Hi everyone,
Thought I’d add a wee progress update.
So living in the van is way easier than I expected. I’m very rarely on sites, mostly wilding it. Even when I am on sites I often don’t even bother to hook up electric because I drive everyday so batteries not a problem. The winter has been scarily mild so far so cold not a problem. Main thing I don’t like is doing the dishes

, but otherwise vanlife is all fine.
I have had some problems - some are solved, some not yet.
My heat shield was ripped off the undertray, apparently (dealer tells me) “by a puddle”. I argued if my van can’t handle a puddle, it’s not fit for purpose in the UK. Dealer said “it must have been a big puddle”.

I think some folk have fought VW to reimburse the cost of replacing this, though my life might be too short to take on that battle which would no doubt stress me out.
My insurer pulled my insurance because my van wouldn’t be on the driveway overnight every night. Apparently they hadn’t anticipated a campervan being used as a campervan. Maybe foolish of me mentioning when I was updating addresses that I was doing a long trip in scotland. A bunch of other insurers wouldn’t insure me for varying reasons ranging from my van being wrongly classified as MPV on the V5, modifications (different wheels and sidebars previous owner put on), and one saying they couldn’t insure me because I don’t currently own or rent my own property (even though I have owned and rented and choosing not to right now, permanent residence currently at my dads). This last one was infuriating. I was getting worried about no one being willing to insure me at all. But eventually found insurance for almost 1k more than I was previously paying. That was v painful.
One burst tyre on a dark night on a ridiculously bad pothole that looked like a small puddle in the dark. Submitted a claim to the council for that one but not holding out too much hope. Actually think there might be slow puncture on front tyre on same side which I should get looked at, it needs topping up worryingly often.
Some breakages like plastic clips on cupboards which I think got brittle in the cold. Screws on one of the job fittings rusted and need replacing with stainless steel ones which presumably they should have been to start with.
Couple of bigger current issues I need to get looked at are:
- crack in the plastic surround of the sliding window. Seems to not be getting worse, but want to get this replaced under warranty.
- water getting into tailgate - think this is the common(ish) issue with water getting in at rear top brake light. This was happening for a while before I realised (I don’t tend to need to open the tailgate every day / all that often) so unfortunately the casing for the chairs also went good and mouldy.

I opened the tailgate recently to find water pouring out and today removed the rubber lugs so it’ll hopefully drain rather than build up, though just an interim solution.
I think both of these issues are for body shop, and trying to work out when/where to book it in (and where I’ll stay while it gets sorted!). Gaah.
Think I need to get a sirocco fan too (which was recommended above) to help with airing out the van which isn’t the easiest in winter. It’s not cheap though and need to work out the wiring and where/how I’d want to attach it.
Aside from this set of issues…. it’s going well! I tend to sleep really well in the van, and love the freedom. I do get frustrated with all the no overnight camping signs all over the place which make some areas feel quite hostile when they’re everywhere, but pretty much everyone I’ve spoken to has been enthusiastic about what I’m doing. Think I’ve done 52 munros now? Though not today because of the 100mph winds on the hills!!
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