I am puzzled: multiple problems occurring randomly



Nantes, France
T5 SE 174
Hi all!
We have made our first cold weather trip with our 2007 Cali. During that trip several problems occurred in a puzzling way (to me).
First we made a stop at family member's place. So the van was parked on a flat surface, outside and with only the fridge on. We were not leaving or sleeping in it. After a day we realised that the fridge was not cold, actually warmer than outside, even if the console and button light indicated it was on. I didn't note the battery status but it was draining quite significantly. (nothing was plugged in and it was locked). It was Christmas time so we just put ice packs in the fridge and left for our next destination.

We drove 350 kms and parked the van for 3 days with 100% battery displayed. Console off, nothing plugged in.
After 3 days it was -1.5°C when I started the van. Console indicated low battery (again didn't pay too much attention cause I guessed it was cold related) and that went up after some time running the engine. I put the fridge on with cold stuff in and then parked the van for the day. In the evening the fridge was obviously not making any cold, although due to the fresh external temp, that was hard to tell.

We then drove 40 kms to a remote camp site where we set camp in the dark (unfortunately we were late with 2 tired and hungry kids). So I open the roof with the engine on, no problem. I put the parking heater on 1. We eat and it was so cold and windy outside that we decide to all sleep downstairs and close the top. I proceed to do it carefully, again with the engine on. We only open a side window because the kids are lightly dressed at this point. I have my head in the opening and check that everything goes down nicely inside as usual. I always keep the button pushed until the motors stop by themselves. No problem (I thought).
We proceed to go to sleep in our sleeping bags. It starts good, I have a full tank, battery was indicating 100% charge on arrival. Was probably at 80% at the point with many lights used while setting up camp. But the heater stopped during the night, I would say a couple hours after that. I tried to restart the heater several times and it would start, blow the usual cold air at first but stop after a few minutes before hot air could arrive. We woke up in a very cold and damp van, fortunately the sun was out.
That is when I wen't out and realised the pop-up top was not fully closed on the left hand side (driver side for us). It was 5 cm above the roof, very symetrical from front to back. The mechanism was clear and I could open the top and close it again perfectly. No apparent damage to anything. What a relief!

I have to add that from the beginning our outside temperature sensor doesn't work. I only just discovered thanks to you guys the hidden menu and I have errors 6000 - 6001. I wonder if that could be linked ?

So we drove 300 kms back and I left the van sitting for 3 days, console off, and the battery was still 100% charged. I put the fridge on and it works although it seems to not keep the right temperature. For instance set to 3°C the compressor starts when my thermometer indicates 10°C inside (in the panier) and stops at 6°C...
The heater seems to be working fine... all that on battery without being charged...

I am puzzled and not being to able to count on the fridge and heater is a big problem. Any idea ? Could it be the famous earth shunt problem ?
Any help is appreciated!
The heater tripping out sounds like your leisure batteries were at a low voltage. Cold temps will reduce the battery performance, but they should have been fine. The 100% displayed relates to the voltage, which after even short driving, will indicate the charge voltage and then fall back to the true battery voltage after a while. Check the voltage displayed is at least 12.5V after a day without running the engine. Check the cube fuse on the rear battery if you don't get long duration from the batteries.
The fridge 'setting' is not a specific degrees C but just a level (1 is warmest - 7?/MAX coldest). If the fridge temp sensor is affected by the cold ambient in the van, the fridge may not come on at all (van internal temp falls below 5C...).
I don't think the outside temp sensor is related to your issues. The heater uses a sensor on your passenger footwell air intake, which measures the vans internal temp, to cut-in / out the heating.
I don't know about the roof - mattress squint / too far in over the 'shelf', interfering with the roof?
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@MartG on the early cali’s the temp. Indication for fridge was in degrees C.
Calibration in a unit of temperature makes so much more sense than 1 to 7! Reminds me of the Spinal Tap amplifier!
Thanks - didn't know that :thumb
Mine once had the temp showing, it could be set right down to -18
but after having it fixed it came back with the new number settings
1 - 5 then MAX is what it shows now, i think.
Hi all!
We have made our first cold weather trip with our 2007 Cali. During that trip several problems occurred in a puzzling way (to me).
First we made a stop at family member's place. So the van was parked on a flat surface, outside and with only the fridge on. We were not leaving or sleeping in it. After a day we realised that the fridge was not cold, actually warmer than outside, even if the console and button light indicated it was on. I didn't note the battery status but it was draining quite significantly. (nothing was plugged in and it was locked). It was Christmas time so we just put ice packs in the fridge and left for our next destination.

We drove 350 kms and parked the van for 3 days with 100% battery displayed. Console off, nothing plugged in.
After 3 days it was -1.5°C when I started the van. Console indicated low battery (again didn't pay too much attention cause I guessed it was cold related) and that went up after some time running the engine. I put the fridge on with cold stuff in and then parked the van for the day. In the evening the fridge was obviously not making any cold, although due to the fresh external temp, that was hard to tell.

We then drove 40 kms to a remote camp site where we set camp in the dark (unfortunately we were late with 2 tired and hungry kids). So I open the roof with the engine on, no problem. I put the parking heater on 1. We eat and it was so cold and windy outside that we decide to all sleep downstairs and close the top. I proceed to do it carefully, again with the engine on. We only open a side window because the kids are lightly dressed at this point. I have my head in the opening and check that everything goes down nicely inside as usual. I always keep the button pushed until the motors stop by themselves. No problem (I thought).
We proceed to go to sleep in our sleeping bags. It starts good, I have a full tank, battery was indicating 100% charge on arrival. Was probably at 80% at the point with many lights used while setting up camp. But the heater stopped during the night, I would say a couple hours after that. I tried to restart the heater several times and it would start, blow the usual cold air at first but stop after a few minutes before hot air could arrive. We woke up in a very cold and damp van, fortunately the sun was out.
That is when I wen't out and realised the pop-up top was not fully closed on the left hand side (driver side for us). It was 5 cm above the roof, very symetrical from front to back. The mechanism was clear and I could open the top and close it again perfectly. No apparent damage to anything. What a relief!

I have to add that from the beginning our outside temperature sensor doesn't work. I only just discovered thanks to you guys the hidden menu and I have errors 6000 - 6001. I wonder if that could be linked ?

So we drove 300 kms back and I left the van sitting for 3 days, console off, and the battery was still 100% charged. I put the fridge on and it works although it seems to not keep the right temperature. For instance set to 3°C the compressor starts when my thermometer indicates 10°C inside (in the panier) and stops at 6°C...
The heater seems to be working fine... all that on battery without being charged...

I am puzzled and not being to able to count on the fridge and heater is a big problem. Any idea ? Could it be the famous earth shunt problem ?
Any help is appreciated!
How old are the Leisure Batteries?
Mine would show 100% but would not last the night with Fridge and Heater, voltage dropping to below 11v. One battery had a faulty cell. Now changed no problem.
Thanks all! And sorry for not replying earlier... I though I had done it :oops:
I plugged the van at home for 48h and will check the batteries health. You made me realise I have not been careful to recharge them on EHU since months. Lesson learned.
Since replacing the leisure batteries in my 2007 it's been like a different van. Before, even with the solar panel I was getting only 2-3 days of power with moderate use of heater and fridge. Now it seems impossible to run them down! Well worth doing if you have an old van and they don't seem to hold much charge.
Hello everyone,
so after a long break we lucky French people have been allowed to travel for a few weeks now.
I can report that the roof works fine again so the problem was very probably low batteries and side door not open when closing.
The fridge temperature is wildly fluctuating (even on hookup) but that's manageable and I will try to allow for more ventilation inside. It keeps working for days on batteries, even on reasonably hot days :thumb
However we tried to put the heating on one fresh morning and again it worked but only for a short period of time after hot air started to flow.
I checked the rear battery and it's written 3208 on the minus pole, so it seems it is 12 years old. Only strange thing is that the van was first registered on june 2007, therefore I didn't expect a battery just 1 year younger that the van
I also checked and the earth shunt has not be done so I think I will first change the batteries then do the earth shunt if the heating problems stay (not too important in summer).
The van also asks me to service it so it is going to be a costly preparation for this summer...
Well worth it anyway as we really enjoy the time with the van :bananadance2
Thanks again for all the excellent support from you all!

VW California Club
