VIP Member
Hi, just had quite a clear explanation from a VW employee about locking your T6.1 Ocean at night. I have listed below. Hope it helps a few people.
“Hi If you’re using the central locking button on the drivers door (pic attached) then the auto lock should not work assuming you locked the vehicle using this button in the first place. At night lock the vehicle using the button then you can open the side door using the normal handle. The door will then stay unlocked until you re lock it. The only doors unlocked will be the ones you open, so for example the drivers door will be locked from the outside. Also best to have the vehicle in camping mode.(Activate Camping mode will turn blue in the control panel when activated - tick box on which lights you want activated on door opening)
So you will need to re lock once back in the van”

“Hi If you’re using the central locking button on the drivers door (pic attached) then the auto lock should not work assuming you locked the vehicle using this button in the first place. At night lock the vehicle using the button then you can open the side door using the normal handle. The door will then stay unlocked until you re lock it. The only doors unlocked will be the ones you open, so for example the drivers door will be locked from the outside. Also best to have the vehicle in camping mode.(Activate Camping mode will turn blue in the control panel when activated - tick box on which lights you want activated on door opening)
So you will need to re lock once back in the van”