Getting an Irish Wife



T6 Beach 150
we have an extended euro trip lined up for 2022 and im wondering how we could get around the schengen rules - i dont think i qualify for a second irish passport so i was thinking about maybe getting a second wife (irish) - has anyone tried this ?. I havnt discussed this with my current wife (english) and she may put the blockers on the idea - but assuming she gives me the green light would it mean that i have to travel with two wives ?? or would actually having an irish wife be enough ?? - from a practical point of view we have a Beach so the downstairs bed might be (just about) big enough - but i can see arguments and stuff if we are away for 90 days plus - can you see any obvious downsides
we have an extended euro trip lined up for 2022 and im wondering how we could get around the schengen rules - i dont think i qualify for a second irish passport so i was thinking about maybe getting a second wife (irish) - has anyone tried this ?. I havnt discussed this with my current wife (english) and she may put the blockers on the idea - but assuming she gives me the green light would it mean that i have to travel with two wives ?? or would actually having an irish wife be enough ?? - from a practical point of view we have a Beach so the downstairs bed might be (just about) big enough - but i can see arguments and stuff if we are away for 90 days plus - can you see any obvious downsides
Bad idea. Two wives means two mothers-in-law!
I havnt discussed this with my current wife (english) and she may put the blockers on the idea - but assuming she gives me the green light would it mean that i have to travel with two wives ??
I can't see anywhere in the rules that state you have to take both of them.
Just take the Irish one & leave the English one to water the garden, look after the house etc. I am sure that if she is as understanding as mine she will look forward to having the house to herself for a bit.
2nd wife won’t go down too well with the Pope.
Given that I sometimes introduce Mrs VD as "my first wife", I'm now hoping she doesn't read this thread.

But I'm liking the creative problem solving, that's what makes this forum so invaluable.
we have an extended euro trip lined up for 2022 and im wondering how we could get around the schengen rules - i dont think i qualify for a second irish passport so i was thinking about maybe getting a second wife (irish) - has anyone tried this ?. I havnt discussed this with my current wife (english) and she may put the blockers on the idea - but assuming she gives me the green light would it mean that i have to travel with two wives ?? or would actually having an irish wife be enough ?? - from a practical point of view we have a Beach so the downstairs bed might be (just about) big enough - but i can see arguments and stuff if we are away for 90 days plus - can you see any obvious downsides
What happens when the first wife runs off with the second and takes the Cali too:Nailbiting
I'm not sure that both you and wife nr1 can stay longer purely on the basis of wife nr2 passport. You might have to send wife 1 home after 89 days, that might upset her.

Could you not find a couple & do a swap? might be cheaper in the long run.
yes - i can see fraught with dangers - would a scottish wife be any good ?
Wouldn’t know, I’m from Southampton and can’t keep a girlfriend longer than 6mths these days! Guess I spend way to much time travelling around in my camper.
I’ve given up on eu travel at the mo.
Isle of Man and Scottish island hopping this year for me, well that’s if my new van ever arrives.
Legally and morally, you’re skating on thin ice. Practically though - go for it brother!
Can't you just identify as Irish? Bigger leaps are made daily.
Nah, you "partner" still needs that green passport, the grandparent route (amazing numbers qualify) to obtain citizenship looks a better bet but would probably take over 2 years and much faffing about. Paying for the French extended visa looks to be the best bet if you must stay more that 90 days.
Funniest article i ever read on here!! Awesome! .. Im edging my bets on moving to scotland! Got the house and address , just need Nicola to sort the UK divorce out!
A house in scotland is far cheaper than a second wifey Im sure, even with the massive heating bills i’m expecting!
we have an extended euro trip lined up for 2022 and im wondering how we could get around the schengen rules - i dont think i qualify for a second irish passport so i was thinking about maybe getting a second wife (irish) - has anyone tried this ?. I havnt discussed this with my current wife (english) and she may put the blockers on the idea - but assuming she gives me the green light would it mean that i have to travel with two wives ?? or would actually having an irish wife be enough ?? - from a practical point of view we have a Beach so the downstairs bed might be (just about) big enough - but i can see arguments and stuff if we are away for 90 days plus - can you see any obvious downsides
One is bad enough. Why would anyone ever want two? BTW, polygamy is against the law here and even if you could have two wives in a Beach, how do you decide who gets to sleep where? Sorry, this makes my head hurt! I think you're nuts to even approach the subject. Stick to dogs.
One is bad enough. Why would anyone ever want two? BTW, polygamy is against the law here and even if you could have two wives in a Beach, how do you decide who gets to sleep where? Sorry, this makes my head hurt! I think you're nuts to even approach the subject. Stick to dogs.
I thought that was the only reason that people bought beaches, to have a bed big enough for three.
we have an extended euro trip lined up for 2022 and im wondering how we could get around the schengen rules - i dont think i qualify for a second irish passport so i was thinking about maybe getting a second wife (irish) - has anyone tried this ?. I havnt discussed this with my current wife (english) and she may put the blockers on the idea - but assuming she gives me the green light would it mean that i have to travel with two wives ?? or would actually having an irish wife be enough ?? - from a practical point of view we have a Beach so the downstairs bed might be (just about) big enough - but i can see arguments and stuff if we are away for 90 days plus - can you see any obvious downsides
Brave man
we have an extended euro trip lined up for 2022 and im wondering how we could get around the schengen rules - i dont think i qualify for a second irish passport so i was thinking about maybe getting a second wife (irish) - has anyone tried this ?. I havnt discussed this with my current wife (english) and she may put the blockers on the idea - but assuming she gives me the green light would it mean that i have to travel with two wives ?? or would actually having an irish wife be enough ?? - from a practical point of view we have a Beach so the downstairs bed might be (just about) big enough - but i can see arguments and stuff if we are away for 90 days plus - can you see any obvious downsides
Who needs a wife?!
When I read this my first thought was that the Irish wife must be for your first wife. This seems the only logical purpose. After all you have an Irish passport ‍♀ I would offer on a purely financial basis- there is currently no legal impediment- and I also have that Irish passport, however I feel your cause is fraught with danger
Who needs a wife?!
When I read this my first thought was that the Irish wife must be for your first wife. This seems the only logical purpose. After all you have an Irish passport ‍♀ I would offer on a purely financial basis- there is currently no legal impediment- and I also have that Irish passport, however I feel your cause is fraught with danger
I hope I am not misunderstood here - posts don’t allow emojis and I seem to have lost the ability to convey anything in writing without them!
Suffice to say tongue was firmly in cheek! Lol!
Couldn't you just stack the van with Guinness and insist they are emergency supplies? You'll surely get around rules that way.
No trouble and strife involved, leave the English (proper wife) behind and explore the possibility of a return trip to see a 2nd wife if this plan doesn't go so well when you are done with the Guinness..
Could you not just borrow a passport from a helpful Irish lady for your first wife to use? No two mother in law probs that way. I would lend you my daughter in laws passport but she might need it. She isn’t a difficult person but I haven’t actually asked her yet and, hmmm, maybe not on reflection.

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