What we didn’t know: Coast after 3 months


phil keegan

T6 Coast 150
Our 6.1 MY22 Coast was delivered to the door in June after ordering in October ‘21 from Listers via AutoeBid.

Without a showroom handover this forum and ‘California Time’ videos answered most of our questions.

I thought I’d post a few things that weren’t immediately obvious to us for others who might be in a similar situation (new Cali owners without a handover):

1)Detachable tow bar is located in the tool kit and this is located on the back of the rear seat.

2)Legs on awning have catches you have to lift up to lock + first time you do this it feels like the catches might snap

3)To understand DPF regeneration + possible oil level issue see California time video

4)Ad blue tank in our MY22 6.1 is large so won’t need filling as often as previous models and some videos suggest (not sure of the actual volume)

5)We Connect isn’t great + can tell you your van is unlocked when it isn’t! (but can unlock the van if you have your phone but no key)

6)The most likely source of a rattle at head height is the awning. Strategic cloth tape didn’t stop ours rattling but turning the feet outwards and adjusting the space of the ‘anti rattle’ plastic spacers at the back of the awning housing did.

7)Unless you need to take it out it’s a good idea not to remove the rear parcel shelf as it’s a tiny bit fiddly to replace it. Separately this will angle upwards much more easily if the rear seat is slid forward a little bit

8)Quite a few travel mugs are too tall for the dashboard cup holders

9)A long push on the remote lock button folds up the wing mirrors

10)Two quick pushes on the remote lock button locks the van without activation of the motion sensors (check red light by window controls is not flashing).

11)The net that comes with the van isn’t for storage but to stop children falling out of the roof bed.

12)The controls for the heat immediately and heat continuously functions are a bit confusing at first but well explained in a California time video. The 6.1 also has a ventilate mode on the heat immediately menu.

13)It’s normal for the floor between the passenger and drivers seat to be a bit spongy

14)The traditional paper service record has been replaced with an electronic record

15)I was lucky to get a surf key cut for £15 at a local locksmith without any difficulty.

16)On ‘maximum’ the rear of the fridge can act like a freezer - great for ice cubes but frozen beer difficult to get out the bottle!

17)Tailgate doesn’t need slamming shut as the latch has a little motor that pulls it tight.

Obviously everyone will have different experience (and vans) but I have really appreciated advice and tips from this forum + hope somebody might find something on the above list useful.

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Great post thanks!
What’s the spongy floor about? It’s in our Ocean too but wasn’t in the old T5. Soundproofing?

The unlock button on the key opens the windows when you do a long press. Accidentally did that when I thought i was locking it….
Great post thanks!
What’s the spongy floor about? It’s in our Ocean too but wasn’t in the old T5. Soundproofing?

The unlock button on the key opens the windows when you do a long press. Accidentally did that when I thought i was locking it….

Thanks. I’ll keep an eye on the windows but think on ours a long press only locks it and folds up the wing mirrors. Not entirely sure when one might want to lock it remotely and open the windows…..

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Great post thanks!
What’s the spongy floor about? It’s in our Ocean too but wasn’t in the old T5. Soundproofing?

See WG response at #5 with detailed description and image.

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I open the van windows from the house on hot days, using the fob, long hold of unlock button, then relock. Very south-facing drive, too lazy to wander out.
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I open the van windows from the house on hot days, using the fob. Very south-facing drive.

Thanks. Just checked this out. On ours a long push on the unlock button on the remote opens the windows - didn’t know this but makes more sense than having it do this with the lock button.

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Great post thanks!
What’s the spongy floor about? It’s in our Ocean too but wasn’t in the old T5. Soundproofing?

The unlock button on the key opens the windows when you do a long press. Accidentally did that when I thought i was locking it….

Sorry misread your post. Useful tip.

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Very useful post as a few things I had yet to find out.

I’ve also noticed if you lock the van with the lock button from inside, which you’re supposed to do when camping as it doesn’t activate the sensors. You can then exit in and out of the side door with out the other doors unlocking.

I’ve noticed this feature when my wife has gone out with the dog early doors, but can still get in when, she gets back. When I exit later the rear is still locked.

My understanding is this is new to a 6.1 too, as previously you were looked out.

I am still nervous of this feature and wondered if anyone else has noticed.
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Very useful post as a few things I had yet to find out.

I’ve also noticed if you look the van with the lock button from inside, which you’re supposed to do when camping as it doesn’t activate the sensors. You can then exit in and out of the side door with out the other doors unlocking.

I’ve noticed this feature when my wife has gone out with the dog early doors, but can still get in when, she gets back. When I exit later the rear is still locked.

My understanding is this is new to a 6.1 too, as previously you were looked out.

I am still nervous of this feature and wondered if anyone else has noticed.

Thanks - didn’t know this either + might explain why I had trouble testing the motion sensors until I left the dog in the van!

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8)Quite a few travel mugs are too tall for the dashboard cup holders
These Thermos bottles are ideal…

9)A long push on the remote lock button folds up the wing mirrors
You can use a Carista to fold up mirrors on a normal press if you want to.
10)Two quick pushes on the remote lock button locks the van without activation of the motion sensors (check red light by window controls is not flashing).
Agree, but in our experience the van motion (tow away) alarm isn’t deactivated - as needed on a ferry for example. No answer to this one yet.

Another one - the fabric strap with the plastic clip, found in the under bench drawer, is so you can hold the sliding table up above the rear seat (via the headrest) for extra kitchen work surface.

And an embarrassing discovery, the warning triangle is located deep in the drivers door pocket. We found this after buying one before our trip to France ! :headbang
[QUOTE="Hawthorn37, post: 603821, ]

Agree, but in our experience the van motion (tow away) alarm isn’t deactivated - as needed on a ferry for example. No answer to this one
Use the key in the door to disable the tow away alarm.
[QUOTE="Hawthorn37, post: 603821, ]

Agree, but in our experience the van motion (tow away) alarm isn’t deactivated - as needed on a ferry for example. No answer to this one
Use the key in the door to disable the tow away alarm.
Thanks. Just checked this out. On ours a long push on the unlock button on the remote opens the windows - didn’t know this but makes more sense than having it do this with the lock button.

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A long push on the lock button shuts the windows as well……
Be aware of the accidental long press on the unlock button when the van is parked at home. The van windows will wind down and the doors unlock. If you don't open a door after a default time the doors will relock but the windows will stay open. WET SEAT SYNDROME can easily occur!
Another thing I didn’t know until recently is if you take your bike rack off while the alarm is set it goes off + you get a we connect notice.

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Thank you very much - after only 18 months of ownership you learn something new everyday as I didnt know about the long holding down of button locks and wing mirrors.
Thank you!
Sorry yes, forgot we finally bottomed that one :headbang
Oh and the door manual key unlock / lock is on the PASSENGER door, not the drivers door as stated in the handbook. Another item they didn’t bother to change for RHD vehicles. To disable tow away alarm, lock twice with he key up to 2 seconds apart.
Oh and the door manual key unlock / lock is on the PASSENGER door, not the drivers door as stated in the handbook. Another item they didn’t bother to change for RHD vehicles. To disable tow away alarm, lock twice with he key up to 2 seconds apart.

Thanks - I realised that on a ferry I needed to lock with a key but not twice within 2 seconds - another new bit of information.

I’m starting to think rather than having this thread in ‘beginners’ we might need an ‘intermediates’ section!

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Does a long press on remote to lock doors and fold mirrors work on all models ?
Does a long press on remote to lock doors and fold mirrors work on all models ?
My belief is yes, for all current models that have folding mirrors, as this function is covered in the Multivan handbook (as opposed to the smaller specific handbook for the variant, e.g. Ocean etc). I also believe that you can program the folding of the mirrors from a normal lock press, if you look at the options using a Carista or similar ODB2 interface. This is going to be my first action when I buy another month’s subscription!
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Does a long press on remote to lock doors and fold mirrors work on all models ?

I don’t know but my guess would be yes if it’s a 6.1 MY22 California but if by ‘all models’ you also mean older ones I guess it depends how far you go back…..

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6)The most likely source of a rattle at head height is the awning. Strategic cloth tape didn’t stop ours rattling but turning the feet outwards and adjusting the space of the ‘anti rattle’ plastic spacers at the back of the awning housing did.
5 year in and I might look into this. Thanks!
My belief is yes, for all current models that have folding mirrors, as this function is covered in the Multivan handbook (as opposed to the smaller specific handbook for the variant, e.g. Ocean etc). I also believe that you can program the folding of the mirrors from a normal lock press, if you look at the options using a Carista or similar ODB2 interface. This is going to be my first action when I buy another month’s subscription!
No does not work on 2015 se ☹️

VW California Club
