"voltage plausibility fault" on display cali 2008




I'm having a problem with a error code on my control unit. See attached image. I get this error when I'm closing my electrical roof (the error displays on the end of the proces).

Does anyone knows what this error means and how I can resolve it?


Relatively common problem on older Cali's... Appears when large current drain. (I'm assuming you've not got the engine running when lowering the roof - I may be wrong - If so, try it with the engine running)

On others it's been traced back to the old "Earth Shunt" issue but equally may be an issue with the leisure batteries.

To reset the panel... press and hold the bottom right button for 5 seconds or more.
Hello guys,

I’ve got the same problem, same indication, but with my cali’s on-board webasto which doesn’t heat at that time, of course.

Strange, but when the engine is running - webasto works.

First thought was bad on-board batteries. Today I have changed them both but the problem is still with us (me and cali:)).

SimplyDubs as far as I remember from the manual, the engine must running while operating with the roof. In other case you cannot do it.
SimplyDubs as far as I remember from the manual, the engine must running while operating with the roof. In other case you cannot do it.

Nope, you can do it without the engine on... I'm forever telling my wife off for just having the ignition switch on but the engine not running. (Killed our batteries that way... trust me, you don't ever want to see your battery displaying 0Volts :eek:)
Nope, you can do it without the engine on...
- never new but it can be. The hydraulic pump has an electrical drive and electricity evidently can come as from the generator and the batteries as well.

By the way, yesterday I duplicated the ‘earth’ from the third (back) battery with a temporary good cable and my problem had gone – Webasto works, no blinking and no "voltage plausibility fault" on display.
Apparently, I will solve the issue with a duplicated earth shunt (now looking for the place) in case I cannot replace/repair the current without fridge removing.

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