Hello everyone,
new member here. I’ve borrowed a California two years ago and got bitten by the bug. I also have an MB V Class and use it as a daily driver.
I’ve now decided to get either the Cali or the MP to replace the V class - and since I’ve tried the Cali already, I rented out a 250d 4x4 Marco Polo for a weekend to compare. I’ve also been reading the forum for some time and trying to digest all the information about both. But here’s the thing - it didn’t help me chose so far - I know, I am the problem here
The reason for my hesitation are my specific needs - we’re five plus a large dog, and would use the 5th seat occasionally, but would only go camping with 2-4 + the dog. I wasn’t able to rent a 5 seater (neither MP, nor the Cali), so the practicality of the 5 seat version of either car is still a question mark.
And so I decided to share my findings so far and look for advice from people who may have similar needs and experience with any of these great vehicles specifically with 5 seats - would be greatly appreciated!
My needs:
1. I definitely want a campervan, and definitely with the kitchen module. So either an MP or an Ocean.
2. My oldest daughter is starting her study this year and will be home only from time to time. Still hard to imagine / adjust... I feel I need as much space as possible for 5, but probably this will be less important now.
3. We have family abroad and will travel 500-1000km one-way from time to time together (all 5 of us), with our dog. Camping trips will be mostly for me and my wife, plus the dog. Occasionally with our two sons – they’re not that keen to join us for weekend trips anymore…
4. I want a good daily driver to replace my V class. It will be our second car, and the other one is not suitable for family travel / large dog.
5. I need to have sufficient space for the dog on the floor / between the seats for when we travel in all 5 seats with luggage for 10+ hours.
6. I love weekend trips (2-3 nights) and would like to be able to do (limited) wild camping. The idea of independence from mains power is very tempting.
7. I would like to travel / camp in all seasons. Longer (5+ days) camping trips more likely in the summer than in winter.
8. I do not feel I need 4x4, but like to travel in winter and off grid (occasionally). I did not have any really bad experience with our RWD V class so far (including winter in Lapland)...
9. I would prefer a stronger engine (190-200bhp), and will definitely specify the ACC / Distronic (use it now and it works great) and LED lights.
Here are the pros and cons for Cali and MP that I’ve found so far - looking forward to any advice and first hand experience from all of you!
1. In general I really like both cars, but whereas the MP seems to have advantages for our needs “on paper”, the Cali brings a smile to my face and speaks to my soul. I also prefer the cute and practical looks of the VW to the somber / luxurious feel of the Merc. Some of the most often discussed advantages or disadvantages of both seem to be fixable with clever use or additional equipment. All in all, I would prefer the Cali, my wife the Merc, and both seem sufficient for our needs. First world problems...
2. As I expect to sleep in the van in all weather conditions, the downstairs space with the lower berth unfolded seems very important - our dog was a little squeezed downstairs during our brief Cali trip. She’s too large to have her on the bed when two people already occupy it. We’ve found the MP has noticeably more space between the bed and front seats, especially with the additional 15cm lower bed segment removed (unzipped), which still leaves a long enough bed (for us). Has anyone found a solution to this in a Cali? Dog bed on the front seats…? Sleeping upstairs even in rain / cold weather?
3. The MP can be used with the 5th seat and the rear parcel shelf in place, again with the small bed segment removed. Does anyone have good / bad experience traveling (not camping) with 5 people in the Cali?
4. The MP seems to have better ventilation and window options downstairs - the rear right hand side window can be opened - useful when sleeping downstairs at night and for better air flow when parking in warm weather. The split tailgate window is great for hot days and in daily use for boot access (first hand experience from our V class). On top of that you have the optional sunroof (which I would probably order), although I have no experience with it (our rental didn’t have it). Do people find air flow / ventilation in the Cali sufficient or problematic, especially on very hot days or when sleeping downstairs in cold or rainy weather, and with a dog breathing close by ;-) ?
5. The MP is tempting due to the factory leather seats - works great in our V class when our dog is shedding, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I would prefer not to do third party re-trims in the Cali, but I would definitely consider good seat covers from Brandrup or similar. Does anyone have any recommendations re: Cali and alcantara / seat covers with a dog?
6. The MP - according to my rough weekend test - would not last longer than 2 days without hookup, and maybe not even that with the heater, lighting and the fridge used all together. Seems solvable by low profile solar panels. Does anyone have first hand experience with those?
7. Most Calis seem to have a manual tailgate. I have the electric one in the V class and find the usability great. Very curious how do Cali owners find the manual vs electric tailgate?
8. The driver assistance options I have in my V class were not available on the rental Cali - I couldn’t compare. I like the Distronic (adaptive cruise control) very much, and use it all the time on highways or in heavy traffic (can restart the car with a flick of a lever - it makes surviving traffic jams that much easier). I understand that VW ACC switches off and needs to be reset when the car comes to a halt - can VW owners confirm? Small difference, but... I also love the adaptive LED headlights - much better night driving experience and work very well in the Merc - curious to know the experience of Cali owners with automatic road lights?
9. I like the MPs electric handbrake - really useful. But does it really get in the way in the Cali in practice?
10. Ik geef de voorkeur aan California's dashboard met veel slimme opbergruimtes en een gemakkelijkere toegang achteraan (geen middenconsole op de vloer). Hoe vaak is dit volgens jou echt belangrijk - ik ga niet zo vaak achteruit in onze V-klasse, maar ik kan me voorstellen dat het misschien belangrijker is tijdens het kamperen?
11. Op het eerste gezicht geef ik de voorkeur aan de keukenmodule in de Cali - de gootsteen is praktischer en het glas in de nieuwe MP-verhuur die we hadden was al bekrast ... Alle oplossingen voor de kleine MP-gootsteen en het krabben dat je hebt gevonden praktisch in de tijd? Gebruiken mensen de ingebouwde gootsteen eigenlijk vaak in vergelijking met opvouwbare wasbakken / kampeergelegenheid enz.?
12. Ik geef de voorkeur aan de handmatig opklapbare bank in de Cali (minder stroomverbruik en eenvoudiger), hoewel ik moet toegeven dat de elektrische MP-bank goed werkte in onze verhuur en comfortabel was, en bovendien de optie bood om slechts een helft op te vouwen. Heeft iemand positieve / negatieve praktijkervaring met de bank in Cali of de MP? Liever de een boven de ander?
13. Ik hou niet van de stoelen / tafelopslag in de MP - maar het lijkt gemakkelijk op te lossen. We zouden het dienblad in de kofferbak niet gebruiken en de stoelen van Merc vervangen door beter opvouwbare stoelen. De tafel neemt helemaal geen ruimte in, maar is minder handig geplaatst dan de Cali als je hem eruit wilt halen of wilt opbergen met de koffer erin. De bagageruimte in de Merc (met het opbergvak van de campingstoel verwijderd) lijkt vrij genereus (het verhuurbedrijf dat we gebruikten bevestigde dat een Porta Potti in de koffer van de MP past - ze bieden er een te huur aan - we hebben hem niet genomen). We ontdekten ook dat we zoveel in de kasten en lades in de auto konden passen voor een weekendtrip voor twee, dat de kofferbak half leeg was. Vraag aan de ervaren MP-kampeerders hier (ik weet het, verkeerd forum ):
14. Ik ben in Europa en de MP is hier beschikbaar met de 5e stoel en de 4wd samen. Klinkt verleidelijk - maar is het echt de moeite waard voor slechts af en toe een wintertochtje of een zeldzame wilde camping? Zijn er bezitters van 2wd Cali die er echt spijt van hebben dat ze geen 4motion hebben gehad (behalve gemoedsrust)?
15. Ik vind de V-klasse erg stil tijdens het cruisen en het maakt een verschil op langere reizen. De MP is een beetje luider en ratter. Hoe vinden Cali-eigenaren dit in de praktijk - is het akoestische pakket / dubbele beglazing essentieel of wenselijk? Ik kan me niet herinneren dat dit een probleem was, maar ik heb de Cali lang geleden gehuurd en heb geen idee of het dubbele beglazing had.
Uff. Een lange post, vergeef de ijver van de beginner.

Leuk jullie allemaal te ontmoeten en ik kijk ernaar uit om van je te horen.
Heel erg bedankt,