Storage of outside table - difficult to get it back into the sliding door



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Kilcock, Kildare, Ireland
Good afternoon,

I took out the table for the outside. To get it out of the sliding door no problem. But getting it back in is a pain.

It fits quite well in the lower part of the door, but as soon as I try to push the table into the sliding door in order to operate the locking mechanism, most of the time it won't work - it just bounces back. I have to try it 8 - 9 times until finally it works.

It seems that in the sliding door are 2x rubber bands that need to be pushed back by the table in order to get into the door. It feels to me that they are too strong. Is there a way to adjust this somehow or do I have to wait until the VW dealers open again?

Try pressing the handle down on top of the table. The handle to release the table.
Mine sticks too.IMG_20200401_105013.jpg
I give mine a squirt of silicone spray now and again, it seems
to like it.
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Good afternoon,

I took out the table for the outside. To get it out of the sliding door no problem. But getting it back in is a pain.

It fits quite well in the lower part of the door, but as soon as I try to push the table into the sliding door in order to operate the locking mechanism, most of the time it won't work - it just bounces back. I have to try it 8 - 9 times until finally it works.

It seems that in the sliding door are 2x rubber bands that need to be pushed back by the table in order to get into the door. It feels to me that they are too strong. Is there a way to adjust this somehow or do I have to wait until the VW dealers open again?

It sounds to me that the problem lies with locking mechanism, not the elastic bungees. They are present to prevent rattles and to ‘ping’ the table out when the locking mech is operated. I had a similar problem with my 2 week old Cali. The handle locked solid and I could not get the table back in at all. Local VW garage sorted it. They said they couldn’t find a problem but it started to operate when they removed the panel. It’s been fine ever since.
Good evening,

Yes, there seems a small issue with the handle. I have to push it down with each try to get the table in.

I don't have silicon spray, I will get some when the shops will reopen. If not I have to ask my VW dealer for help.

Good evening,

Yes, there seems a small issue with the handle. I have to push it down with each try to get the table in.

I don't have silicon spray, I will get some when the shops will reopen. If not I have to ask my VW dealer for help.

I got some silicone spray the other day, not used it yet. As I have the same issue with the table, I’ll give it a go tomorrow and let you know how I got on with it.
Update is that I tried the silicone treatment today and it worked!

the latch stuck pretty much every time I used it, but after a liberal spraying it now works perfectly. I used the PTFE spray by WD40.

I also sprayed the runners for the window blinds and I’ve wandered around the house spraying pretty much everything I can think of. :)
A can of silicone spray should be supplied by VW with every Cali!

Apart from the table catch, I've also needed it at various times for the rear cupboard tambour door, the kitchen unit sliding doors, and the window blinds. But for the blinds, just wipe a smear on a paper towel and apply with great care, or you'll overdo it and the blinds will never stay down.
So that’s my next job. Buy a can of ‘silicone spray remover’, as the blinds are now lathered in it!!! :) :headbang
Or some velcro pads to hold them down :)

Luckily, i only had a problem with the rear one not wanting to stay
all the way down, there was an inch gap but after time it got better.

Very easy to get carried away with a can of silicone
i haven't done the steering wheel and brake pedal yet but i bet
they'd come up like new.:D
Very easy to get carried away with a can of silicone
i haven't done the steering wheel and brake pedal yet but i bet
they'd come up like new.:D
Untill you need to emergency brake and turn your van around an obstacle....
Very easy to get carried away with a can of silicone
i haven't done the steering wheel and brake pedal yet but i bet
they'd come up like new.:D

Ive got some very squeaky disc breaks on my mountain bike. Reckon this stuff would fix them too!
Ive got some very squeaky disc breaks on my mountain bike. Reckon this stuff would fix them too!
Yep. And the seat.
You certainly get your moneys worth from a can of silicone. Bloody marvellous.
Good afternoon,

Friday morning I got some silicon spray in Lidl (I don't know how they do it, each time I am am looking for something like this they offer it).

I sprayed the handle that holds the outside table and it got a bit better, but not in the way I was hoping for. Maybe I was to "stinchy" with the spray. I will try it again.

While I was at it I sprayed the back tambour door and the sliding windows. The tambour door really improved a lot, should have done this earlier. The sliding windows over the cooker was always ok, but the sliding window in the door was not. This has improved a good bit.

So, silicon spray will be part of the regular (yearly, or as needed) tools for maintenance.

Happy California,
Silicon spray is fantastic, but try keep it off your paintwork. My mate Is a paint sprayer and he goes absolutely nuts if he get silicon contamination in his spray booth, a speck of silicon can ruin every paint job he does for weeks.
GoodI sprayed the handle that holds the outside table and it got a bit better, but not in the way I was hoping for. Maybe I was to "stinchy" with the spray. I will try it again.
Did you spray the top of the handle as well?

i just sprayed the base to start with and it only improved a bit. I then sprayed top bit as well and that seemed to sort it.
Good afternoon.

It sounds maybe a bit stupid, but I am not sure about where the top or the base of the handle is. Let me allow to "borrow" the picture from earlier:


I sprayed just that part a bit (I was afraid that the silicon spray could cause damage). It was a good "puff" but just one. Without the table in place, the handle moved better.

Putting the table back in it improved a bit, but not as expected.

Follow up question:

I got the silicon spray in Lidl, but they had the PTFE as well. I forgot my reading glasses, but as far as I could read on the label they do the same... :confused:. I got the silicon spray, because it was mentioned here.

What is the difference between the PTFE and the silicon spray? Should I get the PTFE as well?

Follow up question:

I got the silicon spray in Lidl, but they had the PTFE as well. I forgot my reading glasses, but as far as I could read on the label they do the same... :confused:. I got the silicon spray, because it was mentioned here.

What is the difference between the PTFE and the silicon spray? Should I get the PTFE as well?

Is this a ‘wind-up’?
Dear Jodalo,

I ensure you that is no wind up. Friday morning in Lidl there seems to me two different products.

I am a wee bit busy this evening, but I will look it up tomorrow.

Dear Jodalo,

I ensure you that is no wind up. Friday morning in Lidl there seems to me two different products.

I am a wee bit busy this evening, but I will look it up tomorrow.


I didn’t know either. Apparently they are similar but not the same. No need to buy the other tin.

spray all around the catch and wipe off any excesss. Should be fine after.

VW California Club
