MNE so we prearrange insurance now through him. Direct Line were by far the cheapest VW Beach insurance as we live in SE London and on road parking. Some companies wouldn't insure us!
Caravan and Motorhome Club. Not the cheapest.

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