Roof fault alarm and now not opening ....



Hi All

I've been reading various old threads on this fault as the roof on our 2012 California has deteriorated in the last couple of weeks from having a roof fault with alarm but still operating to now not opening at all with the roof alarm continuing. I followed WG's advice about accessing the diagnosis on the CCU menus and there is an error code of 1000 showing but it won't clear. The threads I read didn't end with a clear fix although for some lucky people the fault seemed to go away - I'm not expecting to be so lucky. We had our CCU replaced in Austria under warranty in 2012 when the roof failed open but it will be out of warranty with the rest of the van now. Everything else on the CCU working fine.

Any advice from anyone or conclusions on fixes people have had done ?

Heath Thomas
...not opening at all....
Do you hear the pump running when pushing the "open roof" button?
Did you check fuses?

Guess it would need a specialist solving this , imo. seeing the faultcode and having problems before you still kept using it now something might gone serious wrong , maybe should have visited a specialist sooner would have been better.

Fingers crossed it's just a simple solution.
Roof opened as normal last time it did ! Opened it when the roof fault and alarm first started to make sure gutters were clear and to give it a chance to dry out. Then closed as normal, no problems. Fault seemed to go away for a short while, now back and roof not opening. Haven't checked fuses but will. Thanks Hotel California, will let you know when to uncross your fingers !

I've seen a couple of people on here with the same issue, interested in how they got it fixed.
Have you tried all this while plugged in on 220v hook-up ?
And with the engine running?
Not at the same time ....:D
Engine running yes. Hooked up no. Will try it on hook up.
Do you hear the pump running when you press the button ?
Hi Thomas, I have the exact same issue as you’ve described above. Can you advise how you fixed yours?
Hi Ben, sorry for the slow reply. Separately to this issue I had a new inverter fitted for the 240v socket behind the front passenger chair (by Accutek in Winchester who I recommend by the way). I asked them to look at the roof error at the same time. They didn't fix it but pointed the finger at the CCU. As part of the work they did they cleared the error code and that fixed the issue with the roof. I guess that may turn out not to be a permanent fix. Separately on here I had a conversation with a user called Emma Harvey who had exactly the same 'roof not closed error' quite recently. She took her van to Lookers in Guildford and they diagnosed a fault with the roof wiring loom, not the CCU. Cost £430 to replace. Hope that helps Ben and good luck with getting it sorted.
I am also dealing with the same issue at present. Some symptoms as described in OP. Fixed under warranty. Worked fine once. Error came back, although I was able to readily clear this time by turning the control unit on and off. Van back in at Heritage Bristol as we speak, early advice is that it is one of the sensors that was previously replaced was faulty. Hoping to get this issue resolved in the coming days.
Hi all... did you get a fix? I think we have same problem.... worried as go away as of weekend. I think am hearing wiring loom or roof sensors as problem but some people seem able to clear the error message- not sure how I do that??
Hopefully this will do it.

Copied from this site from @WelshGas I believe.

I keep a copy in notes on my phone.

Reset should read Clear.

For those of you who don't know, if you ever get any problems with roof stuck or any other error say with the heater, you are able to access the hidden menu in your control panel as used by the VW Engineers.

Access as follows:

1. Hold down the centre of the rotary button together with the menu button (button below with the squares on it)

2. You will get the hidden menu.

3. Rotate the rotary button to get to "VW diagnose" and select this by pressing on the centre of the rotary button.

4. If no errors are present it will display "no errors"

5. If Errors are present then a list of errors will appear (as listed in my previous post)

6. Press the centre of the rotary button again to delete all the errors

7. Repeat process above just to check that errors have dissapeared!

8. Re-configure the time and date if neccesary.

Any problems should be resolved assuming these are Electronic and not Mechanical.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
Hi southcoastcali, mine was fixed 2nd time (well at least the issue has not reappeared but at the same time the roof hasn’t been used too much lately either). As I understand it, the first repair just replaced sensors which took about half a day. The second time they took over three days to do the repair but in one discussion they implied that it was ‘being done properly’ the second time.

In regards to clearing the fault, when the error first appeared I was able to clear it by the method described above, and then operate the roof as normal. The error would reappear after a short distance driving. As time progressed this was less reliable until I was unable to clear it at all. Ended up spending a 2 week trip without the ability to raise the roof at all - the kids were sleeping in a tent during a cold and wet Cornish Easter.
Thanks both.... unfortunately unable to clear the error using the method you provided Mike ( thank you tho) and now the roof is beeping to say it’s open even though firmly closed.
Looks like maybe it is same issue as you had Ken- which would be a real pain as zero chance of getting anything fixed before we go away. Heck! Quick trip to decathlon in order I think....
thanks for your quick responses :)
Hi guys, my van is currently with Marshall van centre in reading. They’ve had it for a week and can’t diagnose the issue. The latest is that the wiring loom and sensors need to be replaced which is apparently a six hour job costing £1009!!!! I’ve been told today that the sensors can’t be fixed on their own as they are integral to the wiring loom. Is this correct? Thoughts?
Hi if you have code 7000 or 7001 in the roof control unit then the ram position sensors have failed. They can be replaced without the roof being taken apart causing potential water leaks into the vehicle. VW will not do this as they have to follow the manufacturers instructions. The roof loom comes as a complete unit but if you can find a skillful auto electrician they can cut the sensors out of your old loom and fit the new ones from the vw roof loom at a lot less cost.
Hi All, reviving this thread as I'm experiencing the same on my 2014 SE. All weekend I was unable to clear error code 1000 - roof fault, unable to open roof (says it is open). Have been in Scotland in sub zero not sure if that has anything to do with it. Had the roof up once and it closed OK before the fault appearing while driving) I managed to clear the code this morning after disconnecting engine battery but confidence in the roof is now low, imagine a matter of time before it happens again.

VW Guru - I noticed in another post about this you mentioned taking the sensors from a new loom and putting shrink connectors on to connect to old one - requiring the roof to be 'manually' opened by connecting to power source behind the sunglass holder.

Would you be able to provide a quick and dirty 'how to' that I could show my auto-electrician so he has an idea of where to start to do this - i.e. what needs to be removed to access the loom/sensors?

Appreciate any light you can shed ;)
Hi All, reviving this thread as I'm experiencing the same on my 2014 SE. All weekend I was unable to clear error code 1000 - roof fault, unable to open roof (says it is open). Have been in Scotland in sub zero not sure if that has anything to do with it. Had the roof up once and it closed OK before the fault appearing while driving) I managed to clear the code this morning after disconnecting engine battery but confidence in the roof is now low, imagine a matter of time before it happens again.

VW Guru - I noticed in another post about this you mentioned taking the sensors from a new loom and putting shrink connectors on to connect to old one - requiring the roof to be 'manually' opened by connecting to power source behind the sunglass holder.

Would you be able to provide a quick and dirty 'how to' that I could show my auto-electrician so he has an idea of where to start to do this - i.e. what needs to be removed to access the loom/sensors?

Appreciate any light you can shed ;)
If you want to flag this to VW Guru, you need to do it in this format .... @VW Guru
Good luck and keep us posted on how you get on.
Hi, I hope everyone reading this is well. I have discovered an issue with the roof on my 2015 SE. Raised the roof yesterday ( to entertain a 20 mth old ) roof intermittently kept stopping on the way up but went all the way. First thought that maybe battery was low and only had ignition on, closed ok. Repeated today after being on EHU and then on engine running. Will not go above around 8 inch, then stops, press button again and on each press it initially activates pump but the stops after a fraction of a second. Fault code 1000. cleared codes, repeated, same issue. Closes ok. Obviously not urgent with current lockdown, is there anything I can physically check before making enquires at VW, probably breeze when re-opened as I don’t trust Exeter. Thankyou in advance and stay safe.
Thess are the fault codes:

1 = 1 = Pop-up roof
2 = 2 = Plumbing Heating
3 = 3 = Cool box Cooler
4 = 4 = Sewage wastewater
5 = 5 = Fresh water fresh water
6 = 6 = Outside temperature outside temperature
7 = 7 = Battery
Error Code Defect Fault
1010 1010 Short-circuit to (earth) roof
1001 1001 Fuse / short circuit to (plus+) roof
1100 1100 Short-circuit output Roof "on"
1101 1101 Fuse roof "to"
1110 1110 Short-circuit output Roof "to"
1111 1111 Fuse starting Roof "to"
2100 2100 Short-circuit output heating on / off
2101 2101 Fuse output heating on / off
2001 2001 Interrupt input heating 30
3100 3100 Short-circuit output coolbox
3101 3101 Fuse interrupt output output coolbox
3001 3001-J698-cooler input error "Active"
3010 3010 Short-circuit input icebox "actual temperature"
3011 3011 Interrupt or fuse input icebox "actual temperature"
4000 4000 Short-circuit to ground water level sensor
4001 4001 Fuse circuit to plus water level sensor failure
5000 5000 Short-circuit to ground water level sensor
5001 5001 Short circuit to plus water level sensor failure
6000 6000 Short-circuit to ground temperature sensor or for outdoor temperature
6001 6001 Fuse / short circuit to plus two temperature sensors for outside temperature
7001 7001 interrupt input interrupt input D +
Thess are the fault codes:

1 = 1 = Pop-up roof
2 = 2 = Plumbing Heating
3 = 3 = Cool box Cooler
4 = 4 = Sewage wastewater
5 = 5 = Fresh water fresh water
6 = 6 = Outside temperature outside temperature
7 = 7 = Battery
Error Code Defect Fault
1010 1010 Short-circuit to (earth) roof
1001 1001 Fuse / short circuit to (plus+) roof
1100 1100 Short-circuit output Roof "on"
1101 1101 Fuse roof "to"
1110 1110 Short-circuit output Roof "to"
1111 1111 Fuse starting Roof "to"
2100 2100 Short-circuit output heating on / off
2101 2101 Fuse output heating on / off
2001 2001 Interrupt input heating 30
3100 3100 Short-circuit output coolbox
3101 3101 Fuse interrupt output output coolbox
3001 3001-J698-cooler input error "Active"
3010 3010 Short-circuit input icebox "actual temperature"
3011 3011 Interrupt or fuse input icebox "actual temperature"
4000 4000 Short-circuit to ground water level sensor
4001 4001 Fuse circuit to plus water level sensor failure
5000 5000 Short-circuit to ground water level sensor
5001 5001 Short circuit to plus water level sensor failure
6000 6000 Short-circuit to ground temperature sensor or for outdoor temperature
6001 6001 Fuse / short circuit to plus two temperature sensors for outside temperature
7001 7001 interrupt input interrupt input D +
Thankyou Triplebee, I have a 1000 code. Wanted to see if there are any physical checks I can rule out before approaching VW ( post lockdown).
Maybe worth a check:

Unscrew this screw (don't mind the velcro), on both sides

Then you have access to those:

And try to check on both black sensors underneath the hydraulic hose connections (1 front, 1 back) if there is any problem with the wiring to the sensors?
When I changed my rams, I have torn the 2 cables of the rear sensor. I had to connect them back together to be able to operate the roof again.
I had an intermittant warning (about 2 - 3 times) before when trying to open the roof.
This is the right side of my van.
Hi @VW Guru

Can you help, i have a 2012 Cali with a very similar roof fault listed in this thread, I kept getting a warning saying the roof was open however the roof was operating normally apart from the roof open alarm, it has now stopped opening and when i go into the VW diagnostics on the control panel i can see it has a 1000 stored fault code, however i am unable to clear the code, whenever i press the button below the dial to try and clear it sends me straight back a step to the previous menu, i have tried holding the button for 5 seconds but it just jumps straight back to the previous screen.
Any ideas how i can clear this fault? Would a scan tool be able to clear the fault?
I want to get the roof up so i can check the sensors.

I did book the vehicle in at Exeter VW but there were useless and just said it was a very complicated job to fix!!!!
I am afraid VW Guru is no longer amongst us.

There might be an override for the sensors, if you pull out the head lining, have a wire diagram of the car and short the cables for the right sensors. But that is a hell of a job indeed.
I am afraid VW Guru is no longer amongst us.

There might be an override for the sensors, if you pull out the head lining, have a wire diagram of the car and short the cables for the right sensors. But that is a hell of a job indeed.
Thats a shame, not sure i'm brave enough to try what you suggest and i haven't got a wiring diagram. But thanks anyway.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to clear the code from the panel?

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