Tint or not to tint?



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T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
I have the windows with the green tint, and although I like the light inside the camper I am considering having the windows tinted with the black chauffeur tints.

Do you think this would be a mistake?

Your comments would be appreciated.
We went 20% but I wish we went limo, I'm not sure if you already know but when you have your windows tinted you will/may have a silver edge round the window I think this is because of the double glazed window and the green effect glass still worth it in my opinion though hope that helps :thumb
Hi G and H, thanks for your reply. Is the silver edge that noticeable, or do you think it’s more pronounced because you know it’s there?
One of our old T25s has limo and its very very dark inside but amazing for privacy. If I did my van I would probably go slightly lighter than limo
Thanks for your input Matt, I think we may do just that. I don’t want to make the inside feel claustrophobic.
Hi G and H, thanks for your reply. Is the silver edge that noticeable, or do you think it’s more pronounced because you know it’s there?

I think it's more pronounce because you know it's there to anyone else they would not realise what it is but I must admit after having our windows tinted we never really noticed it after a couple of weeks.
As you already have the factory tint then I wouldnt not put 5% ontop of this it will be dark. I put 20% ontop of factory and would recommend it. Face up to the glass you can see in
Be weary of going too dark. Had mine tinted on top of privacy glass. Don't know what % they were but defo not limo. Was too dark to read without lights on. Eventually took them off bar the tailgate. Is a pig to get all the glue residue off.

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I have the windows with the green tint, and although I like the light inside the camper I am considering having the windows tinted with the black chauffeur tints.

Do you think this would be a mistake?

Your comments would be appreciated.
I also only have the basic green tint, I was kindly permitted to sit in two California' at the Dawlish meet, one with a standard factory tint the other a full 5% limo tint. It was cloudy drizzly sort of day so for me the limo tint was far too dark, both inside/outside of the van.
The factory tint would have been acceptable but for the moment I am sticking with the goldfish bowl affect, I am less bothered by people looking in than the loss of clear view out on less than sunny days.
It should be noted that out of 16 vans present that day ours was the only untinted example so it would seem mine is a minority opinion.
I also only have the basic green tint, I was kindly permitted to sit in two California' at the Dawlish meet, one with a standard factory tint the other a full 5% limo tint. It was cloudy drizzly sort of day so for me the limo tint was far too dark, both inside/outside of the van.
The factory tint would have been acceptable but for the moment I am sticking with the goldfish bowl affect, I am less bothered by people looking in than the loss of clear view out on less than sunny days.
It should be noted that out of 16 vans present that day ours was the only untinted example so it would seem mine is a minority opinion.

I think most people think the Cali looks better from the outside, and maybe less vanlike. That is my thoughts tbh. But I do love light, so I am a bit conflicted. I suppose security may also be an issue for some.
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Yes I did it only for security and a bit of privacy for a quick change for example. I dont really care so much what my cali looks like from a style view point.
I love the factory tint ....
It’s just enough I think...
Don’t like the film where you can see the edges silver I think it looks none factory ....if you want total privacy pull the blinds down after all that’s what you payed for...
No silver edges on mine you cant tell its a film. Pulling the blinds down means privacy but also total darkness and cant see out.
My last van had factory tinted glass but I felt very exposed in it. Had an after market fitted at the dealer in the new van (on top of the factory tint). Don’t know what % it is but not full limo. Love it. Especially useful at Wickham festival last year when I was put on the main thoroughfare from the camp site to the stage. Had people walking round me day and night!!
You can still see in with the lights on but at night I don’t mind drawing the blinds down.
Not in my case.......it means the kids are fighting again!

Just switch the motion alarm on.

I'm not sure which shade mine is but it is darker than most 'privacy' equipped Cali's I've seen. And I'm very happy with it. I do a lot of wild camping if possible and like to keep the light from the van as dimmed as possible without pulling the blinds down. And I do not like people to see what is inside (not me in particular). If I want to see daylight I step outside and take a walk.
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As with many things this is a real personal preference question. We’ve only had our Cali for 7 weeks. We rented one before buying it which had tinted windows which we loved. Could not see in but could easily see out. But obviously darker.
The one we bought didn’t have the factory privacy glass (not what we would have specced). The first thing we did was have the windows tinted. 5% limo as we didn’t want people to be able to see in for privacy and security reasons and we’re rely happy with it.
It is clearly darker. But for us, as we intend to keep the van full of our camping gear to aid quick getaways, the security benefit works for us. Also, not having to pull blinds down to get changed is good for us.
But finally, really personal decision.
Ours had the factory tint and I recently had a limo 5% tint put over the top.
There’s a noticeable difference but it doesn’t feel claustrophobic.
We did 3 nights shortly after and you can still see out perfectly.
In good weather you’re likely to have pop top up, windows open, front screen cover off... all letting plenty of light in

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VW California Club
