Hi, firstly, please forgive me if this is a really stupid question. We have just picked up our new Beach (three rear seats version) this morning from a dealership in Coventry. After a fairly uninspiring handover during which it quickly became apparent that the salesman didn't know much more that we did about the vehicle, we got home and started poking around and playing. We have a million questions about the multiplex board and the comfort mattress and making up the bed etc but I know I'll find the answers to these questions on the forum somewhere. But what we cannot fathom is where the leisure battery is. The salesman told us that it was under the front passenger seat and that we should trickle charge it once a month. It clearly isn't under the passenger seat but we can't find it anywhere else and the handbooks doesn't appear to say where it is either. He also told us that is powered the three 12v sockets in the rear of the vehicle, then he changed his mind and said it did the rearmost two sockets but the socket directly underneath the 240v socket behind the front passenger seat was powered by the main van battery, not the leisure battery. We also have a parking heating fitted and he informed us that this was powered by the leisure battery too. Can anyone clarify for us where the battery is and what runs off it please?