6.1 Heater Not Working



T6.1 Ocean 150
2 week old 6.1 Coast and heater has stopped working with plenty fuel and battery juice. The symptoms are: control panel indicates on but heater fails to start. There is an audible click every few seconds from the passenger footwell, sounds like a relay clicking off and on, this also reboots the control panel which seems to dump heating selections. With engine running, the panel seems to work as normal but still no heating. Remote control light flashes rather than solid green when selected. The panel also warned that 'maximum running time reached' but that has gone now.
If anyone got any experience or clues they are willing to it would be very welcome?
My remote also flashes the green LED for a couple of seconds. That should be normal. It just means that the heater has accepted the request for starting and has replied to the remote control. If there would be a problem the LED would flash red. There will be no solid green light (at least not on my remote).
As for not starting up I don't really have a clue.
The ticking noise could also be normal, as mine does it too, but that is just the diesel pump pumping diesel.

There could be a couple of possibilities:
Pump not pumping diesel in the heater due to a blocked fuel line?
Bad glow plug not igniting the diesel?
Just a bad heater itself?

Maybe someone else had the same problem once and they can offer a better solution?
I had a similar problem on my T6 shortly after delivery. Dealer fixed it and said that a wire had come of inside the Heater Unit.
Not a DIY fix in my case.
I had a similar problem on my T6 shortly after delivery. Dealer fixed it and said that a wire had come of inside the Heater Unit.
Not a DIY fix in my case.
Thank you for the reply.
My remote also flashes the green LED for a couple of seconds. That should be normal. It just means that the heater has accepted the request for starting and has replied to the remote control. If there would be a problem the LED would flash red. There will be no solid green light (at least not on my remote).
As for not starting up I don't really have a clue.
The ticking noise could also be normal, as mine does it too, but that is just the diesel pump pumping diesel.

There could be a couple of possibilities:
Pump not pumping diesel in the heater due to a blocked fuel line?
Bad glow plug not igniting the diesel?
Just a bad heater itself?

Maybe someone else had the same problem once and they can offer a better solution?
Thanks for the info. It just seems odd that it worked yesterday and not today after not even moving.
Thank you for the reply.

Thanks for the info. It just seems odd that it worked yesterday and not today after not even moving.
Try this.

For those of you who don't know, if you ever get any problems with roof stuck or any other error say with the heater or fridge, you are able to access the hidden menu in your control panel as used by the VW Engineers.

Access as follows:

1. Hold down the centre of the rotary button together with the menu button (button below with the squares on it)

2. You will get the hidden menu.

3. Rotate the rotary button to get to "VW diagnose" and select this by pressing on the centre of the rotary button.

4. If no errors are present it will display "no errors"

5. If Errors are present then a list of errors will appear

6. Press the centre of the rotary button again to delete all the errors

7. Repeat process above just to check that errors have dissapeared!

8. Re-configure the time and date if neccesary.

Any problems should be resolved assuming these are Electronic and not Mechanical.

Error Codes from Control Panel.

1 = 1 = Pop-up roof

2 = 2 = Plumbing Heating

3 = 3 = Cool box Cooler

4 = 4 = Sewage wastewater

5 = 5 = Fresh water

6 = 6 = Outside temperature

7 = 7 = Battery

Error Code Defect Fault

1010 1010 Short-circuit to (earth) roof

1001 1001 Fuse / short circuit to (plus+) roof

1100 1100 Short-circuit output Roof "on"

1101 1101 Fuse roof "to"

1110 1110 Short-circuit output Roof "to"

1111 1111 Fuse starting Roof "to"

2100 2100 Short-circuit output heating on / off

2101 2101 Fuse output heating on / off

2001 2001 Interrupt input heating 30

3100 3100 Short-circuit output coolbox

3101 3101 Fuse interrupt output coolbox

3001 3001-J698-cooler input error "Active"

3010 3010 Short-circuit input icebox "actual temperature"

3011 3011 Interrupt or fuse input icebox "actual temperature"

4000 4000 Short-circuit to ground water level sensor

4001 4001 Fuse circuit to plus water level sensor failure

5000 5000 Short-circuit to ground water level sensor

5001 5001 Short circuit to plus water level sensor failure

6000 6000 Short-circuit to ground temperature sensor or for outdoor temperature

6001 6001 Fuse / short circuit to plus two temperature sensors for outside temperature

7001 7001 interrupt input interrupt input D +
Try this.

For those of you who don't know, if you ever get any problems with roof stuck or any other error say with the heater or fridge, you are able to access the hidden menu in your control panel as used by the VW Engineers.

Access as follows:

1. Hold down the centre of the rotary button together with the menu button (button below with the squares on it)

2. You will get the hidden menu.

3. Rotate the rotary button to get to "VW diagnose" and select this by pressing on the centre of the rotary button.

4. If no errors are present it will display "no errors"

5. If Errors are present then a list of errors will appear

6. Press the centre of the rotary button again to delete all the errors

7. Repeat process above just to check that errors have dissapeared!

8. Re-configure the time and date if neccesary.

Any problems should be resolved assuming these are Electronic and not Mechanical.

Error Codes from Control Panel.

1 = 1 = Pop-up roof

2 = 2 = Plumbing Heating

3 = 3 = Cool box Cooler

4 = 4 = Sewage wastewater

5 = 5 = Fresh water

6 = 6 = Outside temperature

7 = 7 = Battery

Error Code Defect Fault

1010 1010 Short-circuit to (earth) roof

1001 1001 Fuse / short circuit to (plus+) roof

1100 1100 Short-circuit output Roof "on"

1101 1101 Fuse roof "to"

1110 1110 Short-circuit output Roof "to"

1111 1111 Fuse starting Roof "to"

2100 2100 Short-circuit output heating on / off

2101 2101 Fuse output heating on / off

2001 2001 Interrupt input heating 30

3100 3100 Short-circuit output coolbox

3101 3101 Fuse interrupt output coolbox

3001 3001-J698-cooler input error "Active"

3010 3010 Short-circuit input icebox "actual temperature"

3011 3011 Interrupt or fuse input icebox "actual temperature"

4000 4000 Short-circuit to ground water level sensor

4001 4001 Fuse circuit to plus water level sensor failure

5000 5000 Short-circuit to ground water level sensor

5001 5001 Short circuit to plus water level sensor failure

6000 6000 Short-circuit to ground temperature sensor or for outdoor temperature

6001 6001 Fuse / short circuit to plus two temperature sensors for outside temperature

7001 7001 interrupt input interrupt input D +
Can't see if this is an option with 6.1 as there is just the rotary and a touch screen.
Can't see if this is an option with 6.1 as there is just the rotary and a touch screen.
I would have thought there must be some way of VW to read the Diagnostic Codes.
Took my wife to work this morning in the van, on return tried again and it now works. I had been using as a home office and may have exceeded some programmed heater time usage rule or I guess something just reset. Hopefully experience may help someone in future. Thanks for all advice.
Glad your up an running again.
“maximum running time reached” sounds weird, I’ve had my aux heater running for 4 days/nights straight in my T6, that was running off batteries too
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Is it possible that the heat setting has already been reached, therefore the heater will not start.

Similarly, if the heater switches on, and the van temperature triggers the set temperature, it will switch off.
I was aware so even with the van cold and set to 10 it remained off...possibly a glitch brought on by the design change...who knows. Thanks again.
Just to say I am very grateful for this advice, Welshgas.
I discovered that my heater wasn't working, and tried out the clear error method, and it now seems to be sorted.
I will monitor it over the coming months, and hopes sorted once for all!
Thanks again
Try this.

For those of you who don't know, if you ever get any problems with roof stuck or any other error say with the heater or fridge, you are able to access the hidden menu in your control panel as used by the VW Engineers.

Access as follows:

1. Hold down the centre of the rotary button together with the menu button (button below with the squares on it)

2. You will get the hidden menu.

3. Rotate the rotary button to get to "VW diagnose" and select this by pressing on the centre of the rotary button.

4. If no errors are present it will display "no errors"

5. If Errors are present then a list of errors will appear

6. Press the centre of the rotary button again to delete all the errors

7. Repeat process above just to check that errors have dissapeared!

8. Re-configure the time and date if neccesary.

Any problems should be resolved assuming these are Electronic and not Mechanical.

Error Codes from Control Panel.

1 = 1 = Pop-up roof

2 = 2 = Plumbing Heating

3 = 3 = Cool box Cooler

4 = 4 = Sewage wastewater

5 = 5 = Fresh water

6 = 6 = Outside temperature

7 = 7 = Battery

Error Code Defect Fault

1010 1010 Short-circuit to (earth) roof

1001 1001 Fuse / short circuit to (plus+) roof

1100 1100 Short-circuit output Roof "on"

1101 1101 Fuse roof "to"

1110 1110 Short-circuit output Roof "to"

1111 1111 Fuse starting Roof "to"

2100 2100 Short-circuit output heating on / off

2101 2101 Fuse output heating on / off

2001 2001 Interrupt input heating 30

3100 3100 Short-circuit output coolbox

3101 3101 Fuse interrupt output coolbox

3001 3001-J698-cooler input error "Active"

3010 3010 Short-circuit input icebox "actual temperature"

3011 3011 Interrupt or fuse input icebox "actual temperature"

4000 4000 Short-circuit to ground water level sensor

4001 4001 Fuse circuit to plus water level sensor failure

5000 5000 Short-circuit to ground water level sensor

5001 5001 Short circuit to plus water level sensor failure

6000 6000 Short-circuit to ground temperature sensor or for outdoor temperature

6001 6001 Fuse / short circuit to plus two temperature sensors for outside temperature

7001 7001 interrupt input interrupt input D +
Thank you for sharing this information.
Just came upon this thread and we had the same issue last week with the auxiliary heater. The control panel was frozen on the "please wait" screen for ages. Heard the same clicking noise and the message "maximum running time reached". I'll be bring it back to the dealer as I've had other issues too.
Hi, I’ve same issue but can’t see the button with squares on it. Perhaps being thick!! I’ve a 6.1 with latest control panel. Any further dictation welcome as were freezing in Aviemore ! (Aux heater saying out of hours and please wait !) thanks for any help.

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Hi, I’ve same issue but can’t see the button with squares on it. Perhaps being thick!! I’ve a 6.1 with latest control panel. Any further dictation welcome as were freezing in Aviemore ! (Aux heater saying out of hours and please wait !) thanks for any help.

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That is for the control panel pre T6.1.
I’m not sure if anyone has posted about how to reset the T6.1 panel.
Hi, I’ve same issue but can’t see the button with squares on it. Perhaps being thick!! I’ve a 6.1 with latest control panel. Any further dictation welcome as were freezing in Aviemore ! (Aux heater saying out of hours and please wait !) thanks for any help.

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The only thing that works for me is take ot for a drive of about 5 mins and it will kick in; however, it only resets for a while and I don't know why!

Apologies, first post, I will get round to introducing myself!
I’ve had my 6.1 since the beginning of September & have had fun getting round the various gremlins including last night on a cold camp site.
I try the following if the control panel plays up & eventually, it seems to work.

1.Switch on the ignition for a few moments.
2. Failing the above, drive the van until everything returns to normal. ( Sometimes , just a few minutes).
3. Failing the above, take out the appropriate fuses & put them back in.

Hope you get sorted , please keep us posted.
Hi all, first of all thank you for all the replies and the thread references. An education! The 5 min drive has resolved my issue but will be raising with my dealer as it sounds very common. Cheers everyone!

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Hi all, first of all thank you for all the replies and the thread references. An education! The 5 min drive has resolved my issue but will be raising with my dealer as it sounds very common. Cheers everyone!

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Thanks for letting us know it worked. Hope you’re toasty warm again now.
Hi all, first of all thank you for all the replies and the thread references. An education! The 5 min drive has resolved my issue but will be raising with my dealer as it sounds very common. Cheers everyone!

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Out of interest, Is it a 5 min drive or just switch on the engine For 5 mins? And is there anyone out there with a 6.1 without control panel/heater issues? (About to pick mine up and would be keen to know that it’s not all “issues”)
5 mins static didn’t work for me. Had to have a drive!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Out of interest, Is it a 5 min drive or just switch on the engine For 5 mins? And is there anyone out there with a 6.1 without control panel/heater issues? (About to pick mine up and would be keen to know that it’s not all “issues”)
Sometimes a simple engine start works & other times it’s a short drive. My kids take bets on which will work.
I’m definitely taking my 7 yr old girl to Vegas with me:thumb
Hi all, first of all thank you for all the replies and the thread references. An education! The 5 min drive has resolved my issue but will be raising with my dealer as it sounds very common. Cheers everyone!

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Re the 'dealer', I called and did not get anyone who 'knew' about it. This seems to be a design problem which can be difficult for manufacturers to own up to! A 6.1 group survey could provide a straw poll to initiate a VW response?

VW California Club
