An Englishman in Germany



Ludwigsburg, Germany
T6.1 Beach camper 150
Hello everyone, new member here, so here's a quick introduction.

I'm an Englishman living in Germany who has just picked up a VW California Beach Camper. It's a 150kw engine with dsg. Whilst I'm fluent enough in German I still find it quicker and easier to read and write English, hence joining here.

Currently equipping our van so looking at all ideas to get the best setup for us (me, wife, a 5 years old and a 2 year old).
Welcome to the club.

From your forum name do we correctly deduce that your van is red and white in colour? ;)

Many beach owners on here with kids of that age, who can provide inputs on good setups for you to then select what works for you :thumb
The van is actually white, but it will probably get a half wrap when funds permit (probably not red though). The red white thing is from my football team.
The derogatory term for the UK in German is the Affeninsel (Monkey Island), and red white are the colours of the English flag ... are you taking the mickey?
Welcome from one Brit in Germany to another. Still waiting for my Coast after almost 2 years wait (long painful story of VW incompetence). More frustrating given I can almost smell the factory from where I live in Hannover.
Welcome. :cheers inselaffe.

Pictures of the van would be apprised and appreciated.
The derogatory term for the UK in German is the Affeninsel (Monkey Island), and red white are the colours of the English flag ... are you taking the mickey?

I've lived in Germany (I'm British and my wife is German) for nearly ten years and have never heard the UK being called that.

Red and white are the colours of Sunderland football club, I already suffer enough for that. RedWhiteMonkey is a user name I've used elsewhere long before I even met my wife.
I've lived in Germany (I'm British and my wife is German) for nearly ten years and have never heard the UK being called that.

Red and white are the colours of Sunderland football club, I already suffer enough for that. RedWhiteMonkey is a user name I've used elsewhere long before I even met my wife.

... oder ...

Wir Briten reagieren beim Thema EU oft irrational. Das liegt daran, dass wir uns unsere Inselmentalität bewahrt haben. Es ist etwas widersprüchlich: Obwohl wir Briten aufgrund unserer Kolonialgeschichte immer "global" gedacht haben, haben wir uns auf unserer kleinen Insel auch immer sehr sicher gefühlt. Bei jüngeren Briten, die viel herumreisen, nimmt das ab. Sie haben verstanden, was es bedeutet, Teil eines größeren Ganzen zu sein. Aber wenn wir die EU verlassen, könnte sich dieser Effekt wieder umdrehen. Wir könnten tatsächlich zu den 'Inselaffen' werden, als die man uns oft bezeichnet.

OK .. then it's a cool username, and this forum is English speaking so I'm probably one of the very few who would mention anything about it. Didn't mean to cause any offense.

It is seen as offensive to to refer to Brits as "Inselaffen", most Germans will obviously avoid using the term in the company of Brits, but it does exist. I don't really worry about it ... I find it kind of funny really. I've been here in Germany for a while too and IMO it's a great place to live, and due to the "B" word I now have dual German/UK citizenship ... I occasionally joke that I am a "Flüchtling von der Affeninsel" ... which usually draws some nervous laughter.

.. anyway, welcome to the forums and I hope you enjoy your VW Bus as much as we have ours.
I've lived in Germany (I'm British and my wife is German) for nearly ten years and have never heard the UK being called that.

Red and white are the colours of Sunderland football club, I already suffer enough for that. RedWhiteMonkey is a user name I've used elsewhere long before I even met my wife.
Not withstanding that "Planet of the Apes" is not Monkey Island or that the translation of the above is "an island monkey" rather than Monkey Island, I have to admit that after 20 years in Germany in the British Army we were called many things but never island monkeys. Interesting to know if it's new but I guess it's no different to our Army slang for Germans (wont put here) or our UK terms for the French.

Given the behavious of a section of brits at home and abroad I can see where the term may have come from.

Loved my time in Germany and can't wait to go back after our previous trip was covid cancelled.

Wilkommen RWM, a mackem abroad.
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The red white thing is from my football team.

leave the poor bloke alone, if he's a Sunderland supporter he has suffered enough already.

( and will be suffering more on the 29th when we thrash them)
Given the behavious of a section of brits at home and abroad I can see where the term may have come from.
Ah yes, the difference between Americans in a foreign country and Brits in a foreign country: the Americans behave like they own the place, the Brits behave like they don't care who owns the place.

Welcome to the forum. Looks like we're helping to keep the whole show in balance!
I'm a German living in UK (since 72) with a Scottish wife. I'd not heard the term "Affeninsel" before today so thank you for the chuckle that invoked.

VW California Club
