T6.1 Ocean - Shower switch randomly turns on and can’t find a fuse



T6.1 Ocean 204
Hi all, weird problem on my 6.1 Ocean and it got trickier the more I tried to deal with it. Any advice or thoughts very much appreciated.

Tl:dr: the shower switch seems to randomly turn itself on possibly because it got wet on the switch itself, when trying to cut the pump off at the fuse, none of the fuses under the passenger seat cut the pump from running.

Long version:

I’ve had the issue of the valve on the shower getting stuck open so water shoots out when I use the kitchen tap. I’ve dealt with that by just plugging and unplugging the shower, no big deal, I can live with that.

The issue is that shortly after fixing the open valve issue yesterday evening, I got home and the pump was running but the tap was off and the shower switch was off, I turned the shower on and then off and that stopped the pump from running but then when I came back out to the van this morning the same thing happened. I can only assume it happened relatively close to me getting in the van as the leisure battery was still pretty much as full as it would be without anything having run overnight. I’ve assumed it must be something wrong with the switch that’s part of the shower housing but I haven’t had chance to check yet. Anyone had this issue or an obvious way to check if the issue is with the switch, I assume just remove the cables to the switch and see if it does the same thing?

The other issue is when I came to pull the fuse for the pump, based on suggestions it was under the passenger seat, I tried the two 5amp fuses, neither of which stopped the pump running. I then pulled all of them one by one to check and none stopped it from running so I ended up disconnecting the power supply going into the pump on top of the water tank. Could there be a fuse elsewhere?

Not sure if it’s related but I replaced the pump a few months ago after it mysteriously burnt out, it’s worked flawlessly since, and all I did was replace the existing crush fit male to female connector with a 2 pin automotive connector. I can’t think of a way that the limited wiring I worked on (entirely at the tank end of the van) would have caused it to bypass a fuse, any idea if I could have affected it with some hamfisted rewiring?
It could be that your new pump draws more current and one of the micro switches in the tap or shower has arced closed, the T6.1 does control everything with its brain though and this could be confusing everything
It could be that your new pump draws more current and one of the micro switches in the tap or shower has arced closed, the T6.1 does control everything with its brain though and this could be confusing everything
The 6.1 doesn't work like this. The microswitch and shower switch are wired in parallel and feed an input into J608 that then drives the pump through a current measuring device. It's in the diagram.

OP: I don't see a fuse, presumably J608 is sufficient.
The 6.1 doesn't work like this. The microswitch and shower switch are wired in parallel and feed an input into J608 that then drives the pump through a current measuring device. It's in the diagram.

OP: I don't see a fuse, presumably J608 is sufficient
so the switches do not control the pump through the "J608", so if one of them is stuck closed it will have no effect......
Little update, I reconnected the power to the pump but nothing came on unexpectedly. Tested the shower and tap switches and they worked fine. I then removed the shower port assembly and it was a little damp on the bottom. I’m not sure how water might have got in (potentially splashing off the shower assembly cover and back through the switch?). I now wonder if there was water across the contacts on the back of the switch as they’re slightly exposed and pretty close together.

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