Crackling sound and the saga continues.



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T6.1 Coast 150
Hello everybody, I already have a post about the creaking noise from the area around the windshield but here's a follow up:
Our now almost 5 months old coast has already been in the dealer 3 x for that: first time a piece of plastic cover under the hood fixed by them with alleable rubber (no improvement); second time they removed the right windscreen trim and put it back with extra padding (result: the annoying nasty creacking sound is even more present).
Last week they had my california for a whole week and they worked on it... two days and told me it's definitely not coming from under the hood. Great, we already knew that. I've already mentionded several times that it probably comes from the windshield but hey, they work in a garage, I don't, I just drive our cali almost every day. When I dropped it off at the dealer last week, I put arrows on the window with alcohol marker where the creaking sound generally comes from. They don't want to take the windshield out and put it back or replace it. They also don't know what could be causing the noise. They recommended that they go to another branch of their dealership. I picked up the car and made an appointment for the end of October at the other location. The creaking sound is almost constantly present while driving; I made a recording; maybe someone recognizes this annoying crackling and knows what it is. I already gave them a lot of info what it could be (provided, among other things, here on the forum). Each time they wave this away and keep repeating that under no circumstances will they remove and put it back or replace the windscreen. If I want that, I have to pay for it myself, they say. I give them one last chance at that other branch and then I file a complaint against the dealer through a Belgian consumer organisation. However, I hope it can be solved differently. Thank you in advance to everyone who wants to read this here and who has contributed ideas or thoughts. (thanks @kurienp for making this link)
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Is it a squeaking/creaking noise? I had an old Renault Mégane years ago which did this and the solution was to spray something like wd40 between the dash and the windscreen. It was a well known issue and the quickest and cheapest way to sort. Might not be the same thing but it's the only (quick and easy) thing I could think of. Hope you get it sorted.
Would be good to hear the clip you recorded of the sound. Rope fixes the creaking on the Porsche 993 windscreen. Comparing the 2 sounds might be informative.
Is it a squeaking/creaking noise? I had an old Renault Mégane years ago which did this and the solution was to spray something like wd40 between the dash and the windscreen. It was a well known issue and the quickest and cheapest way to sort. Might not be the same thing but it's the only (quick and easy) thing I could think of. Hope you get it sorted.
Yes, thanks for thinking along. I sprayed something like that but sadly didn’t help. I also bought a rubber that goes along the the bottom of the windscreen (helps to close the gap there at the dashboard).
I’m trying to put a sound file with my original post but couldn’t work this out yet. So that you all can hear the crackling sound.
Would be good to hear the clip you recorded of the sound. Rope fixes the creaking on the Porsche 993 windscreen. Comparing the 2 sounds might be informative.
Yes, true but I am a big fool if it comes to files and adding an so :rolleyes: I’ll keep trying to put my sound file with my original post.
I got my 6.1 in July last year and had what I thought was a rattle/squeak from inside the A pillar. I was on the point of removing the trim when I found that putting my finger on the trim where it meets the dash stopped the noise. Small piece of card inserted in the gap where the red arrow is totally fixed it.

A pillar.jpg
Would be good to hear the clip you recorded of the sound. Rope fixes the creaking on the Porsche 993 windscreen. Comparing the 2 sounds might be informative.
Yes, true but I am a big fool if it comes to files and adding an so :rolleyes: I’ll keep trying to put my sound file with my original post.
I already told them about the rope fix you told me before; there was no reaction with them.
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I got my 6.1 in July last year and had what I thought was a rattle/squeak from inside the A pillar. I was on the point of removing the trim when I found that putting my finger on the trim where it meets the dash stopped the noise. Small piece of card inserted in the gap where the red arrow is totally fixed it.

View attachment 99874
Yes, I also got different fastenings left and right from the A-pillar; they removed and put more padding in the right one. Before I put an arsenal of rubber, little pieces of wood or cork between the place you show at your picture. Thanks for thinking along.
I got my 6.1 in July last year and had what I thought was a rattle/squeak from inside the A pillar. I was on the point of removing the trim when I found that putting my finger on the trim where it meets the dash stopped the noise. Small piece of card inserted in the gap where the red arrow is totally fixed it.

View attachment 99874
I have exactly the same 'fix' on our T6. It drove me mad until I tumbled to the cause as it doesn't sound to be coming from there. This noise changes with dash temperature, i.e. expansion & contraction.
I have exactly the same 'fix' on our T6. It drove me mad until I tumbled to the cause as it doesn't sound to be coming from there. This noise changes with dash temperature, i.e. expansion & contraction.
Yes, with our cali it also has to do with torque and temperature changes; I try to explain it: if I leave for work at 05:30 in the morning and there is no sun yet and the windscreen has of course not had any solar heat during the night, then it won't creak. As soon as the sun shines or shone on the windscreen, it is there. Let's say that about 9 out of 10 rides have crackles, sometimes constantly and this is extremely annoying.
Yes, with our cali it also has to do with torque and temperature changes; I try to explain it: if I leave for work at 05:30 in the morning and there is no sun yet and the windscreen has of course not had any solar heat during the night, then it won't creak. As soon as the sun shines or shone on the windscreen, it is there. Let's say that about 9 out of 10 rides have crackles, sometimes constantly and this is extremely annoying.
If I were in your position my reaction would be to dismantle and completely remove the 'A' pillar parts on the side that was most suspicious then drive the vehicle like that for a day or two. If the noise is still there do the same the other side.
If the problem still persists then look to removing any other plastic parts that can be done and still drive the vehicle normally.
Be aware that if you remove the dash end cap with the airbag deactivation switch DO NOT SWITCH ON THE IGNITION WITH THE DEACTIVATION SWITCH DISCONNECTED. If you do this will bring up an airbag fault that needs computer connection to re-set.

Doing that is a nothing to loose and lots to gain scenario especially if it discovers the problem.
If I were in your position my reaction would be to dismantle and completely remove the 'A' pillar parts on the side that was most suspicious then drive the vehicle like that for a day or two. If the noise is still there do the same the other side.
If the problem still persists then look to removing any other plastic parts that can be done and still drive the vehicle normally.
Be aware that if you remove the dash end cap with the airbag deactivation switch DO NOT SWITCH ON THE IGNITION WITH THE DEACTIVATION SWITCH DISCONNECTED. If you do this will bring up an airbag fault that needs computer connection to re-set.

Doing that is a nothing to loose and lots to gain scenario especially if it discovers the problem.
Yes, euh, I do think it is something the dealer should fix and I am trying to put a sound file with my original post so you can hear what sound it makes. But certainly thanks for thinking along.
To my ear that sounds more like a hard plastic creak than glass vs soft rubber.
To my ear that sounds more like a hard plastic creak than glass vs soft rubber.
It really does come either from the bottom right, the bottom left and now mainly from the top left of the window. So almost around the front window. For this sound fragment, I held my phone on top of the window, just before me (LHD). The sound in real life is more like glass creaking. Sometimes it gives a loud crack, like seconds before it will burst.
It gets worse and worse, it wasn't like that in the first month. For me, I think they don't want to investigate thoroughly (window / dashboard) and actually they want me to just accept it.
So, it does not sound like with your porsche 993? Anyway, thanks for thinking along.
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As a matter of interest do you have the heated windshield?
Aren't the windshields bonded to the frame with a bead of mastic. Unless that failed I can't see how the windshield is the source of the noise. If the weather stripe is rubbing, then siliconising the perimeter would fix any friction leading to the noise (at least temporarily). As suggested I would have the garage remove hard plastic components in the vicinity of the noise and then test drive. Unfortunately this is going to be a process of elimination.
Have they removed the scuttle panel to investigate ?

(very easy to remove, wipers off , rubber seal off)

does your van have heated screen ?
the heated screen has flat cables bonded into it (similar to PCB flat cables) the flat wires are attached to the bottom of the screen (either side) the connectors and wiring sit in the scuttle panel, just below the windscreen , these could be “tapping” on the bodywork, amplifying the noise
@Corradobrit & @Perfectos: no heated windscreen.
They had it for a whole week and looked at it for only two days… they said they don’t know and want me to go to another branch to let them have a look. They did say it does not come from under the hood nor the dashboard (but I think they don’t want risking to have the dashboard taking out).
I can understand it sounds like tapping but it isn’t: it’s cracking due to torsion and or temperature change. Certainly one mechanic thinks so (just like me who drives it almost every day).
‘The bead of mastic’ which where the windscreen is bonded to the frame is another possibility I will say to them: I have read (I think it was with a bmw) where there was a similar description of crackling and there the mastic wasn’t equally around the windscreen… but after a refitted windscreen. Months ago, I asked them if it could be possible my cali hasn’t got his original windscreen. It could be a new vw-original one, refitted after the first one was broken. That happens more than you think (I work at Zeebrugge and this is about the largest harbour for import en export for new cars in Europe; they have bodyshops to repair small incidents at the cars, so it could be). They laughed it away. But you never know.
Thanks again for thinking along.
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Aren't the windshields bonded to the frame with a bead of mastic. Unless that failed I can't see how the windshield is the source of the noise. If the weather stripe is rubbing, then siliconising the perimeter would fix any friction leading to the noise (at least temporarily). As suggested I would have the garage remove hard plastic components in the vicinity of the noise and then test drive. Unfortunately this is going to be a process of elimination.
I would like to do that but it is not even 5 months old and I want them to fix it and take the plastic parts away: I don’t want to break something. It would indeed be a proces of elimination but I hear it every day so I could react quickly. For now, I feel they don’t want to do much about it. They even said they were going to send my car to the main dealer in Brussels and then it would be a big question mark when I would see it again. They even threatened that I had to pay for the whole thing. That’s why I consider a complaint. There is a abnormal crackling and it is very annoying and they have to fix it. All my hope is now at the mechanics at the other branch. You know, I even keep in mind that I will sell the california back and see what I do then.
I would like to do that but it is not even 5 months old and I want them to fix it and take the plastic parts away: I don’t want to break something. It would indeed be a proces of elimination but I hear it every day so I could react quickly. For now, I feel they don’t want to do much about it. They even said they were going to send my car to the main dealer in Brussels and then it would be a big question mark when I would see it again. They even threatened that I had to pay for the whole thing. That’s why I consider a complaint. There is a abnormal crackling and it is very annoying and they have to fix it. All my hope is now at the mechanics at the other branch. You know, I even keep in mind that I will sell the california back and see what I do then.
I wasn't suggesting you remove components. The dealer should be doing this so your warranty remains intact.
Found this on T6 forum

I don't have a solution to your problem, just an observation of another way to look at it. Where the noise is observed is not necessarily the source of the problem. Noise and vibration can be conducted along hard surfaces and where you think the noise is coming from is in fact acting as a 'speaker' possibly amplifying the noise if there is a void there, which is quite possible below the dash. If this were the case it would give a false impression as to what is causing the problem.

Have you spoken to anyone at a Windscreen Replacement Centre for there view on the matter? They may have some experience of similar problems, they are after all the experts on windscreen replacement.

One really radical solution, provided you have windscreen insurance, is hit the windscreen with a hammer and get it replaced! This might be considered an insurance fraud though.
I don't have a solution to your problem, just an observation of another way to look at it. Where the noise is observed is not necessarily the source of the problem. Noise and vibration can be conducted along hard surfaces and where you think the noise is coming from is in fact acting as a 'speaker' possibly amplifying the noise if there is a void there, which is quite possible below the dash. If this were the case it would give a false impression as to what is causing the problem.

Have you spoken to anyone at a Windscreen Replacement Centre for there view on the matter? They may have some experience of similar problems, they are after all the experts on windscreen replacement.

One really radical solution, provided you have windscreen insurance, is hit the windscreen with a hammer and get it replaced! This might be considered an insurance fraud though.
True, the crackling was first at the bottom right of the windscreen, then before me also at the bottom an now for some weeks just before me but at the highest end left (LHD). The travel of sound: maybe it can come from in the dashboard.
Good tip to go to a windscreen replacement centre!
And yes, we have windscreen insurance… the thought crossed my mind several times but it is indeed a bit drastic.
Thanks for thinking along.
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True, the crackling was first at the bottom right of the windscreen, then before me also at the bottom an now for some weeks just before me but at the highest end left (LHD). The travel of sound: maybe it can come from in the dashboard.
Good tip to go to a windscreen replacement centre!
And yes, we have windscreen insurance… the thought crossed my mind several times but it is indeed a bit drastic.
Thanks for thinking along.
You initially said it appeared to be temperature related and you didn't hear it first thing in the morning before sunrise or on days with lower temperatures. Are you seeing that effect now that the outside temperature has dropped?

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